1 宏使用场景

1 Macros supported by location



下表包含Zabbix支持宏的完整列表。 The table contains a complete list of macros supported by Zabbix.

持场景 描述信息
Macro Supported in Description
{ACTION.ID} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *action→ 发现通知  从2.→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{ACTION.ID} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numeric ID of the triggered action.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{ACTION.NAME} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *action→ 发现通知  从2.→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{ACTION.NAME} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Name of the triggered action.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{ALERT.MESSAGE} → 报警脚本参数 *默认值由 ction配置。*
{ALERT.MESSAGE} → Alert script parameters 'Default message' value from action configuration.
Supported since 3.0.0.
{ALERT.SENDTO} → 报警脚本参数 *值来自于 户报警媒介配置。*
{ALERT.SENDTO} → Alert script parameters 'Send to' value from user media configuration.
Supported since 3.0.0.
{ALERT.SUBJECT} → 报警脚本参数 *默认值由 ction配置。*
{ALERT.SUBJECT} → Alert script parameters 'Default subject' value from action configuration.
Supported since 3.0.0.
{DATE} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *当前时间使用→ 发现通知
→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{DATE} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Current date in yyyy.mm.dd. format.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} → Discovery notifications IP address of the discovered device.
Available always, does not depend on host being added.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} → 发现通知 *被发 设备的DNS名称。*
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} → Discovery notifications DNS name of the discovered device.
Available always, does not depend on host being added.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} → 发现通知 *被发 设备的状态。*: 可能是UP 或 DOWN.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} → Discovery notifications Status of the discovered device: can be either UP or DOWN.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} → 发现通知 *距特 设备最近一次发现状态改变的时间。*
例如: 1h 29m.\\对于状态为DOWN的设备,这是其停机时间。
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} → Discovery notifications Time since the last change of discovery status for a particular device.
For example: 1h 29m.
For devices with status DOWN, this is the period of their downtime.
{DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} → 发现通知 *发现 备或服务是否存在的发现规则名称。*
{DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} → Discovery notifications Name of the discovery rule that discovered the presence or absence of the device or service.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} → 发现通知 *被发 服务的名称。*\\例如: HTTP。
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} → Discovery notifications Name of the service that was discovered.
For example: HTTP.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} → 发现通知 *被发 服务的端口。*
例如: 80。
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} → Discovery notifications Port of the service that was discovered.
For example: 80.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} → 发现通知 *被发 服务的状态。* 可能是UP 或 DOWN。
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} → Discovery notifications //Status of the discovered service:// can be either UP or DOWN.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} → 发现通知 *距特 服务最近一次发现状态改变的时间。*
例如: 1h 29m.\\对于状态为DOWN的服务,这是其停服时间。
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} → Discovery notifications Time since the last change of discovery status for a particular service.
For example: 1h 29m.
For services with status DOWN, this is the period of their downtime.
{ESC.HISTORY} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *记录以前发送→ 内部通知  显示先→ 故障更新通知 息的日志。
在升级步骤中发送的通知信息,且发送通知状态为: (
已发送, 正在发送* 或 发送失败).
{ESC.HISTORY} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Escalation history. Log of previously sent messages.
Shows previously sent notifications, on which escalation step they were sent and their status (sent, in progress or failed).
{EVENT.ACK.STATUS} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *事件的确认状→ 故障更新通知 。(Yes/No)*.
{EVENT.ACK.STATUS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Problem update notifications
Acknowledgement status of the event (Yes/No).
{EVENT.AGE} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *触发动作的事→ 发现通知  对逐步→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{EVENT.AGE} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Age of the event that triggered an action.
Useful in escalated messages.
{EVENT.DATE} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *触发动作的事→ 发现通知
→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{EVENT.DATE} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Date of the event that triggered an action.
{EVENT.ID} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *触发动作的事→ 发现通知
→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{EVENT.ID} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numeric ID of the event that triggered an action.
{EVENT.NAME} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *触发动作的故→ 故障更新通知 从4.0. 或恢复事件的名字。*
{EVENT.NAME} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Name of the problem/recovery event that triggered an action.
Supported since 4.0.0.
{EVENT.NSEVERITY} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *事件的级别。→ 故障更新通知 从4.0. 可能的值: 0 - 未知, 1 - 信息, 2 - 警告, 3 - 普通, 4 - 高, 5 - 灾难。
{EVENT.NSEVERITY} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numeric value of the event severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster.
Supported since 4.0.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *恢复事件的发→ 内部通知  只能用→ 故障更新通知 从2.2. 时间。*
{EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Date of the recovery event.
Can be used in recovery messages only.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.ID} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *恢复事件的数→ 内部通知  只能用→ 故障更新通知 标识。*
恢复消息。 从2.2.0开始支持。
{EVENT.RECOVERY.ID} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numeric ID of the recovery event.
Can be used in recovery messages only. Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.STATUS} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *恢复事件的状→ 内部通知  只能用→ 故障更新通知 。*
恢复消息。 从2.2.0开始支持。
{EVENT.RECOVERY.STATUS} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Verbal value of the recovery event.
Can be used in recovery messages only. Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TAGS} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *逗号分隔的恢→ 故障更新通知 从3.2. 事件tag列表。*如果不存在tag,则为空字符串。
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TAGS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Problem update notifications
A comma separated list of recovery event tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist.
Supported since 3.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *恢复事件的时→ 内部通知  只能用→ 故障更新通知 。*
恢复消息。 从2.2.0开始支持。
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Time of the recovery event.
Can be used in recovery messages only.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.VALUE} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *恢复事件的数→ 内部通知  只能用→ 故障更新通知 值。*
恢复消息。 从2.2.0开始支持。
{EVENT.RECOVERY.VALUE} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numeric value of the recovery event.
Can be used in recovery messages only.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.SEVERITY} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *事件的级别。→ 故障更新通知 从4.0.
{EVENT.SEVERITY} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Name of the event severity.
Supported since 4.0.0.
{EVENT.STATUS} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *触发动作的事→ 发现通知  从2.→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{EVENT.STATUS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Verbal value of the event that triggered an action.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.TAGS} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *用逗号分隔的→ 故障更新通知 从3.2. 件tag列表。* 如果不存在tag,则为空字符串。
{EVENT.TAGS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Problem update notifications
