Extending ZABBIX From UserParameters to Script items and Zabbix agent 2 plugins - Zabbix provides many approaches for extending the native monitoring and data processing functionality. Visit the Webinar and learn about the different ways of extending the Zabbix functionality. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Возможности тегов Теги Zabbix можно использовать для предоставления дополнительного уровня информации о ваших проблемах. Узнайте, как использовать теги для корреляции проблем, улучшения логики оповещения, определения более гибких разрешений Zabbix и многого другого! Ilya Fedotjev Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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LLD Básico: Desvendando o Conceito [Nível Básico] Descubra os conceitos fundamentais do Low-Level Discovery (LLD) no Zabbix. Neste webinar, exploraremos o conceito de LLD, como criar protótipos de itens e triggers, e como aplicar filtros e usar overrides de forma eficiente para gerenciar grandes quantidades de dados. Ideal para iniciantes que desejam dominar o básico. Lucas Frade GST Zabbix LatAm, Brazil |
60 min. |
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LLD Básico: Desvendando o Conceito [Nível Básico] Descubra os conceitos fundamentais do Low-Level Discovery (LLD) no Zabbix. Neste webinar, exploraremos o conceito de LLD, como criar protótipos de itens e triggers, e como aplicar filtros e usar overrides de forma eficiente para gerenciar grandes quantidades de dados. Ideal para iniciantes que desejam dominar o básico. Lucas Frade GST Zabbix LatAm, Brazil |
60 min. |
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LLD Básico: Descubriendo el Concepto [Nivel Básico] New Descubre los conceptos fundamentales del Low-Level Discovery (LLD) en Zabbix. En este webinar, exploraremos el concepto de LLD, cómo crear prototipos de ítems y triggers, y cómo aplicar filtros e overrides de manera eficiente para gestionar grandes volúmenes de datos. Ideal para principiantes que deseen dominar lo básico. Facundo Vilarnovo GST Zabbix LatAm, Argentina |
60 min. |
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Zabbix - an introduction to SNMP If you are using Zabbix and planning to start monitoring network equipment, you will come to the topic of SNMP. In this webinar we will give you a brief overview of what SNMP is, and how to use it within Zabbix in an efficient way to get the most valuable information! Brian van Baekel Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions B.V., The Netherlands Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Event Tags Zabbix tags can be used to provide an additional layer of information for your problems. Learn how to use tags to correlate your problems, improve your alerting logic, define more flexible Zabbix permissions and more! Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Pokročilý monitoring Windows serveru Zabbixem New Windows servery jsou páteří mnoha IT infrastruktur, a proto je jejich monitoring klíčový. Na tomto webináři se naučíte, jak využít Zabbix pro pokročilé sledování výkonu Windows serverů, monitoring procesů, logů a bezpečnostních událostí. Ukážeme si praktické konfigurace, užitečné šablony a tipy pro efektivní správu Windows infrastruktury pomocí Zabbixu. Tomas Hermanek Zabbix Certified Trainer initMAX s.r.o., Czech Republic Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Transformando a Gestão de ISPs com Zabbix [Nível Intermediário] No webinar "Transformando a Gestão de ISPs com Zabbix", exploraremos como o Zabbix pode se tornar uma ferramenta indispensável para a gestão de provedores de internet (ISPs). Este evento destacará como o Zabbix é capaz de monitorar a infraestrutura de rede, dispositivos e serviços, fornecendo insights valiosos de forma eficiente. Com isso, você poderá alcançar maior visibilidade operacional e tomar decisões mais assertivas. Francisco Cunha Speaker JLCP, Brazil Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Why You Need Monitoring Monitoring doesn't just stop at data collection. There are many dimensions to monitoring - from data collection to problem detection, visualizing the state of your infrastructure, and much more. Join us and learn about different monitoring dimensions and the value, which a robust monitoring solution can provide for your organization. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Зачем нужен мониторинг Мониторинг не ограничивается сбором информации. Существует множество аспектов мониторинга - от работы с данными до обнаружения проблем, визуализации состояния инфраструктуры и многое другое. Присоединяйтесь к нам и узнайте о различных аспектах мониторинга, а так же о том, какую пользу может принести надежное решение для мониторинга вашей организации. Aleksandrs Petrovs-Gavrilovs Training Technical Administrator, Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Monitorando Kubernetes com Zabbix [Nível Intermediário] Neste webinar demonstramos como é simples e Rapido monitorar clusters Kubernetes com o Zabbix, utilizando o HELM oficial disponibilizado pela Zabbix. Bernardo Lankheet Speaker JLCP, Brazil Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Quick introduction to Zabbix Explore concepts of Zabbix as an Enterprise level, Open source monitoring solution and get more familiar with it's key functionality and architecture. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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LLD Avanzado: Estrategias para Profesionales [Nivel Intermedio] New Profundiza en las funcionalidades más avanzadas del LLD. Descubre cómo crear prototipos de gráficos y hosts, y trabajar con ítems dependientes para una gestión más robusta y personalizable de tus entornos de monitoreo. Facundo Vilarnovo GST Zabbix LatAm, Argentina |
