> 主机原型对象




属性 类 描述
hostid 字符串 *( 读)* 主机原型的ID.
字符串 主机 型的技术名称.
name 字符串 主机 型的可见名称.

默认: host 属性的值.
status 整数 主 原型的状态.

0 - (默认) 被监控的主机;
1 - 不受监控的主机.
templateid 字符串 *( 读)* 父模板主机原型的ID.
tls_connect 整数 到 机的连接.

1 - (默认) 无加密 ;
2 - PSK;
4 - 证书.
tls_accept 整数 来 主机的连接.

1 - (默认) 无加密 ;
2 - PSK;
4 - 证书.
tls_issuer 字符串 证书 行者.
tls_subject 字符串 证书 体.
tls_psk_identity 字符串 PS 身份 如果tls_connecttls_accept启用了PSK,则必需.
tls_psk 字符串 预共 密钥,至少32位十六进制数字。 如果tls_connecttls_accept启用了PSK,则必需.



属性 类 描述
inventory_mode 整数 主 原型资产模式.

-1 - 禁用;
0 - (默认) 手动;
1 - 自动.



属性 类 描述
group_prototypeid 字符串 *( 读)* 组链接的ID.
字符串 主机 的ID.
hostid 字符串 *( 读)* 主机原型的ID
templateid 字符串 *( 读)* 父模板组链接的ID.



属性 类 描述
group_prototypeid 字符串 *( 读)* 组原型的ID.
字符串 组原 的名称.
hostid 字符串 *( 读)* 主机原型的ID
templateid 字符串 *( 读)* 父模板组原型的ID.

Custom interface

The custom interface object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
dns string DNS name used by the interface.

Required if the connection is made via DNS. Can contain macros.
ip string IP address used by the interface.

Required if the connection is made via IP. Can contain macros.
integer Whether the interface is used as default on the host. Only one interface of some type can be set as default on a host.

Possible values are:
0 - not default;
1 - default.
string Port number used by the interface. Can contain user and LLD macros.
integer Interface type.

Possible values are:
1 - agent;
2 - SNMP;
3 - IPMI;
4 - JMX.
integer Whether the connection should be made via IP.

Possible values are:
0 - connect using host DNS name;
1 - connect using host IP address for this host interface.
details array Additional object for interface. Required if interface 'type' is SNMP.

Custom interface details

The details object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
integer SNMP interface version.

Possible values are:
1 - SNMPv1;
2 - SNMPv2c;
3 - SNMPv3
bulk integer Whether to use bulk SNMP requests.

Possible values are:
0 - don't use bulk requests;
1 - (default) - use bulk requests.
community string SNMP community. Used only by SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 interfaces.
securityname string SNMPv3 security name. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.
securitylevel integer SNMPv3 security level. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) - noAuthNoPriv;
1 - authNoPriv;
2 - authPriv.
authpassphrase string SNMPv3 authentication passphrase. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.
privpassphrase string SNMPv3 privacy passphrase. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.
authprotocol integer SNMPv3 authentication protocol. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) - MD5;
1 - SHA1;
2 - SHA224;
3 - SHA256;
4 - SHA384;
5 - SHA512.
privprotocol integer SNMPv3 privacy protocol. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) - DES;
1 - AES128;
2 - AES192;
3 - AES256;
4 - AES192C;
5 - AES256C.
contextname string SNMPv3 context name. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.