Release Notes for Zabbix 2.3.0

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 2.3.0.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 2.3.0. Download it from download.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-1782 Added support for newlines and tabs in trigger expressions
ZBXNEXT-1782 Added support of new trigger expression operators ">=", "<=", "<>", "and", "or" and "not"; removed existing "#", "|" and "&"
ZBXNEXT-2203 Added information on the reason items become not supported
ZBXNEXT-734 Implemented support for URL as dynamic screen element and added macro support
ZBXNEXT-497 Added support for patterns in "Include" configuration directive
ZBXNEXT-1506 Added support for[] and[] on AIX; thanks to Jairo Lopez and Boris Manojlovic for patches
ZBX-5430 Implemented ISO 8601 standard date format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" as default
ZBX-7981 Deprecated "exists" API methods
ZBX-7949 Improved multibyte string support
ZBXNEXT-2270 Changed "Status" dropdown in host and host prototype forms to "Enabled" checkbox
ZBX-7941 Changed page footer to not show debug in fullscreen mode
ZBXNEXT-1343 Removed support of old style node-based distributed monitoring
ZBXNEXT-2256 Added support of host level macros like {HOST.*} along with user macros in LLD filter regexps
ZBX-7979 Added button "Clear history and trends" to scenarios form
ZBXNEXT-2065 Added a filter option to hide recently resolved triggers in Monitoring -> Triggers
ZBXNEXT-949 Improved filters by adding different titles for open and collapsed states
ZBXNEXT-2107 Added links to dependency triggers and added comma separated host list if dependency trigger belongs to multiple hosts in trigger edit and massupdate forms
ZBXNEXT-2225 Added a percentage free parameter to system.swap.size item; changed the way swap size is calculated
ZBXNEXT-1119 Changed the global search to also search by technical host and template names
ZBXNEXT-2194 Added configuration option to include all files in a directory on Windows
ZBXNEXT-751 Added support of user macros in the notifications and commands
ZBXNEXT-2123 Implemented the application and host inventory filters on the trigger monitoring page
ZBXNEXT-2117 Added "Description" field for templates, hosts and proxies
ZBXNEXT-1533 Added "Action name" in "History of actions" screen and added a patch to change screen item sort order
ZBX-7850 Unified the "Go to" section of host pop-up menus displayed in maps and other other places and made menu links disabled instead of hidden
ZBXNEXT-421 Implemented user name in action audit page
ZBXNEXT-2167 Improved info column in latest data monitoring and item, trigger, discovery host configuration
ZBX-6374 Added pagination in availability reports
ZBXNEXT-1533 Added "Action name" in Audit -> Action log
ZBX-7742 Added error message upon encountering trailing data for zabbix_sender when reading from file
ZBXNEXT-581 Implemented the ability to filter by multiple LLD macros
ZBX-7361 Implemented alphabetic host ordering when trigger has many hosts
ZBXNEXT-1632 Added graph link in host menu popup "Go to" section
ZBXNEXT-1735 Removed graph and history link from items in latest data page, if history and trends are disabled
ZBXNEXT-1910 Added active since and active till columns in maintenance page
ZBX-7095 Added 'Cancel' button in dashboard configuration
ZBXNEXT-2140 Enabled Monitoring -> Latest data filter option "Show items without data" by default
ZBX-7713 Changed the event details page to display all hosts used in a trigger
ZBXNEXT-1700 Added informative messages about database connection restoration
ZBX-7609 Improved frontend messages mute/unmute
ZBXNEXT-1291 Added clickable links for template names in host, template, host prototype and discovered host property templates tab
ZBXNEXT-2073 Improved dashboard refresh time menu
ZBXNEXT-2073 Improved dashboard favourite menu
ZBXNEXT-2073 Improved service configuration menu
ZBXNEXT-2073 Improved slide show refresh multiplier popup menu
ZBXNEXT-2073 Improved trigger log menu
ZBXNEXT-2073 Improved trigger macros menu
ZBXNEXT-2073 Updated jQuery to latest 1.10.2
ZBXNEXT-453 Added a new parameter 'User' to daemon configuration that allows dropping privileges to the specified user
ZBXNEXT-581 Split database upgrade patches over multiple files for easier maintenance
ZBX-7345 Removed deprecated API features

