integer/array item.get(object parameters)
The method allows to retrieve items according to the given parameters.
Parameters defining the desired output.
The method supports the following parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
itemids | string/array | Return only items with the given IDs. |
groupids | string/array | Return only items that belong to the hosts from the given groups. |
templateids | string/array | Return only items that belong to the given templates. |
hostids | string/array | Return only items that belong to the given hosts. |
proxyids | string/array | Return only items that are monitored by the given proxies. |
interfaceids | string/array | Return only items that use the given host interfaces. |
graphids | string/array | Return only items that are used in the given graphs. |
triggerids | string/array | Return only items that are used in the given triggers. |
applicationids | string/array | Return only items that belong to the given applications. |
webitems | flag | Include web items in the result. |
inherited | boolean | If set to true return only items inherited from a template. |
templated | boolean | If set to true return only items that belong to templates. |
monitored | boolean | If set to true return only enabled items that belong to monitored hosts. |
group | string | Return only items that belong to a group with the given name. |
host | string | Return only items that belong to a host with the given name. |
application | string | Return only items that belong to an application with the given name. |
with_triggers | boolean | If set to true return only items that are used in triggers. |
selectHosts | query | Return a hosts property with an array of hosts that the item belongs to. |
selectInterfaces | query | Return an interfaces property with an array of host interfaces used by the item. |
selectTriggers | query | Return a triggers property with the triggers that the item is used in. Supports count . |
selectGraphs | query | Return a graphs property with the graphs that contain the item. Supports count . |
selectApplications | query | Return an applications property with the applications that the item belongs to. |
selectDiscoveryRule | query | Return a discoveryRule property with the LLD rule that created the item. |
selectItemDiscovery | query | Return an itemDiscovery property with the item discovery object. The item discovery object links the item to an item prototype from which it was created.It has the following properties: itemdiscoveryid - (string) ID of the item discovery;itemid - (string) ID of the discovered item;parent_itemid - (string) ID of the item prototype from which the item has been created;key_ - (string) key of the item prototype;lastcheck - (timestamp) time when the item was last discovered;ts_delete - (timestamp) time when an item that is no longer discovered will be deleted. |
selectPreprocessing | query | Return a preprocessing property with item preprocessing options.It has the following properties: type - (string) The preprocessing option type:1 - Custom multiplier; 2 - Right trim; 3 - Left trim; 4 - Trim; 5 - Regular expression matching; 6 - Boolean to decimal; 7 - Octal to decimal; 8 - Hexadecimal to decimal; 9 - Simple change; 10 - Change per second; 11 - XML XPath; 12 - JSONPath; 13 - In range; 14 - Matches regular expression; 15 - Does not match regular expression; 16 - Check for error in JSON; 17 - Check for error in XML; 18 - Check for error using regular expression; 19 - Discard unchanged; 20 - Discard unchanged with heartbeat; 21 - JavaScript; 22 - Prometheus pattern; 23 - Prometheus to JSON. params - (string) Additional parameters used by preprocessing option. Multiple parameters are separated by LF (\n)character.error_handler - (string) Action type used in case of preprocessing step failure:0 - Error message is set by Zabbix server; 1 - Discard value; 2 - Set custom value; 3 - Set custom error message. error_handler_params - (string) Error handler parameters. |
filter | object | Return only those results that exactly match the given filter. Accepts an array, where the keys are property names, and the values are either a single value or an array of values to match against. Supports additional filters: host - technical name of the host that the item belongs to. |
limitSelects | integer | Limits the number of records returned by subselects. Applies to the following subselects: selectGraphs - results will be sorted by name ;selectTriggers - results will be sorted by description . |
sortfield | string/array | Sort the result by the given properties. Possible values are: itemid , name , key_ , delay , history , trends , type and status . |
countOutput | boolean | These parameters being common for all get methods are described in detail in the reference commentary page. |
editable | boolean | |
excludeSearch | boolean | |
limit | integer | |
