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Zabbix supports the sending of SMS messages using a serial GSM modem connected to Zabbix server's serial port.

Make sure that:

  • The speed of the serial device (normally /dev/ttyS0 under Linux) matches that of the GSM modem. Zabbix does not set the speed of the serial link. It uses default settings.
  • The 'zabbix' user has read/write access to the serial device. Run the command ls –l /dev/ttyS0 to see current permissions of the serial device.
  • The GSM modem has PIN entered and it preserves it after power reset. Alternatively you may disable PIN on the SIM card. PIN can be entered by issuing command AT+CPIN="NNNN" (NNNN is your PIN number, the quotes must be present) in a terminal software, such as Unix minicom or Windows HyperTerminal.

Zabbix has been tested with these GSM modems:

  • Siemens MC35
  • Teltonika ModemCOM/G10

To configure SMS as the delivery channel for messages, you also need to configure SMS as the media type and enter the respective phone numbers for the users.


To configure SMS as the media type:

  • Go to Administration→Media types
  • Click on Create media type (or click on SMS in the list of pre-defined media types).

Media type attributes:

Parameter Description
Description Name of the media type.
Type Select SMS as the type.
GSM modem Set the serial device name of the GSM modem.

User media

To assign a phone number to the user:

  • Go to Administration→Users
  • Open the user properties form
  • In Media tab, click on Add

User media attributes:

Parameter Description
Type Select SMS as the type.
Send to Specify the phone number to send messages to.
When active You can limit the time when messages are sent, for example, the working days only (1-5,09:00-18:00).
See the Time period specification page for description of the format.
Use if severity Mark the checkboxes of trigger severities that you want to receive notifications for.
Status Status of the user media.
Enabled - is in use.
Disabled - is not being used.
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