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11 Discovery of block devices

In a similar way as file systems are discovered, it is possible to also discover block devices and their type.

Item key

The item key to use in the discovery rule is
✔ Copied

This item is supported on Linux platforms only, since Zabbix agent 4.4.

You may create discovery rules using this discovery item and:

  • filter: {#DEVNAME} matches sd[\D]$ - to discover devices named "sd0", "sd1", "sd2", ...
  • filter: {#DEVTYPE} matches disk AND {#DEVNAME} does not match ^loop.* - to discover disk type devices whose name does not start with "loop"

Supported macros

This discovery key returns two macros - {#DEVNAME} and {#DEVTYPE} identifying the block device name and type respectively, e.g.:

✔ Copied

Block device discovery allows to use[] and[] items to create item prototypes using the {#DEVNAME} macro, for example:

  • "[{#DEVNAME},sps]"
  • "[{#DEVNAME},sps]"

{#DEVTYPE} is intended for device filtering.

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