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8 Wykrycie usług Windows


In a similar way as file systems are discovered, it is possible to also discover Windows services.

Item key

The item to use in the discovery rule is


This item is supported since Zabbix Windows agent 3.0.

Supported macros

The following macros are supported for use in the discovery rule filter and prototypes of items, triggers and graphs:

Macro Description
{#SERVICE.NAME} Service name.
{#SERVICE.DISPLAYNAME} Displayed service name.
{#SERVICE.DESCRIPTION} Service description.
{#SERVICE.STATE} Numerical value of the service state:
0 - Running
1 - Paused
2 - Start pending
3 - Pause pending
4 - Continue pending
5 - Stop pending
6 - Stopped
7 - Unknown
{#SERVICE.STATENAME} Name of the service state (Running, Paused, Start pending, Pause pending, Continue pending, Stop pending, Stopped or Unknown).
{#SERVICE.PATH} Service path.
{#SERVICE.USER} Service user.
{#SERVICE.STARTUP} Numerical value of the service startup type:
0 - Automatic
1 - Automatic delayed
2 - Manual
3 - Disabled
4 - Unknown
{#SERVICE.STARTUPNAME} Name of the service startup type (Automatic, Automatic delayed, Manual, Disabled, Unknown).
{#SERVICE.STARTUPTRIGGER} Numerical value to indicate if the service startup type has:
0 - no startup triggers
1 - has startup triggers
This macro is supported since Zabbix 3.4.4. It is useful to discover such service startup types as Automatic (trigger start), Automatic delayed (trigger start) and Manual (trigger start).

Based on Windows service discovery you may create an item prototype like[{#SERVICE.NAME},<param>]

where param accepts the following values: state, displayname, path, user, startup or description.

For example, to acquire the display name of a service you may use a "[{#SERVICE.NAME},displayname]" item. If param value is not specified ("[{#SERVICE.NAME}]"), the default state parameter is used.