A tabela contém uma lista completa de macros suportadas pelo Zabbix sai da caixa.
Para ver todas as macros suportadas em um local (por exemplo, em "URL do mapa"), você pode colar o nome do local na caixa de pesquisa em na parte inferior da janela do seu navegador (acessível pressionando CTRL+F) e faça uma busca por próximo.
Macro | Suportado em | Descrição |
{ACTION.ID} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Comandos e notificações de descoberta → Notificações e comandos de registro automático → Notificações internas |
ID numérico da ação acionada. |
{ACTION.NAME} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Comandos e notificações de descoberta → Notificações e comandos de registro automático → Notificações internas |
Nome da ação acionada. |
{ALERT.MESSAGE} | → Parâmetros do script de alerta | Valor da 'mensagem padrão' da configuração da ação. Suportado desde 3.0.0. |
{ALERT.SENDTO} | → Parâmetros de script de alerta | Valor 'Enviar para' da configuração de mídia do usuário. Suportado desde 3.0.0. |
{ALERT.SUBJECT} | → Parâmetros de script de alerta | Valor de 'assunto padrão' da configuração da ação. Suportado desde 3.0.0. |
{DATA} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Comandos e notificações de descoberta >→ Notificações e comandos de registro automático → Notificações internas → Ação manual do evento scripts |
Data atual em aaaa.mm.dd. formato. |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | Endereço IP do dispositivo descoberto. Disponível sempre, não depende da adição do host. |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | Nome DNS do dispositivo descoberto. Disponível sempre, não depende da adição do host. |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | Status do dispositivo descoberto: pode ser UP ou DOWN. |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | Tempo desde a última alteração do status de descoberta para um determinado dispositivo, com precisão de até um segundo. Por exemplo: 1h 29m 01s. Para dispositivos com status DOWN, esse é o período de inatividade. |
{DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | Nome da regra de descoberta que descobriu a presença ou ausência do dispositivo ou serviço. |
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | Nome do serviço que foi descoberto. Por exemplo: HTTP. |
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | Porta do serviço que foi descoberta. Por exemplo: 80. |
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} | → Notificações e comandos de descoberta | O status do service:// descoberto pode ser UP ou DOWN. | |{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} |→ Notificações e comandos de descoberta |Tempo desde a última alteração do status de descoberta para um determinado serviço, com precisão de até um segundo. Por exemplo: 1h 29m 01s. Para serviços com status DOWN, este é o período de inatividade. | |{ESC.HISTORY} |→ Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Notificações internas |Histórico de escalonamento. Log de mensagens enviadas anteriormente. Mostra as notificações enviadas anteriormente, em qual etapa de escalonamento elas foram enviadas e seu status (enviado//, em andamento ou falhou). |
{EVENT.ACK.STATUS} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Notificações e comandos de atualização de problemas → Ação de evento manual scripts |
Reconhecimento status do evento (Sim/Não). |
{EVENT.AGE} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Notificações e comandos de recuperação de serviço comandos → Notificações e comandos de descoberta → Notificações e comandos de registro automático → Notificações internas → Ação de evento manual scripts |
Age of the evento que acionou uma ação, com precisão de até um segundo. Útil em mensagens escaladas. |
{EVENT.DATE} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Notificações e comandos de recuperação de serviço comandos → Notificação de descoberta cations e comandos → Notificações e comandos de registro automático → Notificações internas → Ação manual do evento scripts |
Data do evento que acionou uma ação. |
{EVENT.DURATION} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Notificações e comandos de recuperação de serviço comandos → Notificações internas → Ação manual do evento scripts |
Duração do evento (diferença de tempo entre os eventos de problema e de recuperação), com precisão de até um segundo. Útil em mensagens de recuperação de problemas. Suportado desde 5.0.0. |
{EVENT.ID} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Notificações e comandos de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Notificações e comandos de atualização de serviço → Notificações e comandos de recuperação de serviço comandos → Notificações e comandos de descoberta → Notificações e comandos de registro automático → Notificações internas → URLs de acionamento → Ação de evento manual scripts |
ID numérico do evento que acionou uma ação. |
{EVENT.NAME} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Notificações e comandos de recuperação de serviço comandos → Notificações internas → Ação de evento manual scripts |
Nome do evento de problema que acionou uma ação. Suportado desde 4.0.0 . |
{EVENT.NSEVERITY} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Notificações e comandos de recuperação de serviço comandos → Ação manual do evento scripts |
Valor numérico da gravidade do evento. Valores possíveis: 0 - Não classificado, 1 - Informação, 2 - Aviso, 3 - Média, 4 - Alta, 5 - Desastre. Suportado desde 4.0.0. |
