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35 What's new in Zabbix 5.0.31

Improved performance of history syncers

The performance of history syncers has been improved by introducing a new read-write lock. This reduces locking between history syncers, trappers and proxy pollers by using a shared read lock while accessing the configuration cache. The new lock can be write locked only by the configuration syncer performing a configuration cache reload.

Optimized API queries

API database queries, created when searching through names in hosts and items tables, have been optimized and will now be processed more efficiently.

Updated templates

Template DB Oracle by Zabbix agent 2 has been updated according to the changes made to multiple Zabbix agent 2 items.

For more information about the updates, see Template changes.

You can get this template:

  • In ConfigurationTemplates in new installations;
  • If you are upgrading from previous versions, you can download new templates from Zabbix Git repository or find them in the templates directory of the downloaded latest Zabbix version. Then, while in ConfigurationTemplates, you can import them manually into Zabbix.

Query separate tablespaces in Oracle databases with Zabbix agent 2

The following Zabbix agent 2 items, supported for the Oracle plugin, now have additional optional parameters:

  • oracle.diskgroups.stats[<existingParameters>,<diskgroup>]
  • oracle.archive.info[<existingParameters>,<destination>]
  • oracle.cdb.info[<existingParameters>,<database>]
  • oracle.pdb.info[<existingParameters>,<database>]
  • oracle.ts.stats[<existingParameters>,<tablespace>,<type>]

These parameters allow to query separate instances of data instead of all data, thus improving performance.

Retrieving additional information with docker.container_info[]

The docker.container_info[] Zabbix agent 2 item now supports the option to retrieve either partial (short) or full low-level information about a Docker container.

TimescaleDB 2.9.0 support

The maximum supported version for TimescaleDB is now 2.9.0.

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