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Setting up JMX templates for monitoring involves a few steps. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Ensure that the Zabbix Java gateway is properly installed and configured.

  2. Link the JMX template to the target host. Make sure that the host has a JMX interface set up. If the JMX template is not available in your Zabbix installation, you may need to import the template's .xml file. For detailed instructions on linking templates, refer to the Linking Templates section.

  3. Adjust the values of any template macros if necessary. Macros allow you to customize certain values in the template to match your environment.

  4. Configure the instance that you want to monitor using JMX to allow data sharing with Zabbix.

For more detailed information about a specific JMX template, including the full list of macros, items, and triggers, you can access the template's file. Simply click on the template name within the Zabbix interface to access this file.

Here are some examples of available JMX templates:

Each of these templates provides monitoring for specific applications or services using JMX monitoring.