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Class containing methods for operations with Hosts.

Methods Description
get() Get host details
exists() Check if host exists
create() Create hosts
update() Update host details
delete() Delete hosts
massAdd() Mass add template linkage, macros, host groups
massUpdate() Mass update host details, link templates, add host groups
massRemove() Mass remove template linkage, macros, host groups

Object details

The table contains complete list of Host attributes.

Parameter Type Description Details
hostid int Host ID
host string Host name.
port int Port number.
status int Host Status.
useip int Use IP.
dns string DNS.
ip string IP.
proxy_hostid int Proxy Host ID.
useipmi int Use IPMI.
ipmi_ip string IPMAI IP.
ipmi_port int IPMI port.
ipmi_authtype int IPMI authentication type.
ipmi_privilege int IPMI privilege.
ipmi_username string IPMI username.
ipmi_password string IPMI password.

Common tasks

The table contains list of common host-related tasks and possible implementation using Zabbix API

Add a host Use method host.create
Add a bunch of new hosts Use method host.create with array of Host objects
Enable a host Use method host.update, set "status":0
Disable a host Use method host.update, set "status":1
Retrieve host details by Host IDs Use method host.get with parameter hostids
Retrieve host details by Host name Use method host.get with parameter filter, specify "host":"<your host>"
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