此页面列出了 Zabbix 内置模板的所有变更。 根据这些变更,建议对现有模板进行,可以通过导入最新版本或手动执行更改来完成。
This page lists all changes to the stock templates that are shipped with Zabbix. It is suggested to modify these templates in existing installations - depending on the changes, it can be done either by importing the latest version or by performing the change manually.
See the list of new templates in Zabbix 5.4.0
All templates themselves and template elements such as items, triggers, discovery rules, dashboards, etc. have been assigned unique IDs.These IDs are used to match templates being imported with existing templates and therefore allow to rename a template, change trigger expression, etc. by import without the template or trigger being recreated.
During the upgrade, all elements with the same unique identifiers (such as template name for a template or item key for an item) will receive the same UUIDs across all installations. This is done to allow future updates of templates from the same source installations. The same UUIDs will be assigned to elements when importing templates from older versions.
After the upgrade, any element created on 5.4.0rc1 version or later will have a unique UUID assigned to it and these UUIDs will be different across the installations. Upon linkage of a template all elements, that become inherited, will lose their UUIDs. Upon unlinkage without clear, all now independent elements will receive newly generated UUIDs.
New templates are available:
Zabbix server and Remote Zabbix server templates have been updated according to the latest template guidelines; new metrics have been added to monitor report generation.
New templates are available:
New templates are available:
New templates are available:
A template Travis CI by HTTP is now available for monitoring of Travis CI via HTTP.
A template InfluxDB by HTTP is now available for monitoring of InfuxDB via HTTP.
A template VMWare SD-WAN VeloCloud by HTTP is now available for monitoring of VMWare SD-WAN VeloCloud via HTTP.
A new template pfSense SNMP is now available for out-of-the-box monitoring.
The template PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 has been updated and now will check the number of slow queries and generate a problem if the amount exceeds a threshold.