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4 Maintenance


In the Configuration → Maintenance section users can configure and maintain maintenance periods for hosts.

A listing of existing maintenance periods with their details is displayed.

From the dropdown to the right in the Maintenance periods bar you can choose whether to display all maintenance periods or only those belonging to one particular group.

Displayed data:

Column Description
Name Name of the maintenance period. Clicking on the maintenance period name opens the maintenance period configuration form.
Type The type of maintenance is displayed: With data collection or No data collection
Active since The date and time when executing maintenance periods becomes active.
Active till The date and time when executing maintenance periods stops being active.
State The state of the maintenance period:
Approaching - will become active soon
Active - is active
Expired - is not active any more
Description Description of the maintenance period is displayed.

Name, Type, Active since and Active till are sortable columns that can be sorted in ascending/descending order. To sort, click on the column name.

To configure a new maintenance period, click on the Create maintenance period button in the top right-hand corner.

Mass editing options

A button below the list offers one mass-editing option:

  • Delete - delete the maintenance periods

To use this option, mark the checkboxes before the respective maintenance periods and click on Delete.


As the list may contain a number of maintenance periods, it may be needed to filter out the ones you really need.

The Filter link is available above the list of maintenance periods. If you click on it, a filter becomes available where you can filter maintenance periods by name and state.

To toggle search highlight, press Ctrl+Alt+H
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