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> Map object

The following objects are directly related to the map API.


The map object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
sysmapid string (readonly) ID of the map.
integer Height of the map in pixels.
string Name of the map.
integer Width of the map in pixels.
backgroundid string ID of the image used as the background for the map.
expand_macros integer Whether to expand macros in labels when configuring the map.

Possible values:
0 - (default) do not expand macros;
1 - expand macros.
expandproblem integer Whether the the problem trigger will be displayed for elements with a single problem.

Possible values:
0 - always display the number of problems;
1 - (default) display the problem trigger if there's only one problem.
grid_align integer Whether to enable grid aligning.

Possible values:
0 - disable grid aligning;
1 - (default) enable grid aligning.
grid_show integer Whether to show the grid on the map.

Possible values:
0 - do not show the grid;
1 - (default) show the grid.
grid_size integer Size of the map grid in pixels.

Supported values: 20, 40, 50, 75 and 100.

Default: 50.
highlight integer Whether icon highlighting is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - highlighting disabled;
1 - (default) highlighting enabled.
iconmapid string ID of the icon map used on the map.
label_format integer Whether to enable advanced labels.

Possible values:
0 - (default) disable advanced labels;
1 - enable advanced labels.
label_location integer Location of the map element label.

Possible values:
0 - (default) bottom;
1 - left;
2 - right;
3 - top.
label_string_host string Custom label for host elements.

Required for maps with custom host label type.
label_string_hostgroup string Custom label for host group elements.

Required for maps with custom host group label type.
label_string_image string Custom label for image elements.

Required for maps with custom image label type.
label_string_map string Custom label for map elements.

Required for maps with custom map label type.
label_string_trigger string Custom label for trigger elements.

Required for maps with custom trigger label type.
label_type integer Map element label type.

Possible values:
0 - label;
1 - IP address;
2 - (default) element name;
3 - status only;
4 - nothing.
label_type_host integer Label type for host elements.

Possible values:
0 - label;
1 - IP address;
2 - (default) element name;
3 - status only;
4 - nothing;
5 - custom.
label_type_hostgroup integer Label type for host group elements.

Possible values:
0 - label;
2 - (default) element name;
3 - status only;
4 - nothing;
5 - custom.
label_type_image integer Label type for host group elements.

Possible values:
0 - label;
2 - (default) element name;
4 - nothing;
5 - custom.
label_type_map integer Label type for map elements.

Possible values:
0 - label;
2 - (default) element name;
3 - status only;
4 - nothing;
5 - custom.
label_type_trigger integer Label type for trigger elements.

Possible values:
0 - label;
2 - (default) element name;
3 - status only;
4 - nothing;
5 - custom.
markelements integer Whether to highlight map elements that have recently changed their status.

Possible values:
0 - (default) do not highlight elements;
1 - highlight elements.
severity_min integer Minimum severity of the triggers that will be displayed on the map.

Refer to the trigger "severity" property for a list of supported trigger severities.
show_unack integer How problems should be displayed.

Possible values:
0 - (default) display the count of all problems;
1 - display only the count of unacknowledged problems;
2 - display the count of acknowledged and unacknowledged problems separately.

Map element

The map element object defines an object displayed on a map. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
selementid string (readonly) ID of the map element.
string ID of the object that the map element represents.

Required for host, host group, trigger and map type elements.
integer Type of map element.

Possible values:
0 - host;
1 - map;
2 - trigger;
3 - host group;
4 - image.
string ID of the image used to display the element in default state.
areatype integer How separate host group hosts should be displayed.

Possible values:
0 - (default) the host group element will take up the whole map;
1 - the host group element will have a fixed size.
elementsubtype integer How a host group element should be displayed on a map.

Possible values:
0 - (default) display the host group as a single element;
1 - display each host in the group separately.
height integer Height of the fixed size host group element in pixels.

Default: 200.
iconid_disabled string ID of the image used to display disabled map elements. Unused for image elements.
iconid_maintenance string ID of the image used to display map elements in maintenance. Unused for image elements.
iconid_on string ID of the image used to display map elements with problems. Unused for image elements.
label string Label of the element.
label_location integer Location of the map element label.

Possible values:
-1 - (default) default location;
0 - bottom;
1 - left;
2 - right;
3 - top.
sysmapid string (readonly) ID of the map that the element belongs to.
urls array Map element URLs.

The map element URL object is described in detail below.
use_iconmap integer Whether icon mapping must be used for host elements.

Possible values:
0 - do not use icon mapping;
1 - (default) use icon mapping.
viewtype integer Host group element placing algorithm.

Possible values:
0 - (default) grid.
width integer Width of the fixed size host group element in pixels.

Default: 200.
x integer X-coordinates of the element in pixels.

Default: 0.
y integer Y-coordinates of the element in pixels.

Default: 0.

Map element URL

The map element URL object defines a clickable link that will be available for a specific map element. It has the following properties:

Property Type Description
sysmapelementurlid string (readonly) ID of the map element URL.
string Link caption.
string Link URL.
selementid string ID of the map element that the URL belongs to.

The map link object defines a link between two map elements. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
linkid string (readonly) ID of the map link.
string ID of the first map element linked on one end.
string ID of the first map element linked on the other end.
color string Line color as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: 000000.
drawtype integer Link line draw style.

Possible values:
0 - (default) line;
2 - bold line;
3 - dotted line;
4 - dashed line.
label string Link label.
linktriggers array Map link triggers to use as link status indicators.

The map link trigger object is described in detail below.
sysmapid string ID of the map the link belongs to.

The map link trigger object defines a map link status indicator based on the state of a trigger. It has the following properties:

Property Type Description
linktriggerid string (readonly) ID of the map link trigger.
string ID of the trigger used as a link indicator.
color string Indicator color as a hexadecimal color code.

Default: DD0000.
drawtype integer Indicator draw style.

Possible values:
0 - (default) line;
2 - bold line;
3 - dotted line;
4 - dashed line.
linkid string ID of the map link that the link trigger belongs to.


The map URL object defines a clickable link that will be available for all elements of a specific type on the map. It has the following properties:

Property Type Description
sysmapurlid string (readonly) ID of the map URL.
string Link caption.
string Link URL.
elementtype integer Type of map element for which the URL will be available.

Refer to the map element "type" property for a list of supported types.

Default: 0.
sysmapid string ID of the map that the URL belongs to.
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