Bug Fixes

ZBX-8014 Fixed evaluation of calculated item and trigger expressions not being precise enough
ZBX-8212 It is not possible to add triggers from templates to maps anymore
ZBX-8227 Fixed the "applicationids" parameter in trigger.get overriding the "groupids" parameter
ZBX-8169 Fixed SLA period calculation to account for DST changes
ZBX-8172 Fixed numeric value extraction from json data to ensure compatibility with third party tools that sends data as numeric values instead of strings
ZBX-8048 Fixed bug where proxy would truncate execute scripts of telnet, SSH and database monitoring items to 2kB
ZBX-8193 Changed web scenario default timeout to 15
ZBX-6190 Added a more informative message to return when an item does not have enough information to perform nodata() calculations
ZBX-8157 Fixed size and style of custom user agent in web scenario edit form and fixed IE displaying input field on second click
ZBX-6834 Fixed trigger.get not returning any results when using the "host" parameter
ZBX-8190 Fixed validation in API to prevent SQL errors with Oracle database when string with excessive length is stored
ZBX-8160 Removed justification in warning message
ZBX-8141 Corrected 'URL' abbreviation string to uppercase
ZBX-7839 Fixed cloning of graphs and hosts to use changed form values
ZBX-8165 Fixed issue when maintenance items with its hosts/host groups removed are not accessible in configuration
ZBX-2196 Changed status codes of various exit calls to library macros for consistency
ZBX-1274 Fixed negative values, received from SNMP agent, being displayed as large unsigned integers
ZBX-8031 Removed pre-processor aliases for Windows string functions; converted all references of Windows types to standard C types
ZBX-8158 Fixed disabled hosts not shown in trigger selection popup when in configuration
ZBX-8118 Changed image update so that image type can not be changed after create
ZBX-7553 Fixed graph not getting period when coming from screen
ZBX-7890 Fixed broken make distclean
ZBX-7981 Fixed validation when renaming host to an existing template in host.massupdate; fixed validation when renaming template to an existing host in template.massupdate
ZBX-7436 Changed string "comment" to "description" in trigger list and trigger comments
ZBX-8159 Fixed missing history bar when viewing or editing trigger descriptions
ZBX-7949 Fixed inherited graph and graph prototype case insensitive name comparison
ZBX-7534 Removed the limit of dservice value and removed the limit of authorization string
ZBX-8132 Fixed image.get not properly returning all images for sysmaps
ZBX-8108 Fixed reading /proc virtual files without rewinding the file position
ZBX-5243 Increased the length of program name and command line that proc.mem[] and proc.num[] can match on AIX; thanks to Boris Manojlovic for patch
ZBX-7448 Fixed Windows agents limit check
ZBX-7335 Improved element copy dialog by having hosts, templates and host group in separate target types and empty groups are not shown
ZBX-3336 Fixed autodiscovery rule doesn't clear/rescan hosts in dhosts/dservices
ZBX-6497 Improved frontend filters, Filter and Reset now is submit buttons, removed JS form reset scripts, changed filter data saving process in profiles
ZBX-2840 Fixed map configuration with broken images
ZBX-6596 Fixed trigger sorting by hostname
ZBX-8012 Made links to other IT services from the dependency management to open in a new browser tab
ZBX-7624 Fixed pie charts legend alignment
ZBX-8029 Changed built-in font size from 0 to 1 for Zabbix home page and date in maps and graphs to support image functions for HHVM
ZBX-7625 Changed the execution order of API checks
ZBX-8032 Enabled hyperlinks in host inventory overview page
ZBX-7120 Fixed undefined index in menu for event csv export
ZBX-6675 Removed host from the graph title if items from multiple hosts are included
ZBX-7781 Fixed no error being triggered when trying to pass the "auth" parameter to a method that does not require authentication
ZBX-8001 Fixed host massupdate inventory tab being reset after choosing an inventory mode
ZBX-7873 Removed redundant error message in login page in event when frontend access for guest is not available
ZBX-7969 Fixed discovery checks sorting in action configuration page
ZBX-7969 Fixed sorting by name in discovery rule page
ZBX-7826 Fixed padding near textarea in acknowledges page
ZBX-4998 Fixed inconsistency of logging on Linux and Windows agents, and fixed information level logging at debug level 0
ZBX-6235 Fixed unnecessary compilation of C code when only --enable-java is passed to ./configure
ZBX-5546 Removed formatting of JSON objects and escaping of forward slash/solidus
ZBX-7749 Fixed possibility to set up database with default setting "Autocommit OFF"
ZBX-7140 Fixed SQL query to retrieve data for host updates sorted from the database
ZBX-7673 Removed strict necessity for a configuration for options that don't require it
ZBX-7786 Fixed cell limit formatting with ellipsis
ZBX-7727 Added SQL connection error displaying for Oracle and DB2
ZBX-5789 Removed unused fields in graph_discovery table
ZBX-6350 Fixed incorrectly displayed table cell width in Event source details and Event details blocks
ZBX-7095 Fixed dashboard filter name to show pointer cursor
ZBX-7773 Fixed jQuery buttonset initializing
ZBX-7707 Fixed "Auto-logout" field to show submitted incorrect value
ZBXNEXT-2124 Implemented an application filter for host and host group map elements
ZBX-7109 Removed unused fields in trigger_discovery table
ZBX-7168 Fixed template to properly link libcurl to all components independently
ZBX-4772 Fixed possibility to pass incorrect host status value
ZBX-7631 Fixed dashboard favourite widget width
ZBX-7622 Changed the default value of timeperiods.every field to '1'
ZBX-7618 Removed partial matching for long format command line options
ZBX-6940 Fixed frontend history links not remembering search queries
ZBX-7413 Fixed inconsistency of config file handling for loading and checking userparameters and aliases before starting the daemon
ZBX-7412 Fixed alias parsing; colon symbols are now supported in alias parameters
ZBX-7204 Fixed timestamp order of events generated during network discovery

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbix documentation for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.3.0.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please Contact sales for pricing and more details.


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