3 Menu de contexto de item

Visão geral

O menu de contexto de item disponibiliza atalhos para executar ações frequentemente requisitadas ou para nevegar em seções UI (interface de usuário) realcionadas a um item.


The item context menu has three sections: View, Configuration, and Actions.

View section contains links to:

  • Latest data - opens the Latest data section filtered by the current host and item.
  • Graph - opens simple graph of the current item.
  • Values - opens the list of all values received for the current item within the past 60 minutes.
  • 500 latest values - opens the list of 500 latest values for the current item.

Configuration section contains links to:

  • Item - opens the configuration form of the current item.
  • Triggers - displays a list of existing triggers based on the current item; clicking on a trigger name opens the trigger's configuration form.
  • Create trigger - opens a trigger configuration form to create a new trigger based on the current item.
  • Create dependent item - opens an item configuration form to create a dependent item for the current item.
  • Create dependent discovery rule - opens a discovery rule configuration form to create a low-level discovery rule for the current item.

Links to Create dependent item and Create dependent discovery rule are enabled only when the item context menu is accessed from Data collection section.

Note that configuration section is available only for Admin and Super admin users.

Actions section contains a link to Execute now - the option to execute a check for a new item value immediately.

Locais suportados

O menu de contexto do item é acessível clicando no nome de um item em várias seções do frontend, por exemplo: