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9 What's new in Zabbix 6.2.4

TimescaleDB 2.8 support

The maximum supported version for TimescaleDB is now 2.8.

PostgreSQL 15 support

PostgreSQL 15 is now supported. Note that TimescaleDB does not support PostgreSQL 15 yet.

Possible to build Zabbix agent 2 offline

Zabbix agent 2 now can be built offline. The source tarball now includes the src/go/vendor directory, which should make sure that golang is not forced to download dependency modules automatically. It is still possible to update to the latest modules manually by using go mod tidy or go get commands.

PostgreSQL plugin loadable

The PostgreSQL plugin is now loadable in Zabbix agent 2 (previously built-in).

See also: PostgreSQL loadable plugin repository

Extended VMware monitoring

New items

New items are now available for VMware monitoring:

  • vmware.datastore.perfcounter[]
  • vmware.hv.diskinfo.get[]

Additional discovery fields

Items, used for VMware discovery, now return additional discovery fields:

  • vmware.datastore.discovery[] returns {#DATASTORE.TYPE} macro.
  • vmware.hv.datastore.discovery[] returns {#DATASTORE.TYPE} macro and datastore_extent array.

vmware.vm.discovery output format updated

The vmware.vm.discovery item now returns the vm_customattribute array instead of vm.customattribute. This formatting change has been implemented to simplify further processing of the returned JSON (for example, in preprocessing steps or LLD macros).

Tag reading from VMware

VMware items reporting various VMware tags (e.g., vmware.datastore.tags.get[]) are now supported since vSphere version 6.5 (previously vSphere 7.0 Update 2).


The template Azure by HTTP has been updated and now includes metrics to monitor Microsoft Azure MySQL servers out-of-the-box.

You can get this template:

  • In Configuration → Templates in new installations;
  • If you are upgrading from previous versions, you can download new templates from Zabbix Git repository or find them in the zabbix/templates directory of the downloaded latest Zabbix version. Then, while in Configuration → Templates you can import them manually into Zabbix.


  • Warnings about incorrect housekeeping configuration for TimescaleDB are now displayed if history or trend tables contain compressed chunks, but Override item history period or Override item trend period options are disabled. For more information, see TimescaleDB setup.