output | query | |
preservekeys | boolean | |
search | object | |
searchByAny | boolean | |
searchWildcardsEnabled | boolean | |
sortorder | string/array | |
startSearch | boolean |
Returns either:
parameter has been used.Retrieve all items from host with ID "10084" that have the word "system" in the key and sort them by name.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"hostids": "10084",
"search": {
"key_": "system"
"sortfield": "name"
"auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"itemid": "23298",
"type": "0",
"snmp_community": "",
"snmp_oid": "",
"hostid": "10084",
"name": "Context switches per second",
"key_": "system.cpu.switches",
"delay": "1m",
"history": "7d",
"trends": "365d",
"lastvalue": "2552",
"lastclock": "1351090998",
"prevvalue": "2641",
"state": "0",
"status": "0",
"value_type": "3",
"trapper_hosts": "",
"units": "sps",
"snmpv3_securityname": "",
"snmpv3_securitylevel": "0",
"snmpv3_authpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_privpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_authprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_privprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_contextname": "",
"error": "",
"logtimefmt": "",
"templateid": "22680",
"valuemapid": "0",
"params": "",
"ipmi_sensor": "",
"authtype": "0",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"lastns": "564054253",
"flags": "0",
"interfaceid": "1",
"port": "",
"description": "",
"inventory_link": "0",
"lifetime": "0s",
"evaltype": "0",
"jmx_endpoint": "",
"master_itemid": "0",
"timeout": "3s",
"url": "",
"query_fields": [],
"posts": "",
"status_codes": "200",
"follow_redirects": "1",
"post_type": "0",
"http_proxy": "",
"headers": [],
"retrieve_mode": "0",
"request_method": "0",
"output_format": "0",
"ssl_cert_file": "",
"ssl_key_file": "",
"ssl_key_password": "",
"verify_peer": "0",
"verify_host": "0",
"allow_traps": "0"
"itemid": "23299",
"type": "0",
"snmp_community": "",
"snmp_oid": "",
"hostid": "10084",
"name": "CPU $2 time",
"key_": "system.cpu.util[,idle]",
"delay": "1m",
"history": "7d",
"trends": "365d",
"lastvalue": "86.031879",
"lastclock": "1351090999",
"prevvalue": "85.306944",
"state": "0",
"status": "0",
"value_type": "0",
"trapper_hosts": "",
"units": "%",
"snmpv3_securityname": "",
"snmpv3_securitylevel": "0",
"snmpv3_authpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_privpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_authprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_privprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_contextname": "",
"error": "",
"logtimefmt": "",
"templateid": "17354",
"valuemapid": "0",
"params": "",
"ipmi_sensor": "",
"authtype": "0",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"lastns": "564256864",
"flags": "0",
"interfaceid": "1",
"port": "",
"description": "The time the CPU has spent doing nothing.",
"inventory_link": "0",
"lifetime": "0s",
"evaltype": "0",
"jmx_endpoint": "",
"master_itemid": "0",
"timeout": "3s",
"url": "",
"query_fields": [],
"posts": "",
"status_codes": "200",
"follow_redirects": "1",
"post_type": "0",
"http_proxy": "",
"headers": [],
"retrieve_mode": "0",
"request_method": "0",
"output_format": "0",
"ssl_cert_file": "",
"ssl_key_file": "",
"ssl_key_password": "",
"verify_peer": "0",
"verify_host": "0",
"allow_traps": "0"
"itemid": "23300",
"type": "0",
"snmp_community": "",
"snmp_oid": "",
"hostid": "10084",
"name": "CPU $2 time",
"key_": "system.cpu.util[,interrupt]",
"history": "7d",
"trends": "365d",
"lastvalue": "0.008389",
"lastclock": "1351091000",
"prevvalue": "0.000000",
"state": "0",
"status": "0",
"value_type": "0",
"trapper_hosts": "",
"units": "%",
"snmpv3_securityname": "",
"snmpv3_securitylevel": "0",
"snmpv3_authpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_privpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_authprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_privprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_contextname": "",
"error": "",
"logtimefmt": "",
"templateid": "22671",
"valuemapid": "0",
"params": "",
"ipmi_sensor": "",
"authtype": "0",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"lastns": "564661387",
"flags": "0",
"interfaceid": "1",
"port": "",
"description": "The amount of time the CPU has been servicing hardware interrupts.",
"inventory_link": "0",
"lifetime": "0s",
"evaltype": "0",
"jmx_endpoint": "",
"master_itemid": "0",
"timeout": "3s",
"url": "",
"query_fields": [],
"posts": "",
"status_codes": "200",
"follow_redirects": "1",
"post_type": "0",
"http_proxy": "",
"headers": [],
"retrieve_mode": "0",
"request_method": "0",
"output_format": "0",
"ssl_cert_file": "",
"ssl_key_file": "",
"ssl_key_password": "",
"verify_peer": "0",
"verify_host": "0",
"allow_traps": "0"
"id": 1
Retrieve all dependent items from host with ID "10116" that have the word "apache" in the key.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"hostids": "10116",
