3 用户组

3 User groups




User groups allow to group users both for organizational purposes and for assigning permissions to data. Permissions to monitoring data of host groups are assigned to user groups, not individual users.


It may often make sense to separate what information is available for one group of users and what - for another. This can be accomplished by grouping users and then assigning varied permissions to host groups.


A user can belong to any amount of groups.




To configure a user group:

  • 在 Zabbix 前端跳转到//管理 → 用户组 * * 点击*创建用户组// (或者在用户组名上编辑现有的用户组)
  • 在表单中编辑用户组属性。
  • Go to Administration → User groups
  • Click on Create user group (or on the group name to edit an existing group)
  • Edit group attributes in the form


The User group tab contains general group attributes:

All mandatory input fields are marked with a red asterisk.

参数 描
组名 的组名.
用户 * 在组中的...这个方框内包含当前组内用户的列表.
前端访问 如何对 内用户进行身份验证.
系统默认 - 使用默认的验证方式
Internal - 使用 Zabbix 验证.如果设置了HTTP 验证,则忽略此项.
停用的 - 被禁止访问 Zabbix GUI.
已启用 用户 和组成员的状态.
已选中 - 用户组和用户被启用.
未选中 - 用户组和用户被禁用.
调试模式 选中此 将会激活用户的调试模式.
Parameter Description
Group name Unique group name.
Users To add users to the group click Select button.
Frontend access How the users of the group are authenticated.
System default - use default authentication
Internal - use Zabbix authentication. Ignored if HTTP authentication is set
Disabled - access to Zabbix GUI is forbidden
Enabled Status of user group and group members.
Checked - user group and users are enabled
Unchecked - user group and users are disabled
Debug mode Mark this checkbox to activate debug mode for the users.


The Permissions tab allows you to specify user group access to host group (and thereby host) data:


Current permissions to host groups are displayed in the Permissions block.


If current permissions of the host group are inherited by all nested host groups, that is indicated by the including subgroups text in the parenthesis after the host group name.


You may change the level of access to a host group:

  • 读写 - 对主机组具有读写权限;
  • 只读 - 对主机组具有只读权限;
  • 拒绝 - 拒绝对主机组的访问;
  • - 不设置任何权限。
  • Read-write - read-write access to a host group;
  • Read - read-only access to a host group;
  • Deny - access to a host group denied;
  • None - no permissions are set.

使用下面的选择字段选择主机组和对它们的访问级别(请注意,如果组已经在列表中,则选择将从列表中删除主机组)。 如果要包括嵌套主机组,请选中“包含子组”复选框。 该字段是自动完成的,因此开始键入主机组的名称将提供匹配组的下拉列表。 如果你希望查看所有主机组,请单击选择按钮。

Use the selection field below to select host groups and the level of access to them (note that selecting None will remove host group from the list if the group is already in the list). If you wish to include nested host groups, mark the Include subgroups checkbox. This field is auto-complete so starting to type the name of a host group will offer a dropdown of matching groups. If you wish to see all host groups, click on Select.

请注意在主机组configuration Zabbix超级管理员拥有内置主机组同等级别的权限。

Note that it is possible for Zabbix Super Admin users in host group configuration to enforce the same level of permissions to the nested host groups as the parent host group.

Tag filter标签页允许您通过过滤标签名和标签值,来设置用户组查看问题基于标签维度的权限。

The Tag filter tab allows you to set tag based permissions for user groups to see problems filtered by tag name and its value:

选择一个标签过滤某个主机组,点击Select查看完整的已有的主机组列表或输入一个主机组名来获取匹配的主机组的下拉列表。如果您想使用内置的主机组标签,标记Include subgroups复选框。

To select a host group to apply a tag filter for, click Select to get the complete list of existing host groups or start to type the name of a host group to get a dropdown of matching groups. If you want to apply tag filters to nested host groups, mark the Include subgroups checkbox.


Tag filter allows to separate the access to host group from the possibility to see problems.


For example, if a database administrator needs to see only "MySQL" database problems, it is required to create a user group for database administrators first, than specify "Service" tag name and "MySQL" value.



If "Service" tag name is specified and value field is left blank, corresponding user group will see all problems for selected host group with tag name "Service".


If both tag name and value fields are left blank but host group selected, corresponding user group will see all problems for selected host group. Make sure a tag name and tag value are correctly specified otherwise a corresponding user group will not see any problems.


Let's review an example when a user is a member of several user groups selected. Filtering in this case will use OR condition for tags.