{EVENT.OBJECT} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Comandos e notificações baseados em serviço → Comandos e notificações de atualização de serviço → Notificações e comandos de recuperação de serviço comandos → Notificações e comandos de descoberta → Notificações e comandos de registro automático → Notificações internas → Ação de evento manual scripts |
Valor numérico de do objeto de evento. Valores possíveis: 0 - Acionador, 1 - Host descoberto, 2 - Serviço descoberto, 3 - Registro automático, 4 - Item, 5 - Regra de descoberta de baixo nível. Suportado desde 4.4.0. |
{EVENT.OPDATA} | → Notificações e comandos baseados em gatilho → Comandos e notificações de atualização de problemas → Ação de evento manual scripts |
Dados operacionais de o gatilho subjacente de um problema. Suportado desde 4.4.0. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} | → Problema notificações de recuperação e comandos → Notificações e comandos de atualização de problema (se a recuperação ocorreu) → Recuperação de serviço notificações e comandos → Ação de evento manual scripts (se a recuperação ocorreu) |
Data do evento de recuperação. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.ID} | → Problema notificações de recuperação e comandos → Notificações e comandos de atualização de problemas (se a recuperação ocorreu) → Recuperação de serviço notificações e comandos → Ação de evento manual scripts (se a recuperação ocorreu) |
ID numérico do evento de recuperação. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.NAME} | → Problema notificações de recuperação e comandos → Notificações e comandos de atualização de problema (se a recuperação ocorreu) → Recuperação de serviço notificações e comandos → Ação de evento manual scripts (se a recuperação ocorreu) |
Nome do evento de recuperação. Suportado desde 4.4.1. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.STATUS} | → Problema notificações de recuperação e comandos → Notificações e comandos de atualização de problema (se a recuperação ocorreu) → Recuperação de serviço notificações e comandos → Ação manual do evento scripts (se a recuperação ocorreu) |
Valor verbal do evento de recuperação. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TAGS} | → Problema [notificações de recuperação](/manual/config |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{ACTION.ID} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications |
Numeric ID of the triggered action. |
{ACTION.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications |
Name of the triggered action. |
{ALERT.MESSAGE} | → Alert script parameters | 'Default message' value from action configuration. Supported since 3.0.0. |
{ALERT.SENDTO} | → Alert script parameters | 'Send to' value from user media configuration. Supported since 3.0.0. |
{ALERT.SUBJECT} | → Alert script parameters | 'Default subject' value from action configuration. Supported since 3.0.0. |
{ESC.HISTORY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Internal notifications |
Escalation history. Log of previously sent messages. Shows previously sent notifications, on which escalation step they were sent and their status (sent, in progress or failed). |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{DATE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Current date in yyyy.mm.dd. format. |
{TIME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Trigger event names → Manual event action scripts |
Current time in hh:mm:ss. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} | → Discovery notifications and commands | IP address of the discovered device. Available always, does not depend on host being added. |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} | → Discovery notifications and commands | DNS name of the discovered device. Available always, does not depend on host being added. |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} | → Discovery notifications and commands | Status of the discovered device: can be either UP or DOWN. |
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} | → Discovery notifications and commands | Time since the last change of discovery status for a particular device, with precision down to a second. For example: 1h 29m 01s. For devices with status DOWN, this is the period of their downtime. |
{DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} | → Discovery notifications and commands | Name of the discovery rule that discovered the presence or absence of the device or service. |
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} | → Discovery notifications and commands | Name of the service that was discovered. For example: HTTP. |
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} | → Discovery notifications and commands | Port of the service that was discovered. For example: 80. |
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} | → Discovery notifications and commands | Status of the discovered service:// can be either UP or DOWN. |
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} | → Discovery notifications and commands | Time since the last change of discovery status for a particular service, with precision down to a second. For example: 1h 29m 01s. For services with status DOWN, this is the period of their downtime. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{EVENT.ACK.STATUS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Acknowledgment status of the event (Yes/No). |
