На этой странице вы узнаете о шагах, необходимых для запуска базового мониторинга машин Linux с помощью Zabbix. Шаги, описанные в этом руководстве, можно применить к любой операционной системе на базе Linux.
Для кого это руководство
Это руководство предназначено для новых пользователей Zabbix и содержит минимальный набор шагов, необходимых для включения базового мониторинга вашей машины Linux. Если вы ищете возможности глубокой настройки или вам требуется более продвинутая конфигурация, см. раздел Конфигурация руководства Zabbix.
Предварительные условия
Перед тем как приступить к установке по этому руководству, вам необходимо скачать и установить сервер Zabbix и веб-интерфейс Zabbix в соответствии с инструкциями для вашей ОС.
Zabbix agent is the process responsible for gathering data.
Check your Zabbix server version:
Install Zabbix agent of the same version (recommended) on the Linux machine that you want to monitor. Based on your monitoring needs, it may be the same machine, where Zabbix server is installed, or a completely different machine.
Choose the most suitable installation method:
Run as a Docker container - see the list of available images in Zabbix Docker repository.
Install from Zabbix packages (available for Alma Linux, CentOS, Debian, Oracle Linux, Raspberry Pi OS, RHEL, Rocky Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Ubuntu).
Compile from sources.
Zabbix agent can collect metrics in active or passive mode (simultaneously).
A passive check is a simple data request. Zabbix server or proxy asks for some data (for example, CPU load) and Zabbix agent sends back the result to the server. Active checks require more complex processing. The agent must first retrieve from the server(s) a list of items for independent processing and then bulk send the data back. See Passive and active agent checks for more info.
Monitoring templates provided by Zabbix usually offer two alternatives - a template for Zabbix agent and a template for Zabbix agent (active). With the first option, the agent will collect metrics in passive mode. Such templates will deliver identical monitoring results, but using different communication protocols.
Further Zabbix configuration depends on whether you select a template for active or passive Zabbix agent checks.
1. Open the Agent configuration file on the machine where the Agent is installed.
2. Add the IP address or DNS name of your Zabbix server to the Server parameter.
3. Restart Zabbix agent.
1. Log in to Zabbix frontend.
2. Create a host in Zabbix web interface.
3. Click on Add to add the host. This host will represent the monitored Linux machine.
Open Zabbix agent configuration file (by default, the path is /usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf):
For example:
1. Log in to Zabbix frontend.
2. Create a host in Zabbix web interface.
This host will represent your Linux machine.
3. In the Templates parameter, type or select Linux by Zabbix agent active.
Congratulations! At this point, Zabbix is already monitoring your Linux machine.
To view collected metrics, open the Monitoring->Hosts menu section and click on the Latest data next to the host.
This action will open a list of all the latest metrics collected from Linux server host.
Zabbix can notify you about a problem with your infrastructure using a variety of methods. This guide provides configuration steps for sending email alerts.
1. Go to the User settings -> Profile, switch to the tab Media and add your email.
2. Follow the guide for Receiving problem notification.
Next time, when Zabbix detects a problem you should receive an alert via email.
On Linux, you can simulate high CPU load and as a result receive a problem alert by running:
You may need to run several md5sum processes for CPU load to exceed the treshold.
When Zabbix detects the problem, it will appear in the Monitoring->Problems section.
If the alerts are configured, you will also receive the problem notification.
See also: