2 User macros supported by location

Visão geral

Esta seção contém uma lista de locais, onde As macros definíveis pelo usuário são suportado.

Somente macros de usuário de nível global são compatíveis com Ações, Descoberta de rede, Proxies e todos os locais listados em Outros locais desta página. Nos locais mencionados, o nível de host e macros em nível de modelo não serão resolvidas.


Em ações, as macros do usuário podem ser utilizado nos seguintes campos:

|Localização|<|Várias macros/misturadas com texto1| |--------|-|-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------| |Notificações e comandos baseados em trigger|<|yes| |Notificações internas baseadas em gatilho|<|sim| |Notificações de atualização de problemas|<|sim| |Notificações e comandos baseados em serviço|<|yes| |Notificações de atualização de serviço|<|sim| |Condição do período de tempo|<|não| |Operações|<|<| |<|Duração da etapa de operação padrão|não| |^|Duração da etapa|não|

Hosts/protótipos de host

Na configuração de um host e protótipo de host, macros de usuário podem ser usadas nos seguintes campos:

Localização Macros múltiplas/misturado com texto1
IP/DNS de interface apenas DNS
Porta de interface no
SNMP v1, v2
Comunidade SNMP yes
Nome de contexto yes
Nome de segurança yes
Senha passe de autenticação yes
Senha passe de privacidade yes
Nome de usuário yes
Senha yes
Nomes de etiqueta yes
Valores de etiqueta yes

Items / item prototypes

In an item or an item prototype configuration, user macros can be used in the following fields:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Name (deprecated) yes
Item key parameters yes
Update interval no
Custom intervals no
History storage period no
Trend storage period no
Description yes
Calculated item
Formula yes
Database monitor
Username yes
Password yes
SQL query yes
HTTP agent
URL2 yes
Query fields yes
Timeout no
Request body yes
Headers (names and values) yes
Required status codes yes
HTTP proxy yes
HTTP authentication username yes
HTTP authentication password yes
SSl certificate file yes
SSl key file yes
SSl key password yes
Allowed hosts yes
JMX agent
JMX endpoint yes
Script item
Parameter names and values yes
SNMP agent
SSH agent
Username yes
Public key file yes
Private key file yes
Password yes
Script yes
TELNET agent
Username yes
Password yes
Script yes
Zabbix trapper
Allowed hosts yes
Tag names yes
Tag values yes
Step parameters (including custom scripts) yes

Low-level discovery

In a low-level discovery rule, user macros can be used in the following fields:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Name yes
Key parameters yes
Update interval no
Custom interval no
Keep lost resources period no
Description yes
SNMP agent
SSH agent
Username yes
Public key file yes
Private key file yes
Password yes
Script yes
TELNET agent
Username yes
Password yes
Script yes
Zabbix trapper
Allowed hosts yes
Database monitor
Additional parameters yes
JMX agent
JMX endpoint yes
HTTP agent
URL2 yes
Query fields yes
Timeout no
Request body yes
Headers (names and values) yes
Required status codes yes
HTTP authentication username yes
HTTP authentication password yes
Regular expression yes
Filters: regular expression yes
Operations: update interval (for item prototypes) no
Operations: history storage period (for item prototypes) no
Operations: trend storage period (for item prototypes) no

Network discovery

In a network discovery rule, user macros can be used in the following fields:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Update interval no
SNMP v1, v2
SNMP community yes
Context name yes
Security name yes
Authentication passphrase yes
Privacy passphrase yes


In a proxy configuration, user macros can be used in the following field:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Interface port (for passive proxy) no


In a template configuration, user macros can be used in the following fields:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Tag names yes
Tag values yes


In a trigger configuration, user macros can be used in the following fields:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Name yes
Operational data yes
Expression (only in constants and function parameters; secret macros are not supported). yes
Description yes
URL2 yes
Tag for matching yes
Tag names yes
Tag values yes

Web scenario

In a web scenario configuration, user macros can be used in the following fields:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Name yes
Update interval no
Agent yes
HTTP proxy yes
Variables (values only) yes
Headers (names and values) yes
Name yes
URL2 yes
Variables (values only) yes
Headers (names and values) yes
Timeout no
Required string yes
Required status codes no
User yes
Password yes
SSL certificate yes
SSL key file yes
SSL key password yes
Tag names yes
Tag values yes

Other locations

In addition to the locations listed here, user macros can be used in the following fields:

Location Multiple macros/mix with text1
Global scripts (script, SSH, Telnet, IPMI), including confirmation text yes
JavaScript script no
JavaScript script parameter name no
JavaScript script parameter value yes
Monitoring → Dashboards
URL2 field of dynamic URL dashboard widget yes
Administration → Users → Media
When active no
Administration → General → GUI
Working time no
Administration → Media types → Message templates
Subject yes
Message yes

For a complete list of all macros supported in Zabbix, see supported macros.


1 If multiple macros in a field or macros mixed with text are not supported for the location, a single macro has to fill the whole field.

2 URLs that contain a secret macro will not work, as the macro in them will be resolved as "******".