A comma separated list of event tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist.
Supported since 3.2.0.
{EVENT.TIME} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *触发动作的事→ 发现通知
→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知notifications
{EVENT.TIME} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Time of the event that triggered an action.
{EVENT.UPDATE.ACTION} → 故障更新通知 *可读的操 名称。* 故障更新时执行。
解析为以下值: acknowledged, commented, changed severity from (original severity) to (updated severity) and closed (依赖于一次更新操作执行多少个动作).
{EVENT.UPDATE.ACTION} → Problem update notifications Human-readable name of the action(s) performed during problem update.
Resolves to the following values: acknowledged, commented, changed severity from (original severity) to (updated severity) and closed (depending on how many actions are performed in one update).
Supported since 4.0.0.
{EVENT.UPDATE.DATE} → 故障更新通知 *故障更新 间。 (确认, 等)。*
取代以前的宏: {ACK.DATE}
{EVENT.UPDATE.DATE} → Problem update notifications Date of problem update (acknowledgement, etc).
Deprecated name: {ACK.DATE}
{EVENT.UPDATE.HISTORY} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *记录故障更新→故障更新通知 取代以前的 志。(确认, 等).*
{EVENT.UPDATE.HISTORY} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Problem update notifications
Log of problem updates (acknowledgements, etc).
Deprecated name: {EVENT.ACK.HISTORY}
{EVENT.UPDATE.MESSAGE} → 故障更新通知 *故障更新 息。*
取代以前的宏: {ACK.MESSAGE}
{EVENT.UPDATE.MESSAGE} → Problem update notifications Problem update message.
Deprecated name: {ACK.MESSAGE}
{EVENT.UPDATE.TIME} → 故障更新通知 *故障更新 间。 (确认, 等).*
取代以前的宏: {ACK.TIME}
{EVENT.UPDATE.TIME} → Problem update notifications Time of problem update (acknowledgement, etc).
Deprecated name: {ACK.TIME}
{EVENT.VALUE} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *触发动作的事→ 发现通知  从2.→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
类型 (1 为故障, 0 为恢复)。*
{EVENT.VALUE} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numeric value of the event that triggered an action (1 for problem, 0 for recovering).
Supported since 2.2.0.
{HOST.CONN<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *设备IP或D→ 内部通知  从2.→ 故障更新通知
→ 全局脚本 (包括确认文本)
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
→ Item key 值2
→ 设备接口IP/DNS
→ 数据库监控附加字段5
→ SSH和Telnet脚本5
→ JMX item endpoint 字段
→ Web监控6
→ Low-level发现规则过滤正则表达式8
→ 动态URL仪表板小部件/屏幕元素的URL字段8
→ Trigger名字和描述
→ Trigger URLs10
→ 事件tag的名称和值
→ HTTP agent的item类型, item原型和发现规则字段:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
S名称, 依赖于设备配置。*3.
{HOST.CONN<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)
→ Icon labels in maps1
→ Item key parameters2
→ Host interface IP/DNS
→ Database monitoring additional parameters5
→ SSH and Telnet scripts5
→ JMX item endpoint field
→ Web monitoring6
→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8
→ URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget/screen element8
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Trigger URLs10
→ Event tags and values
→ HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
Host IP address or DNS name, depending on host settings3.
Supported in trigger names since 2.0.0.
{HOST.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  设备描述。→ 内部通知  从2.→ 故障更新通知
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
{HOST.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Icon labels in maps1
Host description.
Supported since 2.4.0.
{HOST.DNS<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *设备DNS名→ 内部通知  tri→ 故障更新通知
→ 全局脚本 (包括确认文本)
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
→ Item key 值2
→ 设备接口IP/DNS
→ 数据库监控附加字段5
→ SSH和Telnet脚本5
→ JMX item endpoint 字段
→ Web监控6
→ Low-level发现规则过滤正则表达式8
→ 动态URL仪表板小部件/屏幕元素的URL字段8
→ Trigger名字和描述
→ Trigger URLs10
→ 事件tag的名称和值
→ HTTP agent的item类型, item原型和发现规则字段:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
{HOST.DNS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)
→ Icon labels in maps1
→ Item key parameters2
→ Host interface IP/DNS
→ Database monitoring additional parameters5
→ SSH and Telnet scripts5
→ JMX item endpoint field
→ Web monitoring6
→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8
→ URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget/screen element8
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Trigger URLs10
→ Event tags and values
→ HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
Host DNS name3.
Supported in trigger names since 2.0.0.
{HOST.HOST<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  设备名称。→ 自动注册通知  {HOS→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 全局脚本 (包括确认文本)
→ Item key 值
→ 地图中的Icon标签^[1](supported_by_location#footnotes)^
→ 设备接口IP/DNS
→ 数据库监控附加字段^[5](supported_by_location#footnotes)^
→ SSH和Telnet脚本 ^[5](supported_by_location#footnotes)^
→ JMX item endpoint 字段
→ Web监控^[6](supported_by_location#footnotes)^
→ Low-level发现规则过滤正则表达式^[8](supported_by_location#footnotes)^
→ 动态URL仪表板小部件/屏幕元素的URL字段^[8](supported_by_location#footnotes)^
→ Trigger名字和描述
→ Trigger URLs ^[10](supported_by_location#footnotes)^
→ 事件tag的名称和值
→ HTTP agent的item类型, item原型和发现规则字段:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file。|<NAME<1-9>}
{HOST.HOST<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Auto registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)
→ Item key parameters
→ Icon labels in maps1
→ Host interface IP/DNS
→ Database monitoring additional parameters5
→ SSH and Telnet scripts5
→ JMX item endpoint field
→ Web monitoring6
→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8
→ URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget/screen element8
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Trigger URLs 10
→ Event tags and values
→ HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
Host name.
{HOSTNAME<1-9>} is deprecated.
{HOST.ID<1-9>} → 地图中URLs  *设→ 动态URL仪表板小部件/屏幕元素的URL字段8
→ Trigger URLs10
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{HOST.ID<1-9>} → Map URLs
→ URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget/screen element8
→ Trigger URLs10
→ Event tags and values
Host ID.
{HOST.IP<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *设备IP地址→ 自动注册通知  从2.0.→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 全局脚本 (包括确认文本)
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
→ Item key值2
→ 设备接口IP/DNS
→ Database monitoring additional parameters5
→ SSH和Telnet脚本5
→ JMX item endpoint 字段
→ Web监控6
→ Low-level发现规则过滤正则表达式8
→ 动态URL仪表板小部件/屏幕元素的URL字段8
→ Trigger名字和描述
→ Trigger URLs10
→ 事件tag的名称和值
→ HTTP agent的item类型, item原型和发现规则字段:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
{HOST.IP<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Auto registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)
→ Icon labels in maps1
→ Item key parameters2
→ Host interface IP/DNS
→ Database monitoring additional parameters5
→ SSH and Telnet scripts5
→ JMX item endpoint field
→ Web monitoring6
→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8
→ URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget/screen element8
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Trigger URLs10
→ Event tags and values
→ HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
Host IP address3.
Supported since 2.0.0. {IPADDRESS<1-9>} is deprecated.
{HOST.METADATA} → 自动注册通知 *设备元数 。*
{HOST.METADATA} → Auto registration notifications Host metadata.
Used only for active agent auto-registration. Supported since 2.2.0.
{HOST.NAME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *用于显示的设→ 自动注册通知  从2.0.→ 故障更新通知
→ 内部通知
→ 全局脚本 (包括确认文本)
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
→ Item key值
→ 设备接口IP/DNS
→ 数据库监控附加字段5
→ SSH和Telnet脚本5
→ Web监控6
→ Low-level 发现规则过滤正则表达式8
→ 动态URL仪表板小部件/屏幕元素的URL字段8
→ Trigger名字和描述
→ Trigger URLs10
→ 事件tag的名称和值
→ HTTP agent的item类型, item原型和发现规则字段:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
{HOST.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Auto registration notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)
→ Icon labels in maps1
→ Item key parameters
→ Host interface IP/DNS
→ Database monitoring additional parameters5
→ SSH and Telnet scripts5
→ Web monitoring6
→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8
→ URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget/screen element8
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Trigger URLs10
→ Event tags and values
→ HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
Visible host name.
Supported since 2.0.0.
{HOST.PORT<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *设备(age→ 自动注册通知  从2.0.→ 内部通知  从2.→ 故障更新通知
→ Trigger名字和描述
→ Trigger URLs10
→ JMX item endpoint字段
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{HOST.PORT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Auto registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Trigger URLs10
→ JMX item endpoint field
→ Event tags and values
Host (agent) port3.
Supported in auto-registration since 2.0.0.
Supported in trigger names, trigger descriptions, internal and trigger-based notifications since 2.2.2.
{HOSTGROUP.ID} → 地图URLs * 备组标识。*
{HOSTGROUP.ID} → Map URLs Host group ID.
{INVENTORY.ALIAS<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.ALIAS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Alias field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.ASSET.TAG<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.ASSET.TAG<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Asset tag field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.CHASSIS<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.CHASSIS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Chassis field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.CONTACT<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知  宏{→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值|中的联系人字段。*
{INVENTORY.CONTACT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Contact field in host inventory.
{PROFILE.CONTACT<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.CONTRACT.NUMBER<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.CONTRACT.NUMBER<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Contract number field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.DEPLOYMENT.STATUS<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.DEPLOYMENT.STATUS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Deployment status field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知  宏{→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值|中的硬件信息字段。*
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Hardware field in host inventory.
{PROFILE.HARDWARE<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE.FULL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Hardware (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETMASK<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETMASK<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Host subnet mask field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETWORKS<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETWORKS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Host networks field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HOST.ROUTER<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HOST.ROUTER<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Host router field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.ARCH<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HW.ARCH<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Hardware architecture field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.DECOMM<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *主机清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.DECOMM<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Date hardware decommissioned field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.EXPIRY<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.EXPIRY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Date hardware maintenance expires field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.INSTALL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.INSTALL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Date hardware installed field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.PURCHASE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.PURCHASE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Date hardware purchased field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.INSTALLER.NAME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.INSTALLER.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Installer name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.LOCATION<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知  宏{→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值|中的位置字段。*
{INVENTORY.LOCATION<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Location field in host inventory.
{PROFILE.LOCATION<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LAT<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LAT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Location latitude field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LON<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LON<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Location longitude field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.A<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知  宏{→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值|中的MAC地址字段。*
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
MAC address A field in host inventory.
{PROFILE.MACADDRESS<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.B<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
MAC address B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.MODEL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.MODEL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Model field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.NAME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的名称字段。* 宏{PROFILE.NAME<1-9>}已经不被支持。
{INVENTORY.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Name field in host inventory. {PROFILE.NAME<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.NOTES<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的备注字段。* 宏{PROFILE.NOTES<1-9>}已经不被支持。
{INVENTORY.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Notes field in host inventory. {PROFILE.NOTES<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.OOB.IP<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的OOB IP地址字段。*
{INVENTORY.OOB.IP<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
OOB IP address field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OOB.NETMASK<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.OOB.NETMASK<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
OOB subnet mask field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OOB.ROUTER<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.OOB.ROUTER<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
OOB router field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OS<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知  宏{→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值|中的操作系统字段。*
{INVENTORY.OS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
OS field in host inventory.
{PROFILE.OS<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.OS.FULL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.OS.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
OS (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OS.SHORT<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.OS.SHORT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
OS (Short) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.CELL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的主要POC cell字段。*
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.CELL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Primary POC cell field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.EMAIL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.EMAIL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Primary POC email field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NAME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Primary POC name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NOTES<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Primary POC notes field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Primary POC phone A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Primary POC phone B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.SCREEN<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的主要POC screen名称字段。*
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.SCREEN<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Primary POC screen name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.CELL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的辅助POC cell字段。*
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.CELL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Secondary POC cell field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.EMAIL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *主机清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.EMAIL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Secondary POC email field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NAME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Secondary POC name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NOTES<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Secondary POC notes field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Secondary POC phone A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Secondary POC phone B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.SCREEN<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的辅助POC screen名称字段。*
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.SCREEN<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Secondary POC screen name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.A<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知  宏{→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值|中的序列号字段。*
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Serial number A field in host inventory.
{PROFILE.SERIALNO<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.B<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Serial number B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.A<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site address A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.B<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site address B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.C<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.C<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site address C field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.CITY<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.CITY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site city field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.COUNTRY<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.COUNTRY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site country field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.NOTES<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site notes field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.RACK<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.RACK<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site rack location field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.STATE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.STATE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site state/province field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ZIP<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SITE.ZIP<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Site ZIP/postal field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的软件描述字段。* 宏{PROFILE.SOFTWARE<1-9>} 已经不被支持。
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Software field in host inventory. {PROFILE.SOFTWARE<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.A<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Software application A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.B<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Software application B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.C<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.C<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Software application C field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.D<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.D<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Software application D field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.E<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.E<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Software application E field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.FULL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Software (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.TAG<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的Tag字段。* 宏{PROFILE.TAG<1-9>}已经不被支持。
{INVENTORY.TAG<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Tag field in host inventory. {PROFILE.TAG<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.TYPE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
中的类型字段。* 宏{PROFILE.DEVICETYPE<1-9>}已经不被支持。
{INVENTORY.TYPE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Type field in host inventory. {PROFILE.DEVICETYPE<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.TYPE.FULL<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.TYPE.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Type (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.URL.A<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.URL.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
URL A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.URL.B<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.URL.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
URL B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.URL.C<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.URL.C<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
URL C field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.VENDOR<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *设备清→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ 事件tag的名称和值
{INVENTORY.VENDOR<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Event tags and values
Vendor field in host inventory.
{ITEM.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{ITEM.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Description of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 2.0.0.
{ITEM.ID<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
→ HTTP agent的item类型, item原型和发现规则字段:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
{ITEM.ID<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
Numeric ID of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 1.8.12.
{ITEM.KEY<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ 内部通知  宏{→ 故障更新通知
→ HTTP agent的item类型, item原型和发现规则字段:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.|达式中导致发送通知的第N个item的key。* 从2.0.0开始支持。
{ITEM.KEY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields:
URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file.
Key of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 2.0.0.
{TRIGGER.KEY} is deprecated.
{ITEM.KEY.ORIG<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
达式中导致发送通知的第N个item的原始key。* 从2.0.6开始支持。
{ITEM.KEY.ORIG<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Original key (with macros not expanded) of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 2.0.6.
{ITEM.LASTVALUE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ 故障更新通知  如果最近一→ Trigger名称和描述  从1.4→ 事件tag的名称和值
ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD定义的历史数据保存时间,那么在前端会显示值为*UNKNOWN*。 (参数ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD*定义于defines.inc.php)。
3开始支持。 该宏等同于宏{{HOST.HOST}:{ITEM.KEY}.last()}
从Zabbix 3.2.0开始支持 自定义 宏值。
{ITEM.LASTVALUE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Event tags and values
The latest value of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification.
It will resolve to *UNKNOWN* in the frontend if the latest history value has been collected more than the ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD time ago (defined in defines.inc.php).
Supported since 1.4.3. It is alias to {{HOST.HOST}:{ITEM.KEY}.last()}

Customizing the macro value is supported for this macro; starting with Zabbix 3.2.0.
{ITEM.LOG.AGE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *日志i→ 故障更新通知 em事件的持续时间。*
{ITEM.LOG.AGE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Age of the log item event.
{ITEM.LOG.DATE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *日志i→ 故障更新通知 em事件的发生时间。*
{ITEM.LOG.DATE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Date of the log item event.
{ITEM.LOG.EVENTID<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *日志事→ 故障更新通知 仅用于Wi 的标识。*
dows事件日志监控 。
{ITEM.LOG.EVENTID<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
ID of the event in the event log.
For Windows event log monitoring only.
{ITEM.LOG.NSEVERITY<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *日志事→ 故障更新通知 仅用于Wi 的级别。*
dows事件日志监控 。
{ITEM.LOG.NSEVERITY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numeric severity of the event in the event log.
For Windows event log monitoring only.
{ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *日志事→ 故障更新通知 仅用于Wi 的级别。*
dows事件日志监控 。
{ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Verbal severity of the event in the event log.
For Windows event log monitoring only.
{ITEM.LOG.SOURCE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *日志事→ 故障更新通知 仅用于Wi 的来源。*
dows事件日志监控 。
{ITEM.LOG.SOURCE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Source of the event in the event log.
For Windows event log monitoring only.
{ITEM.LOG.TIME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *日志i→ 故障更新通知 em事件的发生时间。*
{ITEM.LOG.TIME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Time of the log item event.
{ITEM.NAME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{ITEM.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Name of the Nth item (with macros resolved) in the trigger expression that caused a notification.
{ITEM.NAME.ORIG<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ 内部通知  从2.→ 故障更新通知 达式中导致发送通知的第N个item的原始名称。*
{ITEM.NAME.ORIG<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Original name (i.e. without macros resolved) of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification.
Supported since 2.0.6.
{ITEM.STATE<1-9>} → 基于Item的内部通知 *触发器表达 中导致发送通知的第N个item的状态。* 可能的值: Not supportedNormal.
{ITEM.STATE<1-9>} → Item-based internal notifications The latest state of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Possible values: Not supported and Normal.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{ITEM.VALUE<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知  可能的值→ 故障更新通知  1) 如果→ Trigger名称和描述  2) 如→ 事件tag的名称和值 在第一种情况

从Zabbix 3.2.0开始支持自定义宏值。
{ITEM.VALUE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Trigger names and descriptions
→ Event tags and values
Resolved to either:
1) the historical (at-the-time-of-event) value of the Nth item in the trigger expression, if used in the context of trigger status change, for example, when displaying events or sending notifications.
2) the latest value of the Nth item in the trigger expression, if used without the context of trigger status change, for example, when displaying a list of triggers in a pop-up selection window. In this case works the same as {ITEM.LASTVALUE}
In the first case it will resolve to *UNKNOWN* if the history value has already been deleted or has never been stored.
In the second case, and in the frontend only, it will resolve to *UNKNOWN* if the latest history value has been collected more than the ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD time ago (defined in defines.inc.php).
Supported since 1.4.3.

Customizing the macro value is supported for this macro, starting with Zabbix 3.2.0.
{LLDRULE.DESCRIPTION} → LLD-rule based 内部通知 *触发 知的low-level发现规则描述。*
{LLDRULE.DESCRIPTION} → LLD-rule based internal notifications Description of the low-level discovery rule 、which caused a notification.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{LLDRULE.ID} → LLD-rule based 内部通知 *触发 知的low-level发现规则的数字标识。*
{LLDRULE.ID} → LLD-rule based internal notifications Numeric ID of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{LLDRULE.KEY} → LLD-rule based 内部通知 *触发 知的low-level发现规则的key。*
{LLDRULE.KEY} → LLD-rule based internal notifications Key of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{LLDRULE.KEY.ORIG} → LLD-rule based 内部通知 *触发 知的low-level发现规则的原始key(未扩展宏)。*
{LLDRULE.KEY.ORIG} → LLD-rule based internal notifications Original key (with macros not expanded) of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{LLDRULE.NAME} → LLD-rule based 内部通知 *触发 知的low-level发现规则的名称(未扩展宏)。*
{LLDRULE.NAME} → LLD-rule based internal notifications Name of the low-level discovery rule (with macros resolved) that caused a notification.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{LLDRULE.NAME.ORIG} → LLD-rule based 内部通知 *触发 知的low-level发现规则的原始名称(未扩展宏)。*
{LLDRULE.NAME.ORIG} → LLD-rule based internal notifications Original name (i.e. without macros resolved) of the low-level discovery rule that caused a notification.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{LLDRULE.STATE} → LLD-rule based 内部通知 *lo -level发现规则的最新状态。* 可能的值: Not supportedNormal.
{LLDRULE.STATE} → LLD-rule based internal notifications The latest state of the low-level discovery rule. Possible values: Not supported and Normal.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{MAP.ID} → 地图URLs * 络地图标识。*
{MAP.ID} → Map URLs Network map ID.
{MAP.NAME} → 地图形状中的文字描述字段 网络地图名称。
{MAP.NAME} → Text field in map shapes Network map name.
Supported since 3.4.0.
{PROXY.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令
→ 发现通知
→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
1)触发器表达式中第N个项的proxy的信息(基于Trigger的通知)。可以使用 宏索引
2) 执行发现的proxy信息(发现通知)。可以使用宏{PROXY.DESCRIPTION},而不带宏索引。
3) 主动agent注册的proxy信息。(自动注册通知)。可以使用宏{PROXY.DESCRIPTION},而不带宏索引。
{PROXY.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Description of the proxy. Resolves to either:
1) proxy of the Nth item in the trigger expression (in trigger-based notifications). You may use indexed macros here.
2) proxy, which executed discovery (in discovery notifications). Use {PROXY.DESCRIPTION} here, without indexing.
3) proxy to which an active agent registered (in auto-registration notifications). Use {PROXY.DESCRIPTION} here, without indexing.
Supported since 2.4.0.
{PROXY.NAME<1-9>} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *proxy的→ 发现通知  1)→ 自动注册通知  2) 执行→ 内部通知  3)→ 故障更新通知 从1.8. 称。*。可能的值:
发器表达式中第N个项的proxy的名称(基于Trigger的通知)。可以使用 宏索引
现的proxy名称(发现通知)。可以使用宏 {PROXY.NAME} ,而不带宏索引。
动agent注册的proxy名称。(自动注册通知)。可以使用宏 {PROXY.NAME},而不带宏索引。
{PROXY.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Name of the proxy. Resolves to either:
1) proxy of the Nth item in the trigger expression (in trigger-based notifications). You may use indexed macros here.
2) proxy, which executed discovery (in discovery notifications). Use {PROXY.NAME} here, without indexing.
3) proxy to which an active agent registered (in auto-registration notifications). Use {PROXY.NAME} here, without indexing.
Supported since 1.8.4.
{TIME} → 基于Trigger的通知和命令  *时间格式为:→ 发现通知
→ 自动注册通知
→ 内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
{TIME} → Trigger-based notifications and commands
→ Discovery notifications
→ Auto-registration notifications
→ Internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Current time in hh:mm:ss.
{TRIGGER.DESCRIPTION} → 基于Trigger的通知  *Tri→ Trigger-based 内部通知  从2.→ 故障更新通知 宏{TR|ger描述信息。* 从2.0.4开始支持。
{TRIGGER.DESCRIPTION} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Trigger description. Supported since 2.0.4.
Starting with 2.2.0, all macros supported in a trigger description will be expanded if {TRIGGER.DESCRIPTION} is used in notification text.
{TRIGGER.COMMENT} is deprecated.
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.ACK} → 基于Trigger的通知  *地图中→ 故障更新通知
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
素的已确认事件数,或者在通知中生成当前事件的触发器的已确认事件数。* 从1.8.3开始支持。
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.ACK} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Icon labels in maps1
Number of acknowledged events for a map element in maps, or for the trigger which generated current event in notifications. Supported since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK} → 基于Trigger的通知  *忽略状→ 故障更新通知
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
的所有触发器的已确认故障事件数。* 从1.8.3开始支持。
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Icon labels in maps1
Number of acknowledged PROBLEM events for all triggers disregarding their state. Supported since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK} → 基于Trigger的通知  *忽略状→ 故障更新通知
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
的所有触发器的未确认故障事件数。* 从1.8.3开始使用。
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Icon labels in maps1
Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM events for all triggers disregarding their state. Supported since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.UNACK} → 基于Trigger的通知  *地图中→ 故障更新通知
→ 地图中的Icon标签1
素的未确认事件数,或者通知中生成当前事件的触发器的未确认事件数。* 从1.8.3开始支持地图元素标签。
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.UNACK} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Icon labels in maps1
