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2 Debian/Ubuntu


This section provides the steps required for a successful upgrade from Zabbix 5.4.x to Zabbix 6.0.x using official Zabbix packages for Debian/Ubuntu.

While upgrading Zabbix agents is not mandatory (but recommended), Zabbix server and proxies must be of the same major version. Therefore, in a server-proxy setup, Zabbix server and all proxies have to be stopped and upgraded. Keeping proxies running during server upgrade no longer will bring any benefit as during proxy upgrade their old data will be discarded and no new data will be gathered until proxy configuration is synced with server.

Note that with SQLite database on proxies, history data from proxies before the upgrade will be lost, because SQLite database upgrade is not supported and the SQLite database file has to be manually removed. When proxy is started for the first time and the SQLite database file is missing, proxy creates it automatically.

Depending on database size the database upgrade to version 6.0 may take a long time.

Before the upgrade make sure to read the relevant upgrade notes!

The following upgrade notes are available:

Upgrade from Read full upgrade notes Most important changes between versions
5.4.x For:
Zabbix 6.0
5.2.x For:
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Minimum required database versions upped;
Aggregate items removed as a separate type.
5.0.x For:
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Minimum required PHP version upped from 7.2.0 to 7.2.5.
4.4.x For:
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Support of IBM DB2 dropped;
Minimum required PHP version upped from 5.4.0 to 7.2.0;
Minimum required database versions upped;
Changed Zabbix PHP file directory.
4.2.x For:
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Jabber, Ez Texting media types removed.
4.0.x LTS For:
Zabbix 4.2
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Older proxies no longer can report data to an upgraded server;
Newer agents no longer will be able to work with an older Zabbix server.
3.4.x For:
Zabbix 4.0
Zabbix 4.2
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
'libpthread' and 'zlib' libraries now mandatory;
Support for plain text protocol dropped and header is mandatory;
Pre-1.4 version Zabbix agents are no longer supported;
The Server parameter in passive proxy configuration now mandatory.
3.2.x For:
Zabbix 3.4
Zabbix 4.0
Zabbix 4.2
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
SQLite support as backend database dropped for Zabbix server/frontend;
Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) supported instead of POSIX extended;
'libpcre' and 'libevent' libraries mandatory for Zabbix server;
Exit code checks added for user parameters, remote commands and[] items without the 'nowait' flag as well as Zabbix server executed scripts;
Zabbix Java gateway has to be upgraded to support new functionality.
3.0.x LTS For:
Zabbix 3.2
Zabbix 3.4
Zabbix 4.0
Zabbix 4.2
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Database upgrade may be slow, depending on the history table size.
2.4.x For:
Zabbix 3.0
Zabbix 3.2
Zabbix 3.4
Zabbix 4.0
Zabbix 4.2
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Minimum required PHP version upped from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0
LogFile agent parameter must be specified
2.2.x LTS For:
Zabbix 2.4
Zabbix 3.0
Zabbix 3.2
Zabbix 3.4
Zabbix 4.0
Zabbix 4.2
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Node-based distributed monitoring removed
2.0.x For:
Zabbix 2.2
Zabbix 2.4
Zabbix 3.0
Zabbix 3.2
Zabbix 3.4
Zabbix 4.0
Zabbix 4.2
Zabbix 4.4
Zabbix 5.0
Zabbix 5.2
Zabbix 5.4
Zabbix 6.0
Minimum required PHP version upped from 5.1.6 to 5.3.0;
Case-sensitive MySQL database required for proper server work; character set utf8 and utf8_bin collation is required for Zabbix server to work properly with MySQL database. See database creation scripts.
'mysqli' PHP extension required instead of 'mysql'

You may also want to check the requirements for 6.0.

It may be handy to run two parallel SSH sessions during the upgrade, executing the upgrade steps in one and monitoring the server/proxy logs in another. For example, run tail -f zabbix_server.log or tail -f zabbix_proxy.log in the second SSH session showing you the latest log file entries and possible errors in real time. This can be critical for production instances.