用户组 A ** 户组 B** **两组中 户(组)的可见结果**
主机组 *标 名* 标签值 主机组 标签名 *标签 *
Templates/Databases Service MySQL Templates/Databases Service Oracle Service: MySQL or Oracle problems visible
Templates/Databases blank blank Templates/Databases Service Oracle All problems visible
not selected blank blank Templates/Databases Service Oracle Service:Oracle problems visible
User group A User group B Visible result for a user (member) of both groups
Tag filter
Host group Tag name Tag value Host group Tag name Tag value
Templates/Databases Service MySQL Templates/Databases Service Oracle Service: MySQL or Oracle problems visible
Templates/Databases blank blank Templates/Databases Service Oracle All problems visible
not selected blank blank Templates/Databases Service Oracle Service:Oracle problems visible


Adding a filter (for example, all tags in a certain host group "Templates/Databases") results in not being able to see the problems of other host groups.


Host access from several user groups


A user may belong to any number of user groups. These groups may have different access permissions to hosts.

因此,重要的是要知道非特权用户将能够访问哪些主机。例如,让我们考虑如何在用户组A和B中的用户的各种情况下对 “主机** X **”(在主机组1中)的访问将受到影响。

Therefore, it is important to know what hosts an unprivileged user will be able to access as a result. For example, let us consider how access to host X (in Hostgroup 1) will be affected in various situations for a user who is in user groups A and B.

  • 如果“用户组 A ”没有定义权限,同时“用户组 B ”具有对“主机组 1 ”的读写权限,那么用户将获得对“主机 X ”的读写访问。
  • If Group A has only Read access to Hostgroup 1, but Group B Read-write access to Hostgroup 1, the user will get Read-write access to 'X'.

从 Zabbix 2.2 开始,”读写“ 权限要优先于“只读”权限。

“Read-write” permissions have precedence over “Read” permissions starting with Zabbix 2.2.

  • 在与上述相同的情况下,如果“主机组2”中的“主机 X ”同时拒绝“用户组 A ”或“用户组 B ”,那么“主机 X ”的访问将不可用,尽管“主机组 1 ”有读写权限。
  • 如果“用户组 A ”没有定义权限,同时“用户组 B ”具有对“主机组 1 ”的读写权限,那么用户将获得对“主机 X ”的读写访问。
  • 如果“用户组 A ”具有对“主机组 1 ”的拒绝权限,同时“用户组 B”具有对“主机组 1 ”的读写权限,则用户访问“主机 X ”将被拒绝
  • In the same scenario as above, if 'X' is simultaneously also in Hostgroup 2 that is denied to Group A or B, access to 'X' will be unavailable, despite a Read-write access to Hostgroup 1.
  • If Group A has no permissions defined and Group B has a Read-write access to Hostgroup 1, the user will get Read-write access to 'X'.
  • If Group A has Deny access to Hostgroup 1 and Group B has a Read-write access to Hostgroup 1, the user will get access to 'X' denied.


Other details

  • 当拓扑图为空或者只有图片时,任何非Zabbix超级管理员(包含'guest')都可以看到网络图。当主机,主机组或者触发器添加到拓扑图中,就要考虑权限问题。同样,屏幕(screens)和幻灯片(slideshows)也如此。不考虑权限的情况下,用户可以看见任何非直接或者间接链接到主机的项。
  • 如果一个具有对主机具有读写权限的管理级别用户无法访问Templates主机组,则具有读写访问主机的管理级用户将无法链接或取消链接模板。使用只读访问Templates主机组,他将能够链接或取消链接到主机的模板,但是,模板列表中不会看到任何模板,也不能在其他地方使用模板。
  • 具有只读访问主机的管理级用户将不会在配置页面的主机列表中看到主机; 但是,在IT服务配置中可以访问主机触发器。
  • 只要地图为空或只有图像,任何非Zabbix超级管理员用户(包括“guest”)都可以看到网络地图。 当主机、主机组或触发器被添加到地图时,权限被遵守。 这同样适用于屏幕和幻灯片。 无论权限如何,用户将看到任何没有直接或间接链接到主机的对象。
  • Any non-Zabbix Super Admin user (including 'guest') can see network maps as long as the map is empty or has only images. When hosts, host groups or triggers are added to the map, permissions are respected. The same applies to screens and slideshows as well. The users, regardless of permissions, will see any objects that are not directly or indirectly linked to hosts.
  • An Admin level user with Read-write access to a host will not be able to link/unlink templates, if he has no access to the Templates group. With Read access to Templates group he will be able to link/unlink templates to the host, however, will not see any templates in the template list and will not be able to operate with templates in other places.
  • An Admin level user with Read access to a host will not see the host in the configuration section host list; however, the host triggers will be accessible in IT service configuration.
  • Any non-Zabbix Super Admin user (including 'guest') can see network maps as long as the map is empty or has only images. When hosts, host groups or triggers are added to the map, permissions are respected. The same applies to screens and slideshows as well. The users, regardless of permissions, will see any objects that are not directly or indirectly linked to hosts.
  • Zabbix server will not send notifications to users defined as action operation recipients if access to the concerned host is explicitly "denied".
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