Number of unacknowledged events for a map element in maps, or for the trigger which generated current event in notifications. Supported in map element labels since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGER.HOSTGROUP.NAME} → 基于Trigger的通知  *基于S→ 故障更新通知
→ 基于Trigger内部通知
L查询排序,逗号-空格分隔的trigger所属的设备组列表。* 从2.0.6开始支持。
{TRIGGER.HOSTGROUP.NAME} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
A sorted (by SQL query), comma-space separated list of host groups in which the trigger is defined. Supported since 2.0.6.
{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK} → 地图Icon标签1 *触发 状态为问题的已确认问题事件数。* 从1.8.3开始支持。
{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK} → Icon labels in maps1 Number of acknowledged PROBLEM events for triggers in PROBLEM state. Supported since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK} → 地图Icon标签1 *触发 状态为问题的未确认问题事件数。* 从1.8.3开始支持。
{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK} → Icon labels in maps1 Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM events for triggers in PROBLEM state. Supported since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION} → 基于Trigger的通知  *Tri→ 基于Trigger内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
ger表达式。* 从1.8.12开始支持。
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Trigger expression. Supported since 1.8.12.
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION.RECOVERY} → 基于Trigger的通知  *Tri→ 基于Trigger内部通知  从3.2.→ 故障更新通知 ger恢复表达式。如果 恢复事件*在trigger配置中设置为'Recovery expression'则返回表达式,否则返回空字符串。
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION.RECOVERY} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Trigger recovery expression if OK event generation in trigger configuration is set to 'Recovery expression'; otherwise an empty string is returned.
Supported since 3.2.0.
{TRIGGER.ID} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发动→ Trigger-based 内部通知  从1.→ 故障更新通知
→ 图形URLs
→ Trigger URLs
.8开始支持trigger URLs。
{TRIGGER.ID} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Map URLs
→ Trigger URLs
Numeric trigger ID which triggered this action.
Supported in trigger URLs since Zabbix 1.8.8.
{TRIGGER.NAME} → 基于Trigger的通知  *tri→ 基于Trigger内部通知  从 4.0→ 故障更新通知 ger名称。* (支持宏解析)。
0 开始宏{EVENT.NAME}不能用于动作中去显示触发事件名称(支持宏解析)。
{TRIGGER.NAME} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Name of the trigger (with macros resolved).
Note that since 4.0.0 {EVENT.NAME} can be used in actions to display the triggered event/problem name with macros resolved.
{TRIGGER.NAME.ORIG} → 基于Trigger的通知  *tri→ 基于Trigger内部通知  从2.0.→ 故障更新通知 ger的原始名称* (即没有宏解析).
{TRIGGER.NAME.ORIG} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Original name of the trigger (i.e. without macros resolved).
Supported since 2.0.6.
{TRIGGER.NSEVERITY} → 基于Trigger的通知  *tri→ 基于Trigger内部通知  从Zabb→ 故障更新通知 ger数字级别。* 可能的值: 0 - 未定义, 1 - 信息, 2 - 警告, 3 - 普通, 4 - 严重, 5 - 灾难.
x 1.6.2开始支持。
{TRIGGER.NSEVERITY} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Numerical trigger severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster.
Supported starting from Zabbix 1.6.2.
{TRIGGER.SEVERITY} → 基于Trigger的通知  *Tri→ 基于Trigger内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
ger级别名称.* 可在管理 → 通用 → Trigger 级别功能中定义。
{TRIGGER.SEVERITY} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Trigger severity name. Can be defined in Administration → General → Trigger severities.
{TRIGGER.STATE} → 基于Trigger内部通知 *trig er的最新状态。* 可能的值: Unknown and Normal.
{TRIGGER.STATE} → Trigger-based internal notifications The latest state of the trigger. Possible values: Unknown and Normal.
Supported since 2.2.0.
{TRIGGER.STATUS} → 基于Trigger的通知  *当前t→ 故障更新通知 宏{ST|igger的值。* 可能是PROBLEM或OK.
{TRIGGER.STATUS} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Current trigger value. Can be either PROBLEM or OK.
{STATUS} is deprecated.
{TRIGGER.TEMPLATE.NAME} → 基于Trigger的通知  *排序(→ 基于Trigger内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
过SQL查询),逗号-空格分隔的触发器所属模板列表,如果触发器应用于具体设备,则为* UNKNOWN ** 从2.0.6开始支持。
{TRIGGER.TEMPLATE.NAME} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
A sorted (by SQL query), comma-space separated list of templates in which the trigger is defined, or *UNKNOWN* if the trigger is defined in a host. Supported since 2.0.6.
{TRIGGER.URL} → 基于Trigger的通知  *Tri→ 基于Trigger内部通知
→ 故障更新通知
ger URL.*
{TRIGGER.URL} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger-based internal notifications
→ Problem update notifications
Trigger URL.
{TRIGGER.VALUE} → 基于Trigger的通知  *触发器→ Trigger 表达式
→ 故障更新通知
当前值。*: 0 - trigger状态为OK, 1 - trigger状态为PROBLEM。
{TRIGGER.VALUE} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Trigger expressions
→ Problem update notifications
Current trigger numeric value: 0 - trigger is in OK state, 1 - trigger is in PROBLEM state.
{TRIGGERS.UNACK} → 地图Icon标签1 *忽略 发器状态,地图元素的未确认触发器数。*\\如果至少有一个PROBLEM事件未被确认,则认为触发器未被确认。
{TRIGGERS.UNACK} → Icon labels in maps1 Number of unacknowledged triggers for a map element, disregarding trigger state.
A trigger is considered to be unacknowledged if at least one of its PROBLEM events is unacknowledged.
{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.UNACK} → 地图Icon标签1 *地图 素的未确认触发器(状态为PROBLEM)数。*
{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.UNACK} → Icon labels in maps1 Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM triggers for a map element.
A trigger is considered to be unacknowledged if at least one of its PROBLEM events is unacknowledged.
Supported since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGERS.ACK} → 地图Icon标签1 *忽略 发器状态,地图元素的确认触发器数,*
{TRIGGERS.ACK} → Icon labels in maps1 Number of acknowledged triggers for a map element, disregarding trigger state.
A trigger is considered to be acknowledged if all of it's PROBLEM events are acknowledged.
Supported since 1.8.3.
{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.ACK} → 地图Icon标签1 *地图 素的确认触发器(状态为PROBLEM)数。*
{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.ACK} → Icon labels in maps1 Number of acknowledged PROBLEM triggers for a map element.
A trigger is considered to be acknowledged if all of it's PROBLEM events are acknowledged.
Supported since 1.8.3.
{USER.FULLNAME} → 故障更新通知 *事件确认 作的用户全名。*
{USER.FULLNAME} → Problem update notifications Name and surname of the user who added event acknowledgement.
Supported since 3.4.0.
{host:key.func(param)} → 基于Trigger的通知  *简单的→ 故障更新通知 
→ 地图Icon/shape标签1 4  从3.→ 地图Link标签4
→ 图形名称7
→ Trigger表达式9
{$MACRO} → 参考: 用户自定义宏使用场景 *[用户自定义](/m nual/config/macros/user_macros)宏。*
{#MACRO} → 参考: Low-level发现宏 *Low level发现宏*
{host:key.func(param)} → Trigger-based notifications
→ Problem update notifications
→ Icon/shape labels in maps1 4
→ Link labels in maps4
→ Graph names7
→ Trigger expressions9
Simple macros, as used in building trigger expressions.

