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11 Disponibilità dell'host


In the host availability widget, high-level statistics about host availability are displayed in four colored columns/lines.

Horizontal display (columns).
Vertical display (lines).

Host availability in each column/line is counted as follows:

  • Available - hosts with all interfaces available
  • Not available - hosts with at least one interface unavailable
  • Unknown - hosts with at least one interface unknown (none unavailable)
  • Total - total of all hosts


To configure, select Host availability as type:

In addition to the parameters that are common for all widgets, you may set the following specific options:

Host groups Select host group(s). This field is auto-complete so starting to type the name of a group will offer a dropdown of matching groups. Scroll down to select. Click on 'x' to remove the selected.
Interface type Select which host interfaces you want to see availability data for.
Availability of all interfaces is displayed by default if nothing is selected.
Layout Select horizontal display (columns) or vertical display (lines).
Show hosts in maintenance Include hosts that are in maintenance in the statistics.