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10 模板变更

本页面列出了 Zabbix 附带的标准模板的所有变更。

升级到最新的 Zabbix 版本不会自动升级所使用的模板。 建议通过从 Zabbix Git 仓库 下载最新模板并手动导入到 Zabbix 来修改现有安装中的模板。 如果已经存在相同名称的模板,导入时应选中 删除缺失项 选项,以实现干净导入。 这样旧的、不再在更新模板中的监控项将被移除(注意这将意味着丢失这些旧监控项的历史记录)。

Changes in 7.2.0

Updated templates

  • VMware and VMware FQDN templates now automatically suppress all problems if a hypervisor is in maintenance mode. To disable problem suppression, set the {$VMWARE.HYPERVISOR.MAINTENANCE} macro value to 0.

Changes in 7.2.1

New templates

Changes in 7.2.4

New templates

A new template is available:

  • The Azure by HTTP template set has been supplemented with the template Azure SQL Managed Instance by HTTP.

Updated templates

  • All Dell HTTP and SNMP templates have been updated with improvements, including fixes for items, macros, and scripts.

Changes in 7.2.5

New templates

  • The Azure by HTTP template set has been supplemented with the template Azure Microsoft SQL DTU Database by HTTP.

Updated templates

  • The templates within the VMware and VMware FQDN template sets have been updated with fixes for datastore item prototypes. In the template VMware Guest, an incorrect preprocessing multiplier has been fixed in the item for virtual machine network utilization, and a problem has been fixed in the discovery rule for mounted filesystems.