{EVENT.AGE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Age of the event that triggered an action, with precision down to a second. Useful in escalated messages. |
{EVENT.DATE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Date of the event that triggered an action. |
{EVENT.DURATION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Duration of the event (time difference between problem and recovery events), with precision down to a second. Useful in problem recovery messages. Supported since 5.0.0. |
{EVENT.ID} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Trigger URLs → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric ID of the event that triggered an action. |
{EVENT.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Name of the problem event that triggered an action. Supported since 4.0.0. |
{EVENT.NSEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the event severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster. Supported since 4.0.0. |
{EVENT.OBJECT} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the event object. Possible values: 0 - Trigger, 1 - Discovered host, 2 - Discovered service, 3 - Autoregistration, 4 - Item, 5 - Low-level discovery rule. Supported since 4.4.0. |
{EVENT.OPDATA} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Operational data of the underlying trigger of a problem. Supported since 4.4.0. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
Date of the recovery event. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.ID} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
Numeric ID of the recovery event. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.NAME} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
Name of the recovery event. Supported since 4.4.1. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.STATUS} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
Verbal value of the recovery event. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TAGS} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
A comma separated list of recovery event tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist. Supported since 3.2.0. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TAGSJSON} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
A JSON array containing event tag objects. Expanded to an empty array if no tags exist. Supported since 5.0.0. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
Time of the recovery event. |
{EVENT.RECOVERY.VALUE} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands (if recovery took place) → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts (if recovery took place) |
Numeric value of the recovery event. |
{EVENT.SEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Name of the event severity. Supported since 4.0.0. |
{EVENT.SOURCE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the event source. Possible values: 0 - Trigger, 1 - Discovery, 2 - Autoregistration, 3 - Internal. Supported since 4.4.0. |
{EVENT.STATUS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Verbal value of the event that triggered an action. |
{EVENT.TAGS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
A comma separated list of event tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist. Supported since 3.2.0. |
{EVENT.TAGSJSON} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
A JSON array containing event tag objects. Expanded to an empty array if no tags exist. Supported since 5.0.0. |
{EVENT.TAGS.<tag name>} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Webhook media type URL names and URLs → Manual event action scripts |
Event tag value referenced by the tag name. A tag name containing non-alphanumeric characters (including non-English multibyte-UTF characters) should be double quoted. Quotes and backslashes inside a quoted tag name must be escaped with a backslash. Supported since 4.4.2. |
{EVENT.TIME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Time of the event that triggered an action. |
{EVENT.UPDATE.ACTION} | → Problem update notifications and commands | Human-readable name of the action(s) performed during problem update. Resolves to the following values: acknowledged, commented, changed severity from (original severity) to (updated severity) and closed (depending on how many actions are performed in one update). Supported since 4.0.0. |
{EVENT.UPDATE.DATE} | → Problem update notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
Date of event update (acknowledgment, etc). Deprecated name: {ACK.DATE} |
{EVENT.UPDATE.HISTORY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Log of problem updates (acknowledgments, etc). Deprecated name: {EVENT.ACK.HISTORY} |
{EVENT.UPDATE.MESSAGE} | → Problem update notifications and commands | Problem update message. Deprecated name: {ACK.MESSAGE} |
{EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the problem update status. Possible values: 0 - Webhook was called because of problem/recovery event, 1 - Update operation. Supported since 4.4.0. |
{EVENT.UPDATE.TIME} | → Problem update notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
Time of event update (acknowledgment, etc). Deprecated name: {ACK.TIME} |
{EVENT.VALUE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands → Service recovery notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the event that triggered an action (1 for problem, 0 for recovering). |
{EVENT.CAUSE.*} macros are used in the context of a symptom event, for example, in notifications; they return information about the cause event.
