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2022 Zabbix中国峰会
2022 Zabbix中国峰会

14 ODBC监控


ODBC监控对应于Zabbix前端中的 数据库监控 监控项类型。

ODBC是C语言编写的中间件API,用于访问数据库管理系统(DBMS)。 ODBC是由Microsoft开发的,后来被移植到了其它平台。

Zabbix可以查询任何支持ODBC的数据库。实现这个目标,Zabbix不直接连接数据库,而是使用ODBC接口并在ODBC中设置的驱动程序。该功能允许出于多种目的,更加有效地监视不同的数据库。例如,检测特定的数据库队列、使用统计信息等。Zabbix支持unixODBC,是最常用的开源ODBC API实现之一。

更多信息请查看 ODBC检查的 已知问题

安装 unixODBC

安装unixODBC的建议方法是使用Linux操作系统默认包库,在主流的Linux发行版中,默认情况下unixODBC包含在镜像库中。如果找不到,可以在 unixODBC 主页上获取:http://www.unixodbc.org/download.html.


shell> dnf -y install unixODBC unixODBC-devel


# zypper in unixODBC-devel

需要 unixODBC-devel 包来编译支持 unixODBC 的 Zabbix。

安装 unixODBC 驱动程序

应该为将被监控的数据库安装一个 unixODBC 数据库驱动程序。 unixODBC 有一个支持的数据库和驱动程序列表:http://www.unixodbc.org/drivers.html。 在某些 Linux 发行版中,数据库驱动程序包含在软件包存储库中。在 RedHat/Fedora 的系统上使用 yum 包管理器安装 MySQL 数据库驱动程序:

shell> dnf install mysql-connector-odbc

在 SUSE 的系统上使用 zypper 包管理器安装 MySQL 数据库驱动程序:

zypper in MyODBC-unixODBC


To install the MySQL unixODBC database driver, use the package manager for the system of your choice:

# For Ubuntu/Debian systems:
       apt install odbc-mariadb
       # For RedHat/Fedora-based systems:
       dnf install mysql-connector-odbc
       # For SUSE-based systems:
       zypper install MyODBC-unixODBC

To install the database driver without a package manager, refer to MySQL documentation.


To install the PostgreSQL unixODBC database driver for RedHat/Fedora-based systems, use the dnf package manager:

dnf install postgresql-odbc

For other systems, please refer to PostgreSQL documentation.


To install the unixODBC database driver, please refer to Oracle documentation.


To install the MSSQL unixODBC database driver for RedHat/Fedora-based systems, use the dnf package manager:

dnf -y install freetds unixODBC

For other systems, please refer to FreeTDS user guide.

配置 unixODBC

ODBC配置是通过编辑 odbcinst.iniodbc.ini 文件完成的,要验证配置文件的位置,输入:

shell> odbcinst -j

odbcinst.ini 用于列出已安装的ODBC数据库驱动程序:

mysql Description = ODBC for MySQL Driver · = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so


属性 描述
mysql 数据库驱动名
Description 数据库驱动描述
Driver 数据库驱动程序库文件位置

odbc.ini 用于自定义数据源:

[test] Description = MySQL test database Driver = mysql Server = User = root Password = Port = 3306 Database = zabbix


属性 描述
test 数据源名称 (DSN)
Description 数据源描述
Driver 数据库驱动程序名称 - 在 odbcinst.ini 中指定
Server 数据库服务器 IP/DNS
User 用于连接的数据库用户
Password 数据库用户密码
Port 数据库连接端口
Database 数据库名称


shell> isql test
       | Connected!                            |
       |                                       |
       | sql-statement                         |
       | help [tablename]                      |
       | quit                                  |
       |                                       |

The odbcinst.ini file lists the installed ODBC database drivers. If odbcinst.ini is missing, it is necessary to create it manually.

       Description=ODBC for MySQL
Parameter Description
TEST_MYSQL Database driver name.
Description Database driver description.
Driver Database driver library location.
FileUsage Determines whether the database driver supports connecting to a database server without the support for accessing local files (0); supports reading data from files (1); supports writing data to files (2).
Threading Thread serialization level. Supported for PostgreSQL.
Since 1.6, if the driver manager is built with thread support, you may add another driver entry.

The odbc.ini file is used to configure data sources.

       Description=MySQL Test Database
Parameter Description
TEST_MYSQL Data source name (DSN).
Description Data source description.
Driver Database driver name (as specified in odbcinst.ini).
Server Database server IP/DNS.
User Database user for connection.
Password Database user password.
Port Database connection port.
Socket Database connection socket.
Database Database name.

For other possible configuration parameter options, see MySQL documentation.

The odbc.ini file for PostgreSQL may contain additional parameters:

       Description=PostgreSQL Test Database
Parameter Description
ReadOnly Specifies whether the database connection allows only read operations (SELECT queries) and restricts modifications (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements); useful for scenarios where data should remain unchanged.
Protocol PostgreSQL backend protocol version (ignored when using SSL connections).
ShowOidColumn Specifies whether to include Object ID (OID) in SQLColumns.
FakeOidIndex Specifies whether to create a fake unique index on OID.
RowVersioning Specifies whether to enable applications to detect if data has been modified by other users while you are attempting to update a row. Note that this parameter can speed up the update process, since, to update a row, every single column does not need to be specified in the WHERE clause.
ShowSystemTables Specifies whether the database driver should treat system tables as regular tables in SQLTables; useful for accessibility, allowing visibility into system tables.
Fetch Specifies whether the driver should automatically use declare cursor/fetch to handle SELECT statements and maintain a cache of 100 rows.
BoolsAsChar Controls the mapping of Boolean types.
If set to "Yes", Bools are mapped to SQL_CHAR; otherwise, they are mapped to SQL_BIT.
SSLmode Specifies the SSL mode for the connection.
ConnSettings Additional settings sent to the backend on connection.
Testing ODBC connection

To test if the ODBC connection is working successfully, you can use the isql utility (included in the unixODBC package):

isql test
       | Connected!                            |
       |                                       |
       | sql-statement                         |
       | help [tablename]                      |
       | quit                                  |
       |                                       |

Zabbix 前端的监控项配置




类型 在此处选择数据库监控
键值 输入两个受支持的监控项键之一:
db.odbc.select[<unique short description>,<dsn>,<connection string>] - 此监控项旨在返回一个值,即SQL查询结果第一行的第一列如果查询返回多列,则仅读取第一列如果查询返回多行,则仅读取第一行
db.odbc.get[<unique short description>,<dsn>,<connection string>] - 此项为能够以 JSON 格式返回多行/列。因此,它可以用作在一个系统调用中收集所有数据的主项,而 JSONPath 预处理可以用于从属项中以提取单个值有关详细信息,请参阅底层自动发现中使用的返回格式的 示例。从 Zabbix 4.4 开始支持此监控项
虽然 dsnconnection string 是可选参数,但至少应该存在其中一个如果同时定义了数据源名称 (DSN) 和连接字符串,则 DSN 将被忽略
如果使用数据源名称,则必须按照 odbc.ini 中的指定设置
连接字符串可能包含驱动程序 - 特定参数

示例(MySQL ODBC 驱动程序 5 的连接):
=> db.odbc.get[MySQL example,,"Driver=/usr/local/lib/libmyodbc5a.so;Database=master;Server=;Port=3306"]
用户名 输入数据库用户名
如果使用连接字符串,并且用户名字段不为空,则附加到连接字符串为 UID=<user>
密码 输入数据库用户密码
SQL 查询 输入 SQL 查询
请注意,对于 db.odbc.select[] 监控项,查询必须只返回一个值
信息类型 了解查询将返回什么类型的信息很重要,这样才能在此处正确选择信息类型,如果信息类型不正确,监控项将不受支持

Item key details

Parameters without angle brackets are mandatory. Parameters marked with angle brackets < > are optional.

db.odbc.select[<unique short description>,<dsn>,<connection string>]

Returns one value, i.e. the first column of the first row of the SQL query result. Return value: depending on the SQL query.


  • unique short description - a unique short description to identify the item (for use in triggers, etc);
  • dsn - the data source name (as specified in odbc.ini);
  • connection string - the connection string (may contain driver-specific arguments).


  • Although dsn and connection string are optional parameters, at least one of them must be present. If both data source name (DSN) and connection string are defined, the DSN will be ignored.
  • If a query returns more than one column, only the first column is read. If a query returns more than one line, only the first line is read.
db.odbc.get[<unique short description>,<dsn>,<connection string>]

Transforms the SQL query result into a JSON array.
Return value: JSON object.


  • unique short description - a unique short description to identify the item (for use in triggers, etc);
  • dsn - the data source name (as specified in odbc.ini);
  • connection string - the connection string (may contain driver-specific arguments).


  • Although dsn and connection string are optional parameters, at least one of them must be present. If both data source name (DSN) and connection string are defined, the DSN will be ignored.
  • Multiple rows/columns in JSON format may be returned. This item may be used as a master item that collects all data in one system call, while JSONPath preprocessing may be used in dependent items to extract individual values. For more information, see an example of the returned format, used in low-level discovery.


db.odbc.get[MySQL example,,"Driver=/usr/local/lib/libmyodbc5a.so;Database=master;Server=;Port=3306"] #connection for MySQL ODBC driver 5
db.odbc.discovery[<unique short description>,<dsn>,<connection string>]

Transforms the SQL query result into a JSON array, used for low-level disovery. The column names from the query result are turned into low-level discovery macro names paired with the discovered field values. These macros can be used in creating item, trigger, etc prototypes.
Return value: JSON object.


  • unique short description - a unique short description to identify the item (for use in triggers, etc);
  • dsn - the data source name (as specified in odbc.ini);
  • connection string - the connection string (may contain driver-specific arguments).


  • Although dsn and connection string are optional parameters, at least one of them must be present. If both data source name (DSN) and connection string are defined, the DSN will be ignored.


  • Zabbix不限制查询执行时间。 用户可以选择在合理时间内执行的查询。
  • Zabbix server的 Timeout参数值也用作于ODBC登陆超时时间(请注意,根据ODBC驱动,登录超时设置可能会被忽略)。
  • 查询只能返回一个值。
  • 如果查询返回多个列,则只读取第一列。
  • 如果查询返回多行,则只读取第一行。
  • SQL命令必须以select开头。
  • SQL命令不能包含任何换行符。
  • 另请参阅ODBC检查的 已知问题



Cannot execute ODBC query: [SQL_ERROR]:[42601][7][ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"; Error while executing the query]
       └───────────┬───────────┘  └────┬────┘ └──┬──┘└┬┘└─────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────┘
                   │                   │         │    └─ Native error code            └─ Native error message
                   │                   │         └─ SQLState
                   └─ Zabbix message   └─ ODBC return code