Supported for shape labels in maps since 3.4.2.
{$MACRO} → See: User macros supported by location User-definable macros.
{#MACRO} → See: Low-level discovery macros Low-level discovery macros.
Supported since 2.0.0.

1 从1.8开始地图标签支持宏。 1 Macros for map labels are supported since 1.8.

2{HOST.*}用于item key参数将解析为所选item的接口。如果item无接口,将按优先顺序解析为设备的Zabbix agent,SNMP,JMX,IPMI接口。 2 The {HOST.*} macros supported in item key parameters will resolve to the interface that is selected for the item. When used in items without interfaces they will resolve to either the Zabbix agent, SNMP, JMX or IPMI interface of the host in this order of priority.

3 在remote commands, global scripts, interface IP/DNS字段和web scenarios宏将解析为主代理接口。如果不存在,则使用SNMP接口。如果SNMP接口也不存在,则使用JMX接口。如果JMX接口不存在则使用IPMI接口。 3 In remote commands, global scripts, interface IP/DNS fields and web scenarios the macro will resolve to the main agent interface, however, if it is not present, the main SNMP interface will be used. If SNMP is also not present, the main JMX interface will be used. If JMX is not present either, the main IPMI interface will be used.

4 地图标签中的宏仅仅支持avg, last, max and min 函数, 以秒为单位。 4 Only the avg, last, max and min functions, with seconds as parameter are supported in this macro in map labels.

5 从2.0.3开始支持。

6 从Zabbix 2.2.0开始, 宏{HOST.*}可以用于web scenario中的Name, Variables, Headers, SSL certificate file and SSL key file fields and in scenario step Name, URL, Post, Headers and Required string 字段。 6 Supported since Zabbix 2.2.0, {HOST.*} macros are supported in web scenario Name, Variables, Headers, SSL certificate file and SSL key file fields and in scenario step Name, URL, Post, Headers and Required string fields.

7 从Zabbix 2.2.0开始,地图标签中的宏仅支持avg,last,max和min函数,以秒为参数。 宏{HOST.HOST<1-9>} 可以用于引用某个设备。例如:

 * {Cisco switch:ifAlias[{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}
        * %%{{%%HOST.HOST}:ifAlias[{#SNMPINDEX}].last()}

8 从2.4.0开始支持。

9 虽然支持构建触发器表达式,但是不能在彼此内部使用简单的宏。 9 While supported to build trigger expressions, simple macros may not be used inside each other.

10 从3.0.0开始支持。 10 Supported since 3.0.0.


Indexed macros

宏索引{MACRO<1-9>}语法仅限于触发器表达式的上下文。它能用于按顺序引用表达式中包含的设备。例如:在表达式中包含了设备1,设备2,设备3,那么宏{HOST.IP1}, {HOST.IP2}, {HOST.IP3}将分别引用设备1,设备2,设备3的IP地址信息。 The indexed macro syntax of {MACRO<1-9>} is limited to the context of trigger expressions. It can be used to reference hosts in the order in which they appear in the expression. Macros like {HOST.IP1}, {HOST.IP2}, {HOST.IP3} will resolve to the IP of the first, second and third host in the trigger expression (providing the trigger expression contains those hosts).

另外,可以在图形名称中使用宏{host:key.func(param)},同时再叠加使用宏{HOST.HOST<1-9>}。 示例, 图形名称中的宏{{HOST.HOST2}:key.func()}代表引用图形中的第二个设备。 Additionally the {HOST.HOST<1-9>} macro is also supported within the {host:key.func(param)} macro in graph names. For example, {{HOST.HOST2}:key.func()} in the graph name will refer to the host of the second item in the graph.

有些场景可以使用不带索引的宏。(例如:{HOST.HOST}, {HOST.IP}, 等)

Use macros without index (i. e.{HOST.HOST}, {HOST.IP}, etc) in all other contexts.