The {EVENT.SYMPTOMS} macro is used in the context of the cause event and returns information about symptom events.
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{EVENT.CAUSE.ACK.STATUS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Acknowledgment status of the cause event (Yes/No). |
{EVENT.CAUSE.AGE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Age of the cause event, with precision down to a second. Useful in escalated messages. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.DATE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Date of the cause event. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.DURATION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Duration of the cause event (time difference between problem and recovery events), with precision down to a second. Useful in problem recovery messages. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.ID} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric ID of the cause event . |
{EVENT.CAUSE.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Name of the cause problem event. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.NSEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the cause event severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.OBJECT} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the cause event object. Possible values: 0 - Trigger, 1 - Discovered host, 2 - Discovered service, 3 - Autoregistration, 4 - Item, 5 - Low-level discovery rule. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.OPDATA} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Operational data of the underlying trigger of the cause problem. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.SEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Name of the cause event severity. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.SOURCE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the cause event source. Possible values: 0 - Trigger, 1 - Discovery, 2 - Autoregistration, 3 - Internal. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.STATUS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Verbal value of the cause event. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.TAGS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
A comma separated list of cause event tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.TAGSJSON} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
A JSON array containing cause event tag objects. Expanded to an empty array if no tags exist. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.TAGS.<tag name>} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Cause event tag value referenced by the tag name. A tag name containing non-alphanumeric characters (including non-English multibyte-UTF characters) should be double quoted. Quotes and backslashes inside a quoted tag name must be escaped with a backslash. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.TIME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Time of the cause event. |
{EVENT.CAUSE.UPDATE.HISTORY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Log of cause problem updates (acknowledgments, etc). |
{EVENT.CAUSE.VALUE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric value of the cause event (1 for problem, 0 for recovering). |
{EVENT.SYMPTOMS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
The list of symptom events. Includes the following details: host name, event name, severity, age, service tags and values. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{FUNCTION.VALUE<1-9>} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts → Event names |
Results of the Nth item-based function in the trigger expression at the time of the event. Only functions with /host/key as the first parameter are counted. See indexed macros. |
{FUNCTION.RECOVERY.VALUE<1-9>} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Results of the Nth item-based function in the recovery expression at the time of the event. Only functions with /host/key as the first parameter are counted. See indexed macros. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{HOST.CONN} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Item key parameters1 → Host interface IP/DNS → Trapper item "Allowed hosts" field → Database monitoring additional parameters → SSH and Telnet scripts → JMX item endpoint field → Web monitoring4 → Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions → URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Tag names and values → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, Query fields, Request body, Headers, Proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file, Allowed hosts. → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) → Description of item value widget |
Host IP address or DNS name, depending on host settings2. May be used with a numeric index as {HOST.CONN<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{HOST.DESCRIPTION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Map element labels → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Host description. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {HOST.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{HOST.DNS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Item key parameters1 → Host interface IP/DNS → Trapper item "Allowed hosts" field → Database monitoring additional parameters → SSH and Telnet scripts → JMX item endpoint field → Web monitoring4 → Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions → URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Tag names and values → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, Query fields, Request body, Headers, Proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file, Allowed hosts. → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) → Description of item value widget |
Host DNS name2. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {HOST.DNS<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{HOST.HOST} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Item key parameters → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Host interface IP/DNS → Trapper item "Allowed hosts" field → Database monitoring additional parameters → SSH and Telnet scripts → JMX item endpoint field → Web monitoring4 → Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions → URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Tag names and values → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, Query fields, Request body, Headers, Proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file, Allowed hosts. → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) → Description of item value widget |
Host name. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {HOST.HOST<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {HOSTNAME<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{HOST.ID} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Map element labels, map URL names and values → URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget → Trigger URLs → Tag names and values → Manual event action scripts → Manual host action scripts (only for type URL, including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (only for type URL, including confirmation text) → Description of item value widget |
Host ID. May be used with a numeric index as {HOST.ID<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{HOST.IP} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Item key parameters1 → Host interface IP/DNS → Trapper item "Allowed hosts" field → Database monitoring additional parameters → SSH and Telnet scripts → JMX item endpoint field → Web monitoring4 → Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions → URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Tag names and values → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, Query fields, Request body, Headers, Proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file, Allowed hosts. → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) → Description of item value widget |
Host IP address2. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {HOST.IP<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {IPADDRESS<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{HOST.METADATA} | → Autoregistration notifications and commands | Host metadata. Used only for active agent autoregistration. |
