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> Rapporteer object

De volgende objecten zijn direct gerelateerd aan de report API.


The template object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
templateid string ID of the template.

Property behavior:
- read-only
- required for update operations
host string Technical name of the template.

Property behavior:
- required for create operations
description text Description of the template.
name string Visible name of the template.

Default: host property value.
uuid string Universal unique identifier, used for linking imported templates to already existing ones. Auto-generated, if not given.
vendor_name string Template vendor name.

For create operations, both vendor_name and vendor_version should be either set or left empty. For update operations, vendor_version can be left empty if it has a value in the database.
vendor_version string Template vendor version.

For create operations, both vendor_name and vendor_version should be either set or left empty. For update operations, vendor_name can be left empty if it has a value in the database.

Sjabloon tag

Het sjabloon tag object heeft de volgende eigenschappen.

Eigenschap Type Omschrijving
tag string Naam van de sjabloon tag.

Eigenschap gedrag:
- vereist
value string Waarde van de sjabloon tag.