Release Notes for Zabbix 3.0.5

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 3.0.5.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 3.0.5. Download it from download.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-3106 Improved concurrent VMware item polling speed, reduced size of cached VMware data
ZBX-11136 Increased width of input fields
ZBX-1357 Updated Chinese (China), French, German, Korean, Persian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBXNEXT-3389 Removed value length limitation in zabbix_sender when reading data from file/stream

Bug Fixes

ZBX-11220 Fixed visibility of latest event in Monitoring->Events page
ZBX-11204 Fixed parameter parsing in calculated items when it contains double quote escaping
ZBX-5448 Fixed possible delay when proxy sends cached history to server
ZBX-7595 Fixed long SNMP OID not being accepted
ZBX-7108 Fixed error when upgrading graph_theme table in proxy database from 1.8 to 2.0
ZBX-9068 Fixed forms behaviour when enter key is pressed
ZBX-11245 Fixed escaped double quote parsing in quoted parameters in array in item key parameters
ZBX-11175 Fixed compilation failure for OpenBSD 5.8, 5.9, 6.0
ZBX-11137 Fixed validation of new host group when creating/updating template
ZBX-11151 Implemented dynamic default sortorder for graph item, default sortorder increases by one with each entry of graph item
ZBX-8897 Increased performance of Monitoring->Events page
ZBX-10758 Added converting of SNMP lld rules in XML import
ZBX-11131 Removed mistaken support of {ITEM.VALUE} and {ITEM.LASTVALUE} macros in trigger URLs
ZBX-11143 Added missing space in CTrigger.php SQL query
ZBX-11040 Added "page navigation" context to translation strings "First" and "Last"; replicated translations for "First" and "Last" in "page navigation" context from 2.2 branch
ZBX-11070 Disallowed zabbix admin accessing notifications of users that does not share any user group
ZBX-11057 Fixed drawing lines of items with scheduled interval when graph data is selected from trends
ZBX-8801 Made "Trigger status" be always remembered in "Monitoring" -> "Triggers" and "Monitoring" -> "Overview", even if "All"
ZBX-10974 Fixed filter being reset when moving to a different page in "Monitoring" -> "Triggers"
ZBX-11020 Fixed "host.create" so that both "inventory" and "inventory_mode" are optional
ZBX-8489 Removed ODBC request answer size limitation
ZBX-10830 Fixed SNMP trap to convert non-printable values from SNMPv3 to hexadecimal
ZBX-11071 Fixed closing success and error messages in IE
ZBX-11124 Fixed memory leak in process of deleting hosts, which occurs during lld processing
ZBX-11109 Fixed processing of parameter HousekeepingFrequency=0 in proxy
ZBX-11099 Reduced configuration cache lock time after host maintenance ends
ZBX-9413 Fixed disabled hosts linking to a maintenance
ZBX-11100 Fixed minor bugs and use of magic numbers in IP range parsers
ZBX-11072 Fixed problem with string truncation for IBM DB2 databases which contain the char '\r'
ZBX-11081 Fixed compilation error with curl library
ZBX-10901 Added missing highlighting for some UI elements in focused state
ZBXNEXT-3351 Decreased padding in screens to make them more compact
ZBX-11059 Fixed duplicate notifications sending from one media type
ZBX-11073 Fixed compilation with Net-SNMP library support
ZBX-10263 Fixed incorrect record count in getPagingLine() when search limit is reached
ZBX-10621 Fixed hanging of dragged widget while updating content
ZBX-10621 Removed excessive white space in dashboard
ZBX-10713 Fixed incorrect macro {ESC.HISTORY} that gathers history about one event to different actions
ZBX-10759 Fixed trigger prototypes status when host become unavailable
ZBX-10971 Fixed memory leak when action is removed from configuration
ZBX-10721 Made the third parameter (<port>) of "net.tcp.service" optional
ZBX-11015 Fixed proc.cpu.util for non-privileged agent on Solaris
ZBX-10753 Fixed server reconnection attempts to MySQL on start and while running in case MySQL stopped or restarting
ZBX-11012 Fixed expansion of macro {DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME}
ZBX-10504 Reduced padding around graphs to account for decreased padding in CSS
ZBX-10591 Fixed header widget being broken by selects with long values
ZBX-10987 Fixed table header line not being visible in dark theme
ZBX-10797 Fixed evaluation of user macros in calculated items

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbix documentation for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.0.5.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please Contact sales for pricing and more details.


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