{HOST.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Item key parameters → Host interface IP/DNS → Trapper item "Allowed hosts" field → Database monitoring additional parameters → SSH and Telnet scripts → Web monitoring4 → Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions → URL field of dynamic URL dashboard widget → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Tag names and values → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, Query fields, Request body, Headers, Proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file, Allowed hosts. → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) → Description of item value widget |
Visible host name. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {HOST.NAME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{HOST.PORT} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → JMX item endpoint field → Tag names and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Host (agent) port2. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {HOST.PORT<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{HOST.TARGET.CONN} | → Trigger-based commands → Problem update commands → Discovery commands → Autoregistration commands |
IP address or DNS name of the target host, depending on host settings. Supported since 5.4.0. |
{HOST.TARGET.DNS} | → Trigger-based commands → Problem update commands → Discovery commands → Autoregistration commands |
DNS name of the target host. Supported since 5.4.0. |
{HOST.TARGET.HOST} | → Trigger-based commands → Problem update commands → Discovery commands → Autoregistration commands |
Technical name of the target host. Supported since 5.4.0. |
{HOST.TARGET.IP} | → Trigger-based commands → Problem update commands → Discovery commands → Autoregistration commands |
IP address of the target host. Supported since 5.4.0. |
{HOST.TARGET.NAME} | → Trigger-based commands → Problem update commands → Discovery commands → Autoregistration commands |
Visible name of the target host. Supported since 5.4.0. |
See also: Host inventory
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{HOSTGROUP.ID} | → Map element labels, map URL names and values | Host group ID. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{INVENTORY.ALIAS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Alias field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.ALIAS<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.ASSET.TAG} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Asset tag field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.ASSET.TAG<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.CHASSIS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Chassis field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.CHASSIS<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.CONTACT} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Contact field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.CONTACT<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.CONTACT<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.CONTRACT.NUMBER} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Contract number field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.CONTRACT.NUMBER<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.DEPLOYMENT.STATUS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Deployment status field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.DEPLOYMENT.STATUS<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Hardware field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HARDWARE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.HARDWARE<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE.FULL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Hardware (Full details) field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HARDWARE.FULL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETMASK} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Host subnet mask field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HOST.NETMASK<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETWORKS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Host networks field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HOST.NETWORKS<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HOST.ROUTER} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Host router field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HOST.ROUTER<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HW.ARCH} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Hardware architecture field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HW.ARCH<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.DECOMM} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Date hardware decommissioned field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HW.DATE.DECOMM<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.EXPIRY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Date hardware maintenance expires field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HW.DATE.EXPIRY<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.INSTALL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Date hardware installed field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HW.DATE.INSTALL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.PURCHASE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Date hardware purchased field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.HW.DATE.PURCHASE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.INSTALLER.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Installer name field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.INSTALLER.NAME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.LOCATION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Sc→ ript-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Location field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.LOCATION<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.LOCATION<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LAT} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Location latitude field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.LOCATION.LAT<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LON} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Location longitude field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.LOCATION.LON<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.A} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
MAC address A field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.A<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.MACADDRESS<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.B} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
MAC address B field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.B<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.MODEL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Model field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.MODEL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Name field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.NAME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.NAME<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.NOTES} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Notes field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.NOTES<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.NOTES<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.OOB.IP} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
OOB IP address field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.OOB.IP<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.OOB.NETMASK} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
OOB subnet mask field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.OOB.NETMASK<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.OOB.ROUTER} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
OOB router field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.OOB.ROUTER<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.OS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
OS field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.OS<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.OS<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.OS.FULL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
