Attend a Webinar

Zabbix offers free webinars about Zabbix Monitoring Solution. Webinar topics cover such areas as Zabbix Monitoring Solution architecture, elements, capabilities and setup options, areas of application, scalability and performance, services delivered by Zabbix.

While all of these webinars are intended for general public, in some cases previous experience of using Zabbix Monitoring Solution might be required to fully follow path of the discussion.

Webinars are organized using an online collaboration platform. While the speaker delivers a presentation, webinar attendees are welcome to ask their questions using chat.

Upcoming Webinars

Upcoming Webinars

Extending ZABBIX
From UserParameters to Script items and Zabbix agent 2 plugins - Zabbix provides many approaches for extending the native monitoring and data processing functionality. Visit the Webinar and learn about the different ways of extending the Zabbix functionality.
Vittorio Cioe

Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia


60 min.

Services a SLA v Zabbixu 7.0
Tento webinář vysvětluje integraci služeb a dohod o úrovni služeb (SLA) v rámci Zabbixu. Vysvětluje, jak lze Zabbix použít k monitorování výkonu a dostupnosti kritických IT služeb a zajistit, aby splňovaly předem definované SLO.
Tomas Hermanek

Zabbix Certified Trainer initMAX s.r.o., Czech Republic Premium Partner


60 min.

Workshop: Manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten: Automatisierung in Zabbix 7.0 verbessern
Entdecken Sie die neue Unterstützung für manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten, die in Zabbix 7.0 eingeführt wurde. In dieser Sitzung wird das Konzept der manuellen Host-Aktionen und manuellen Ereignis-Aktionen, wie es in früheren Versionen verwendet wurde, erklärt. Anschließend wird die neue Funktionalität ausführlich behandelt, die zeigt, wie manuelle Eingaben nun direkt in Ihre Automatisierungs-Workflows integriert werden können.
Stefan Matzek

Zabbix Certified Trainer IntelliTrend GmbH, Germany Premium Partner


60 min.

Event Tags
Zabbix tags can be used to provide an additional layer of information for your problems. Learn how to use tags to correlate your problems, improve your alerting logic, define more flexible Zabbix permissions and more!
Vittorio Cioe

Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia


60 min.

Зачем нужен мониторинг
Мониторинг не ограничивается сбором информации. Существует множество аспектов мониторинга - от работы с данными до обнаружения проблем, визуализации состояния инфраструктуры и многое другое. Присоединяйтесь к нам и узнайте о различных аспектах мониторинга, а так же о том, какую пользу может принести надежное решение для мониторинга вашей организации.
Aleksandrs Petrovs-Gavrilovs

Training Technical Administrator, Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia


60 min.

Zabbix - SNMP traps, tips and tricks
Once you’ve got the hang of SNMP polling, it’s time to add traps into the mix. But what’s going on with that perl script, snmptrapd and itemkeys in the frontend? Join this webinar and you know how to get snmp traps into your Zabbix environment in a efficient way!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LTD, United Kingdom Certified Partner


60 min.

Monitoramento Avançado de Aplicações Distribuídas com Zabbix e OpenTelemetry

Lara Xavier

Speaker JLCP, Brazil Premium Partner

Portuguese (br)

60 min.

Why You Need Monitoring
Monitoring doesn't just stop at data collection. There are many dimensions to monitoring - from data collection to problem detection, visualizing the state of your infrastructure, and much more. Join us and learn about different monitoring dimensions and the value, which a robust monitoring solution can provide for your organization.
Vittorio Cioe

Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia


60 min.

Nasadenie Zabbixu v prostredí Kubernetes New
Pripravili sme pre vás webinár, na ktorom si ukážeme, ako nasadiť Zabbix v prostredí Kubernetes. Prevedieme vás procesom od inštalácie až po základné nastavenia Zabbix komponentov, zároveň si ukážeme nasadenie rônzch verzií Zabbixu. Tento webinár je ideálny pre každého, kto chce začať s nasadením Zabbixu skúsenosti so Zabbixom v modernom cloudovom prostredí.
Peter Langoš

Zabbix Certified Professional Axians Slovakia s.r.o., Slovakia Premium Partner



Zabbix - an introduction to SNMP
If you are using Zabbix and planning to start monitoring network equipment, you will come to the topic of SNMP. In this webinar we will give you a brief overview of what SNMP is, and how to use it within Zabbix in an efficient way to get the most valuable information!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, United States Certified Partner


60 min.

Обзор системы мониторинга Zabbix
Откройте для себя основные концепции работы с системой мониторинга Zabbix и почувствуйте уверенность при использовании ключевых функций, зная архитектуру системы.
Aleksandrs Petrovs Gavrilovs

Training Technical Administrator, Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia


60 min.

Workshop: Manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten: Automatisierung in Zabbix 7.0 verbessern
Entdecken Sie die neue Unterstützung für manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten, die in Zabbix 7.0 eingeführt wurde. In dieser Sitzung wird das Konzept der manuellen Host-Aktionen und manuellen Ereignis-Aktionen, wie es in früheren Versionen verwendet wurde, erklärt. Anschließend wird die neue Funktionalität ausführlich behandelt, die zeigt, wie manuelle Eingaben nun direkt in Ihre Automatisierungs-Workflows integriert werden können.
Stefan Matzek

Zabbix Certified Trainer IntelliTrend GmbH, Germany Premium Partner


60 min.

Recorded webinars

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