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Приложение 3. Изменения в 7.0



ZBXNEXT-9404 alert.get: User type users may now retrieve the following Media type object properties with the selectMediatypes parameter: mediatypeid, name, type, status, maxattempts, description.


ZBXNEXT-9404 mediatype.get: User type users may now retrieve the following Media type object properties: mediatypeid, name, type, status, maxattempts, description.


ZBXNEXT-9404 user.get: User type users may now retrieve the following Media type object properties with the selectMediatypes parameter: mediatypeid, name, type, status, maxattempts, description.



ZBXNEXT-9215 Добавлено новое поле виджета панели ds.0.itemids.0._reference в svggraph и piechart.
ZBXNEXT-8331 Добавлено новое поле виджета панели stroke в piechart виджет.



ZBX-25385 alert.get: Admin type users may now retrieve only the following Media type object properties with the selectMediatypes parameter: mediatypeid, name, type, status, maxattempts, description.


DEV-3914 mediatype.get: Parameter selectMessageTemplates is now supported only for Super admin type users.
DEV-3914 mediatype.get: Admin type users may now retrieve only the following Media type object properties: mediatypeid, name, type, status, maxattempts.
DEV-3914 mediatype.get: When requesting user-related information of media types, Admin type users may now retrieve only data about their own user.


ZBX-25385 user.get: Admin type users may now retrieve only the following Media type object properties with the selectMediatypes parameter: mediatypeid, name, type, status, maxattempts, description.