OS (Full details) field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.OS.FULL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.OS.SHORT} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
OS (Short) field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.OS.SHORT<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.CELL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Primary POC cell field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.CELL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.EMAIL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Primary POC email field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.EMAIL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Primary POC name field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NAME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NOTES} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Primary POC notes field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NOTES<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.A} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Primary POC phone A field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.B} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Primary POC phone B field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.SCREEN} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Primary POC screen name field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.SCREEN<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.CELL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Secondary POC cell field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.CELL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.EMAIL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Secondary POC email field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.EMAIL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Secondary POC name field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NAME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NOTES} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Secondary POC notes field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NOTES<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.A} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Secondary POC phone A field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.B} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Secondary POC phone B field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.SCREEN} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Secondary POC screen name field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.SCREEN<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.A} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Serial number A field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SERIALNO.A<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.SERIALNO<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.B} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Serial number B field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SERIALNO.B<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.A} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site address A field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.A<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.B} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site address B field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.B<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.C} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site address C field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.C<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.CITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site city field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.CITY<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.COUNTRY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site country field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.COUNTRY<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.NOTES} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site notes field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.NOTES<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.RACK} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site rack location field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.RACK<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.STATE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site state/province field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.STATE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SITE.ZIP} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Site ZIP/postal field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SITE.ZIP<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Software field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SOFTWARE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.SOFTWARE<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.A} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Software application A field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.A<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.B} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Software application B field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.B<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.C} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Software application C field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.C<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.D} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Software application D field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.D<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.E} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Software application E field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.E<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.FULL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Software (Full details) field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.FULL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.TAG} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Tag field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.TAG<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.TAG<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.TYPE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Type field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.TYPE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {PROFILE.DEVICETYPE<1-9>} is deprecated. |
{INVENTORY.TYPE.FULL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Type (Full details) field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.TYPE.FULL<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.URL.A} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
URL A field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.URL.A<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.URL.B} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
URL B field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.URL.B<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.URL.C} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
URL C field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.URL.C<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{INVENTORY.VENDOR} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Tag names and values → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Script-type items6 → Manual host action scripts6 → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Vendor field in host inventory. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {INVENTORY.VENDOR<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{ITEM.DESCRIPTION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Description of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.DESCRIPTION.ORIG} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Description (with macros unresolved) of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.DESCRIPTION.ORIG<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. Supported since 5.2.0. |
{ITEM.ID} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Numeric ID of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.ID<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.KEY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, query fields, request body, headers, proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Key of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.KEY<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. {TRIGGER.KEY} is deprecated. |
