> Объект роли

Следующие объекты напрямую связаны с API роли (role).


The role object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
roleid string (readonly) ID of the role.
string Name of the role.
integer User type.

Possible values:
1 - (default) User;
2 - Admin;
3 - Super admin.
readonly integer (readonly) Whether the role is readonly.

Possible values:
0 - (default) No;
1 - Yes.

Role rules

The role rules object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
ui array Array of the UI element objects.
ui.default_access integer Whether access to new UI elements is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.
services.read.mode integer Read-only access to services.

Possible values:

0 - Read-only access to the services, specified by the services.read.list or matched by the services.read.tag properties.
1 - (default) Read-only access to all services.
services.read.list array Array of Service objects.

The specified services, including child services, will be granted a read-only access to the user role. Read-only access will not override read-write access to the services.

Only used if services.read.mode is set to 0.
services.read.tag object Array of Service tag object.

The tag matched services, including child services, will be granted a read-only access to the user role. Read-only access will not override read-write access to the services.

Only used if services.read.mode is set to 0.
services.write.mode integer Read-write access to services.

Possible values:

0 - (default) Read-write access to the services, specified by the services.write.list or matched by the services.write.tag properties.
1 - Read-write access to all services.
services.write.list array Array of Service objects.

The specified services, including child services, will be granted a read-write access to the user role. Read-write access will override read-only access to the services.

Only used if services.write.mode is set to 0.
services.write.tag object Array of Service tag object.

The tag matched services, including child services, will be granted a read-write access to the user role. Read-write access will override read-only access to the services.

Only used if services.write.mode is set to 0.
modules array Array of the module objects.
modules.default_access integer Whether access to new modules is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.
api.access integer Whether access to API is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.
api.mode integer Mode for treating API methods listed in the api property.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Deny list;
1 - Allow list.
api array Array of API methods.
actions array Array of the action objects.
actions.default_access integer Whether access to new actions is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.

UI element

The UI element object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
string Name of the UI element.

Possible values for users of any type:
monitoring.dashboard - Monitoring → Dashboard;
monitoring.problems - Monitoring → Problems;
monitoring.hosts - Monitoring → Hosts;
monitoring.overview - Monitoring → Overview;
monitoring.latest_data - Monitoring → Latest data;
monitoring.maps - Monitoring → Maps;
monitoring.services - Monitoring → Services;
inventory.overview - Inventory → Overview;
inventory.hosts - Inventory → Hosts;
reports.availability_report - Reports → Availability report;
reports.top_triggers - Reports → Triggers top 100.

Possible values only for users of Admin and Super admin user types:
monitoring.discovery - Monitoring → Discovery;
reports.scheduled_reports - Reports → Scheduled reports;
reports.notifications - Reports → Notifications;
configuration.host_groups - Configuration → Host groups;
configuration.templates - Configuration → Templates;
configuration.hosts - Configuration → Hosts;
configuration.maintenance - Configuration → Maintenance;
configuration.actions - Configuration → Actions;
configuration.discovery - Configuration → Discovery.

Possible values only for users of Super admin user type:
reports.system_info - Reports → System information;
reports.audit - Reports → Audit;
reports.action_log - Reports → Action log;
configuration.event_correlation - Configuration → Event correlation;
administration.general - Administration → General;
administration.proxies - Administration → Proxies;
administration.authentication - Administration → Authentication;
administration.user_groups - Administration → User groups;
administration.user_roles - Administration → User roles;
administration.users - Administration → Users;
administration.media_types - Administration → Media types;
administration.scripts - Administration → Scripts;
administration.queue - Administration → Queue.
status integer Whether access to the UI element is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.


Свойство Тип Описание
строка ID услуги.

Тэг услуги

Свойство Тип Описание
строка Имя тэга.

Если указана пустая строка, тег службы не будет использоваться для сопоставления служб.
value строка Значение тэга.

Если не указано значение или передана пустая строка, то для сопоставления служб будет использоваться только имя тега.


Объект модуля имеет следующие свойства:

Свойство Тип Описание
строка ID модуля.
status integer Включен ли модуль.

Возможные значения:
0 - Отключен;
1 - (default) Включен.


The action object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
string Name of the action.

Possible values for users of any type:
edit_dashboards - Create and edit dashboards;
edit_maps - Create and edit maps;
add_problem_comments - Add problem comments;
change_severity - Change problem severity;
acknowledge_problems - Acknowledge problems;
close_problems - Close problems;
execute_scripts - Execute scripts;
manage_api_tokens - Manage API tokens.

Possible values only for users of Admin and Super admin user types:
edit_maintenance - Create and edit maintenances;
manage_scheduled_reports - Manage scheduled reports.
status integer Whether access to perform the action is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.