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3 Jabber


Zabbix supports sending Jabber messages.

When sending notifications, Zabbix tries to look up the Jabber SRV record first, and if that fails, it uses an address record for that domain. Among Jabber SRV records, the one with the highest priority and maximum weight is chosen. If it fails, other records are not tried.

To configure Jabber as the delivery channel for messages, you need to configure Jabber as the media type and enter the respective addresses for the users.


To configure Jabber as the media type:

  • Go to Administration→Media types
  • Click on Create media type (or click on Jabber in the list of pre-defined media types).

Media type attributes:

Parameter Description
Description Name of the media type.
Type Select Jabber as the type.
Jabber identifier Enter Jabber identifier.
Password Enter Jabber password.

User media

To assign a Jabber address to the user:

  • Go to Administration→Users
  • Open the user properties form
  • In Media tab, click on Add

User media attributes:

Parameter Description
Type Select Jabber as the type.
Send to Specify the address to send messages to.
When active You can limit the time when messages are sent, for example, the working days only (1-5,09:00-18:00).
See the Time period specification page for description of the format.
Use if severity Mark the checkboxes of trigger severities that you want to receive notifications for.
Status Status of the user media.
Enabled - is in use.
Disabled - is not being used.
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