60 min. |
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Zabbix - LLD Overrides Probably Low Level Discovery is still one of the most powerful features within Zabbix. It was already extended and flexible, but recently Zabbix introduced the concepts of “overrides” within the discovery rules, to add another layer of flexibility! Want to get familiar with the concept, and learn the basics? Join this webinar and after one hour you’re up to date again! Brian van Baekel Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner |
60 min. |
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Install Zabbix in 5 minutes There are many methods how to get Zabbix up and running in your environment. Choose the one which is more suitable for you. May it be a good old installation or just deployment in the clouds. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Vysoká dostupnosť v Zabbix architektúre New Otázka vysokej dostupnosti riešenia monitoringu je v dnešnej dobe dôležitou súčasťou návrhu jeho architektúry. Prejdite si spoločne s nami možnosti budovania vysokodostupnej architektúry monitoringu v Zabbixe. Ukážeme si, ako zabezpečiť vysokú dostupnosť na viacerých úrovniach architektúry od Zabbix databázy, cez Zabbix server, Zabbix proxy až po frontend. Marek Konečný Zabbix Certified Trainer and Zabbix Certified Expert Axians Slovakia s.r.o., Slovakia Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Обзор системы мониторинга Zabbix Откройте для себя основные концепции работы с системой мониторинга Zabbix и почувствуйте уверенность при использовании ключевых функций, зная архитектуру системы. Aleksandrs Petrovs Gavrilovs Training Technical Administrator, Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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LLD Avançado: Estratégias para Profissionais [ Nível Intermediário] New Aprofunde-se nas funcionalidades mais avançadas do LLD. Descubra como criar protótipos de gráficos e hosts, além de trabalhar com itens dependentes para uma gestão mais robusta e personalizável de seus ambientes de monitoramento. Leonardo Southier GST Zabbix LatAm, Brazil |
60 min. |
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Extending ZABBIX From UserParameters to Script items and Zabbix agent 2 plugins - Zabbix provides many approaches for extending the native monitoring and data processing functionality. Visit the Webinar and learn about the different ways of extending the Zabbix functionality. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Zabbix + IoT: Monitoring solární elektrárny a senzorů přes Modbus & MQTT New IoT a průmyslová automatizace se stávají klíčovou součástí moderní infrastruktury. Tento webinář vás provede monitoringem solárních elektráren a dalších IoT senzorů pomocí Zabbixu, Modbusu a MQTT. Naučíte se, jak správně propojit IoT zařízení, získávat data v reálném čase a optimalizovat výkon pomocí pokročilé analýzy. Připojte se a objevte možnosti Zabbixu v oblasti IoT monitoringu! Tomas Hermanek Zabbix Certified Trainer initMAX s.r.o., Czech Republic Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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SNMP en la Nueva Era: Un Enfoque Básico [Nivel básico] New Descubre el nuevo método para trabajar con SNMP en Zabbix. Abordaremos la diferencia entre Pollers Asíncronos y el legado, el uso de OID/MIB y cómo manejar traps de SNMP de manera eficiente. Ideal para principiantes en SNMP. Facundo Vilarnovo GST Zabbix LatAm, Argentina |
60 min. |
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Zabbix - Frontend scripts to the rescue! Frontend scripts are available already for a long period of time. Nevertheless, there are not many people using them and that’s a shame. In this one hour webinar we will show you how to configure them, and why they are so extremely useful in your day to day operation. Brian van Baekel Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LTD, UK Certified Partner |
60 min. |