Procedura di aggiornamento

1 Arresta i processi di Zabbix

Arresta il server Zabbix per assicurarti che non vengano inseriti nuovi dati nel database.

# arresto del servizio zabbix-server

Se aggiorni il proxy Zabbix, ferma anche il proxy.

# arresto del servizio zabbix-proxy
2 Eseguire il backup del database Zabbix esistente

Questo è un passo molto importante. Assicurati di avere un backup del tuo database. Aiuterà se la procedura di aggiornamento fallisce (mancanza di spazio disco, spegnimento, qualsiasi problema imprevisto).

3 Eseguire il backup dei file di configurazione, dei file PHP e dei binari Zabbix

Crea una copia di backup dei binari di Zabbix, dei file di configurazione e della cartella dei file PHP.

File di configurazione:

# mkdir /opt/zabbix-backup/
       # cp /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf /opt/zabbix-backup/
       # cp /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zabbix.conf /opt/zabbix-backup/

File PHP e binari Zabbix:

# cp -R /usr/share/zabbix/ /opt/zabbix-backup/
       # cp -R /usr/share/zabbix-* /opt/zabbix-backup/
4 Update repository configuration package

To proceed with the update your current repository package has to be uninstalled.

# rm -Rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbix.list

Then install the new repository configuration package.

On Debian 10 run:

# wget
       # dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.4-1+debian10_all.deb

On Debian 9 run:

# wget
       # dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.4-1+debian9_all.deb

On Debian 8 run:

# wget
       # dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.4-1+debian8_all.deb

On Ubuntu 20.04 run:

# wget
       # dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.4-1+ubuntu20.04_all.deb

On Ubuntu 18.04 run:

# wget
       # dpkg -i zabbix-release_6.0-1+ubuntu18.04_all.deb

On Ubuntu 16.04 run:

# wget
       # dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.4-1+ubuntu16.04_all.deb

On Ubuntu 14.04 run:

# wget
       # dpkg -i zabbix-release_6.0-1+ubuntu14.04_all.deb

Update the repository information.

# apt-get update
5 Aggiorna i componenti di Zabbix

Per aggiornare i componenti Zabbix puoi eseguire qualcosa come:

# apt-get install --only-upgrade zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-agent

Se usi PostgreSQL, sostituisci mysql con pgsql nel comando. Se aggiornare il proxy, sostituire "server" con "proxy" nel comando. Se aggiornare l'agente Zabbix 2, sostituire zabbix-agentcon zabbix-agent2 nel comando.

Quindi, per aggiornare correttamente il frontend web con Apache, eseguire anche:

# apt-get installa zabbix-apache-conf

Distribuzioni precedenti a Debian 10 (buster) / Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) / Raspbian 10 (buster) non fornisce PHP 7.2 o versioni successive, ovvero richiesto per il frontend Zabbix 5.0. Vedere informazioni su installazione del frontend Zabbix su distribuzioni precedenti.

6 Review component configuration parameters

See the upgrade notes for details on mandatory changes (if any).

For new optional parameters, see the What's new section.

7 Avvia i processi Zabbix

Avvia i componenti Zabbix aggiornati.

# avvio del servizio zabbix-server
       # avvio del servizio zabbix-proxy
       # avvio del servizio zabbix-agent
       # avvio del servizio zabbix-agent2

Dopo l'aggiornamento potrebbe essere necessario cancellare i cookie del browser web e web cache del browser affinché l'interfaccia web di Zabbix funzioni correttamente.

Upgrade between minor versions

It is possible to upgrade minor versions of 6.0.x (for example, from 6.0.1 to 6.0.3). It is easy.

To upgrade Zabbix minor version please run:

$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade 'zabbix.*'

To upgrade Zabbix server minor version please run:

$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade 'zabbix-server.*'

To upgrade Zabbix agent minor version please run:

$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade 'zabbix-agent.*'

or, for Zabbix agent 2:

$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade 'zabbix-agent2.*'