Zabbix Solution in Education

Universities, institutes and schools are on the leading edge of technology development and introduction into many different industries. Advance of technology today requires an enormous amount of resources, including extensive IT infrastructures.

Ongoing financial constraints in the public sector constantly challenge educational institutions to find inexpensive, but effective ways to deliver high quality monitoring applications and services. Zabbix open-source monitoring solution can be implemented and used by anyone for free, and yet provide even very demanding customers with broad variety of functions and features.

Potential uses of Zabbix

  • Monitoring all devices (e.g. computers) simultaneously;
  • Alarm on any data loss in the IT system;
  • Identify internal system abusers and display their user names and host IP address;
  • Integrating Zabbix for institution’s physical, virtual, and cloud environments into one central management console, so everyone in the organization has centralized access to the required information and sources;
  • Monitoring of internet sources and channels used by students and personnel;
  • Monitoring of IT systems for Intellectual Property (IP) protection purposes and notification if such information was spread outside permitted resources;
  • Early notification of possible viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other transmitters of system infection;
  • Monitoring of attendance system for educational institutions, where electronic ID cards are used.

Proven Benefits

  • Increase the stability of information technology infrastructure and services operated by an organization;
  • Opportunity to organize proactive problem detection and resolution;
  • Availability of support application with comprehensive backup and recovery tools;
  • Ensuring that IT systems provided to students and personnel are used properly and for legitimate purposes;
  • Early notification of possible IP loss or copy;
  • Ensuring proper use of institution’s IT systems by involved users;
  • Reduction of manual work and saving of human resources;
  • Usage of recorder statistics.

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Zabbix is a professionally developed open-source software with no limits or hidden costs