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Event Tags Zabbix tags can be used to provide an additional layer of information for your problems. Learn how to use tags to correlate your problems, improve your alerting logic, define more flexible Zabbix permissions and more! Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Why You Need Monitoring Monitoring doesn't just stop at data collection. There are many dimensions to monitoring - from data collection to problem detection, visualizing the state of your infrastructure, and much more. Join us and learn about different monitoring dimensions and the value, which a robust monitoring solution can provide for your organization. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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JMX monitoring V tomto webinári sa pozrieme na to, ako monitorovať Java aplikácie prostredníctvom JMX (Java Management Extensions) a Zabbixu s využitím konponentu Zabbix Java gateway. Ukážeme si praktickú ukážku vytvárania LLD pravidiel pre JMX metriky. Tento webinár je určený pre začínajúcich adminstrátorov Zabbixu. Peter Langoš Zabbix Certified Professional Axians Slovakia s.r.o., Slovakia Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Установите и настройте Zabbix за 5 минут Как установить Zabbix? Из официальных репозиториев и пакетов? Из контейнеров используя облачные сервисы? Или из исходных кодов с последующей компиляцией? Выберите свой способ из множества доступных после посещения вебинара. Ilya Fedotjev Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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LLD + SNMP Avançado: Otimizando a Integração [Nível Avançado] Aprenda a combinar o poder do LLD com o SNMP para criar soluções personalizadas. Descubra como usar o walk com itens dependentes e aplicações avançadas de pre-processamento para simplificar e melhorar sua estratégia de monitoramento. Victor Credidio GST Zabbix LatAm, Brazil |
60 min. |
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LLD + SNMP Avanzado: Optimizando la Integración [Nivel Avanzado] New Aprende a combinar el poder del LLD con el SNMP para crear soluciones personalizadas. Descubre cómo usar el walk con ítems dependientes y aplicaciones avanzadas de preprocesamiento para simplificar y mejorar tu estrategia de monitoreo. Facundo Vilarnovo GST Zabbix LatAm, Argentina |
60 min. |
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Zabbix - Scheduled reports Yes! This is a thing within Zabbix! Although it is not complicated to configure in the frontend, the pre-requisites are not too clear and a few steps are needed to make this work. Want to get your knowledge kickstarted and learn how to get it going? Join this webinar and you’re covered Brian van Baekel Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner |
60 min. |
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Quick introduction to Zabbix Explore concepts of Zabbix as an Enterprise level, Open source monitoring solution and get more familiar with it's key functionality and architecture. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Trabalhando com Proxy Group no Zabbix 7.0 Nesta apresentação apresento o novo conceito de proxy do Zabbix 7, o Proxy Group.... E como podemos trabalhar com ele em nossos ambientes. Bernardo Lankheet Speaker JLCP, Brazil Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Install Zabbix in 5 minutes There are many methods how to get Zabbix up and running in your environment. Choose the one which is more suitable for you. May it be a good old installation or just deployment in the clouds. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Browser Monitoring with Zabbix New Browser Monitoring with Zabbix makes it easy to monitor complicated websites and applications by using an actual browser – tracking performance, reliability, and functionality from the perspective of a real user. Join our “Browsing with Zabbix” webinar on May 20 at 18:00 (Riga time), and we’ll go into detail on the different approaches to browser monitoring, show you what kind of metrics you can collect, and share real-world case studies from organizations like yours. Sign up today! Arturs Lontons Zabbix Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
90 min. |
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Расширение возможностей Zabbix От пользовательских параметров до элементов данных сценария и плагинов Zabbix agent 2 - Zabbix предоставляет множество подходов для расширения встроенной функциональности мониторинга и обработки данных. Посетите вебинар и узнайте о различных способах расширения функциональности Zabbix. Ilya Fedotjev Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Zabbix Java Gateway: Instalace, tipy a monitoring Tomcatu a WildFly New Chcete efektivně monitorovat Java servery jako Tomcat a WildFly pomocí Zabbixu? Tento webinář vám ukáže, jak správně nainstalovat, nakonfigurovat a využít Zabbix Java Gateway pro sledování výkonu vašich aplikací. Získáte praktické tipy, osvědčené triky a ukázky z reálného nasazení. Připojte se a naučte se, jak optimalizovat monitoring Java serverů pomocí Zabbixu. Tomas Hermanek Zabbix Certified Trainer initMAX s.r.o., Czech Republic Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Templates Básico: Começando com Automação [Nível Básico] New Descubra como criar e gerenciar templates no Zabbix. Aprenda sobre conceitos básicos, uso de macros do usuário, ações como copiar, clonar, vincular e desvincular, além de tags e valores de mapeamento para configurações mais eficientes. Leonardo Southier GST Zabbix LatAm, Brazil |
60 min. |
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Templates Básico: Iniciando con Automatización [Nivel Básico] New Descubre cómo crear y gestionar templates en Zabbix. Aprende sobre conceptos básicos, uso de macros de usuario, acciones como copiar, clonar, vincular y desvincular, además de tags y valores de mapeo para configuraciones más eficientes. Facundo Vilarnovo GST Zabbix LatAm, Argentina |