"search": {
"key_": "apache"
"filter": {
"type": "18"
"auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"itemid": "25550",
"type": "18",
"snmp_community": "",
"snmp_oid": "",
"hostid": "10116",
"name": "Days",
"key_": "apache.status.uptime.days",
"delay": "",
"history": "90d",
"trends": "365d",
"status": "0",
"value_type": "3",
"trapper_hosts": "",
"units": "",
"snmpv3_securityname": "",
"snmpv3_securitylevel": "0",
"snmpv3_authpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_privpassphrase": "",
"formula": "",
"error": "",
"logtimefmt": "",
"templateid": "0",
"valuemapid": "0",
"params": "",
"ipmi_sensor": "",
"authtype": "0",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"flags": "0",
"interfaceid": "0",
"port": "",
"description": "",
"inventory_link": "0",
"lifetime": "30d",
"snmpv3_authprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_privprotocol": "0",
"state": "0",
"snmpv3_contextname": "",
"evaltype": "0",
"master_itemid": "25545",
"jmx_endpoint": "",
"timeout": "3s",
"url": "",
"query_fields": [],
"posts": "",
"status_codes": "200",
"follow_redirects": "1",
"post_type": "0",
"http_proxy": "",
"headers": [],
"retrieve_mode": "0",
"request_method": "0",
"output_format": "0",
"ssl_cert_file": "",
"ssl_key_file": "",
"ssl_key_password": "",
"verify_peer": "0",
"verify_host": "0",
"allow_traps": "0",
"lastclock": "0",
"lastns": "0",
"lastvalue": "0",
"prevvalue": "0"
"itemid": "25555",
"type": "18",
"snmp_community": "",
"snmp_oid": "",
"hostid": "10116",
"name": "Hours",
"key_": "apache.status.uptime.hours",
"delay": "0",
"history": "90d",
"trends": "365d",
"status": "0",
"value_type": "3",
"trapper_hosts": "",
"units": "",
"snmpv3_securityname": "",
"snmpv3_securitylevel": "0",
"snmpv3_authpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_privpassphrase": "",
"formula": "",
"error": "",
"logtimefmt": "",
"templateid": "0",
"valuemapid": "0",
"params": "",
"ipmi_sensor": "",
"authtype": "0",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"flags": "0",
"interfaceid": "0",
"port": "",
"description": "",
"inventory_link": "0",
"lifetime": "30d",
"snmpv3_authprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_privprotocol": "0",
"state": "0",
"snmpv3_contextname": "",
"evaltype": "0",
"master_itemid": "25545",
"jmx_endpoint": "",
"timeout": "3s",
"url": "",
"query_fields": [],
"posts": "",
"status_codes": "200",
"follow_redirects": "1",
"post_type": "0",
"http_proxy": "",
"headers": [],
"retrieve_mode": "0",
"request_method": "0",
"output_format": "0",
"ssl_cert_file": "",
"ssl_key_file": "",
"ssl_key_password": "",
"verify_peer": "0",
"verify_host": "0",
"allow_traps": "0",
"lastclock": "0",
"lastns": "0",
"lastvalue": "0",
"prevvalue": "0"
"id": 1
Find HTTP agent item with post body type XML for specific host id.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"hostids": "10255",
"filter": {
"type": "19",
"post_type": "3"
"id": 3,
"auth": "d678e0b85688ce578ff061bd29a20d3b"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"itemid": "28252",
"type": "19",
"snmp_community": "",
"snmp_oid": "",
"hostid": "10255",
"name": "template item",
"key_": "ti",
"delay": "30s",
"history": "90d",
"trends": "365d",
"status": "0",
"value_type": "3",
"trapper_hosts": "",
"units": "",
"snmpv3_securityname": "",
"snmpv3_securitylevel": "0",
"snmpv3_authpassphrase": "",
"snmpv3_privpassphrase": "",
"formula": "",
"error": "",
"logtimefmt": "",
"templateid": "0",
"valuemapid": "0",
"params": "",
"ipmi_sensor": "",
"authtype": "0",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"flags": "0",
"interfaceid": "0",
"port": "",
"description": "",
"inventory_link": "0",
"lifetime": "30d",
"snmpv3_authprotocol": "0",
"snmpv3_privprotocol": "0",
"state": "0",
"snmpv3_contextname": "",
"evaltype": "0",
"jmx_endpoint": "",
"master_itemid": "0",
"timeout": "3s",
"url": "localhost",
"query_fields": [
"mode": "xml"
"posts": "<body>\r\n<![CDATA[{$MACRO}<foo></bar>]]>\r\n</body>",
"status_codes": "200",
"follow_redirects": "0",
"post_type": "3",
"http_proxy": "",
"headers": [],
"retrieve_mode": "1",
"request_method": "3",
"output_format": "0",
"ssl_cert_file": "",
"ssl_key_file": "",
"ssl_key_password": "",
"verify_peer": "0",
"verify_host": "0",
"allow_traps": "0",
"lastclock": "0",
"lastns": "0",
"lastvalue": "0",
"prevvalue": "0"
"id": 3
Reatrieve all items and their preprocessing rules from host with ID "10254".
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"output": ["itemid", "name", "key_"],
"selectPreprocessing": "extend",
"hostids": "10254"
"auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"itemid": "23865",
"name": "http agent example JSON",
"key_": "json",
"preprocessing": [
"type": "12",
"params": "$.random",
"error_handler": "1",
"error_handler_params": ""
"id": 1
CItem::get() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CItem.php.