60 min. |
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Extending ZABBIX From UserParameters to Script items and Zabbix agent 2 plugins - Zabbix provides many approaches for extending the native monitoring and data processing functionality. Visit the Webinar and learn about the different ways of extending the Zabbix functionality. Vittorio Cioe Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
60 min. |
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Zabbix - The joy of escalations Although no one likes alerts, they happen. But what if you miss the notification? What if you want to execute an action and if that didn’t help, send out a message? How to create a trouble ticket and send an message? All these questions will be covered in this webinar! Brian van Baekel Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions B.V., The Netherlands Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Vzdialená správa konfigurácie Zabbix New Využite natívne funkcie Zabbixu pre vytvorenie jednoduchých akcií pre správu konfigurácie agentov – zobrazenie zoznamu konfiguračných súborov, ich obsahu a prípadne zmeny konfigurácie. Stanislav Ťažiar Zabbix Certified Expert Axians Slovakia s.r.o., Slovakia Premium Partner |
1h |
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Install Zabbix in 5 minutes Ok, this sounds a bit too ambitious, but we’ll promise - there will a demo in this webinar proving it’s possible. It seems quite complex to install Zabbix, but once you’ve got the Linux machine in place, it’s pretty straight forward to install it. Of course there are pre-requisites and things to consider. This webinar will cover those and get you going. Brian van Baekel Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner |
60 min. |
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Pokročilá vizualizace dat v Zabbixu New Chcete naplno využít vizualizaci dat v Zabbixu? Tento webinář vám ukáže, jak pracovat s nejnovějšími dashboardy, propojit pokročilé widgety a rozšířit Zabbix o další volně dostupné moduly. Ukážeme si, jak efektivně pracovat s hostitelským dashboardem a využít ho k maximální přehlednosti monitoringu. Připojte se a naučte se vytvářet profesionální dashboardy v Zabbixu! Tomas Hermanek Zabbix Certified Trainer initMAX s.r.o., Czech Republic Premium Partner |
60 min. |
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Reagindo a Eventos: Automação e Ações [Nível Intermediário] Entenda como o Zabbix pode reagir a eventos de forma automática. Explore configurações de triggers, registros automáticos, descoberta, serviços e ações para uma gestão responsiva e inteligente. Victor Credidio GST Zabbix LatAm, Brazil |
60 min. |
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SNMP na Nova Era: Uma Abordagem Básica [Nível Básico] Conheça o novo método de trabalhar com SNMP no Zabbix. Abordaremos a diferença entre Pollers Assíncronos e o legado, o uso de OID/MIB, e como lidar com traps de SNMP de forma eficiente. Ideal para iniciantes em SNMP. Lucas Frade GST Zabbix LatAm, Brazil |
60 min. |
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Reaccionando a Eventos: Automatización y Acciones [Nivel Intermedio] New Aprende cómo Zabbix puede reaccionar a eventos de forma automática. Explora configuraciones de triggers, registros automáticos, descubrimiento, servicios y acciones para una gestión responsiva e inteligente. Facundo Vilarnovo GST Zabbix LatAm, Argentina |
60 min. |
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Zabbix - Visualisation Every version of Zabbix there are new features regarding visualisation added or improved. In this webinar we would like to introduce you these options, and how to make your precious data available in such a way they are easy to read! Brian van Baekel Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LTD, UK Certified Partner |
60 min. |
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Browser Monitoring with Zabbix New Browser Monitoring with Zabbix makes it easy to monitor complicated websites and applications by using an actual browser – tracking performance, reliability, and functionality from the perspective of a real user. Join our “Browsing with Zabbix” webinar on August 14 at 18:00 (Riga time), and we’ll go into detail on the different approaches to browser monitoring, show you what kind of metrics you can collect, and share real-world case studies from organizations like yours. Sign up today! Arturs Lontons Zabbix Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
90 min. |
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Browser Monitoring with Zabbix New Browser Monitoring with Zabbix makes it easy to monitor complicated websites and applications by using an actual browser – tracking performance, reliability, and functionality from the perspective of a real user. Join our “Browsing with Zabbix” webinar on November 13 at 18:00 (Riga time), and we’ll go into detail on the different approaches to browser monitoring, show you what kind of metrics you can collect, and share real-world case studies from organizations like yours. Sign up today! Arturs Lontons Zabbix Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia |
90 min. |
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