{ITEM.KEY.ORIG} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Script-type item, item prototype and discovery rule parameter names and values → HTTP agent type item, item prototype and discovery rule fields: URL, Query fields, Request body, Headers, Proxy, SSL certificate file, SSL key file, Allowed hosts. → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Original key (with macros not expanded) of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification 4. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.KEY.ORIG<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LASTVALUE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Tag names and values → Trigger URLs → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
The latest value of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. It will resolve to *UNKNOWN* in the frontend if the latest history value has been collected more than the Max history display period time ago (set in the Administration→General menu section). Note that since 4.0, when used in the problem name, it will not resolve to the latest item value when viewing problem events, instead it will keep the item value from the time of problem happening. It is alias to last(/{HOST.HOST}/{ITEM.KEY}) .The resolved value is truncated to 20 characters to be usable, for example, in trigger URLs. To resolve to a full value, you may use macro functions. Customizing the macro value is supported for this macro; starting with Zabbix 3.2.0. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LASTVALUE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. item in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LOG.AGE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Event tags and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Age of the log item event, with precision down to a second. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LOG.AGE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LOG.DATE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Event tags and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Date of the log item event. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LOG.DATE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LOG.EVENTID} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Event tags and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
ID of the event in the event log. For Windows event log monitoring only. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LOG.EVENTID<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LOG.NSEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Event tags and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Numeric severity of the event in the event log. For Windows event log monitoring only. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LOG.NSEVERITY<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Event tags and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Verbal severity of the event in the event log. For Windows event log monitoring only. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LOG.SOURCE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Event tags and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Source of the event in the event log. For Windows event log monitoring only. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LOG.SOURCE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.LOG.TIME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, operational data and descriptions → Trigger URLs → Event tags and values → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Time of the log item event. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.LOG.TIME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Name of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.NAME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.NAME.ORIG} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
This macros is deprecated since Zabbix 6.0. It used to resolve to the original name (i.e. without macros resolved) of the item in pre-6.0 Zabbix versions when user macros and positional macros were supported in the item name. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.NAME.ORIG<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.STATE} | → Item-based internal notifications → Description of item value widget |
The latest state of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Possible values: Not supported and Normal. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.STATE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.STATE.ERROR} | → Item-based internal notifications | Error message with details why an item became unsupported. If an item goes into the unsupported state and then immediately gets supported again the error field can be empty. |
{ITEM.VALUE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger names, event names, operational data and descriptions → Tag names and values → Trigger URLs → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Resolved to either: 1) the historical (at-the-time-of-event) value of the Nth item in the trigger expression, if used in the context of trigger status change, for example, when displaying events or sending notifications. 2) the latest value of the Nth item in the trigger expression, if used without the context of trigger status change, for example, when displaying a list of triggers in a pop-up selection window. In this case works the same as {ITEM.LASTVALUE} In the first case it will resolve to *UNKNOWN* if the history value has already been deleted or has never been stored. In the second case, and in the frontend only, it will resolve to *UNKNOWN* if the latest history value has been collected more than the Max history display period time ago (set in the Administration→General menu section). The resolved value is truncated to 20 characters to be usable, for example, in trigger URLs. To resolve to a full value, you may use macro functions. Customizing the macro value is supported for this macro, starting with Zabbix 3.2.0. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.VALUE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. item in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{ITEM.VALUETYPE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts → Description of item value widget |
Value type of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Possible values: 0 - numeric float, 1 - character, 2 - log, 3 - numeric unsigned, 4 - text. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {ITEM.VALUETYPE<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. Supported since 5.4.0. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{LLDRULE.DESCRIPTION} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Description of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification. |
{LLDRULE.DESCRIPTION.ORIG} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Description (with macros unresolved) of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification. Supported since 5.2.0. |
{LLDRULE.ID} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Numeric ID of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification. |
{LLDRULE.KEY} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Key of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification. |
{LLDRULE.KEY.ORIG} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Original key (with macros not expanded) of the low-level discovery rule which caused a notification. |
{LLDRULE.NAME} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Name of the low-level discovery rule (with macros resolved) that caused a notification. |
{LLDRULE.NAME.ORIG} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Original name (i.e. without macros resolved) of the low-level discovery rule that caused a notification. |
{LLDRULE.STATE} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | The latest state of the low-level discovery rule. Possible values: Not supported and Normal. |
{LLDRULE.STATE.ERROR} | → LLD-rule based internal notifications | Error message with details why an LLD rule became unsupported. If an LLD rule goes into the unsupported state and then immediately gets supported again the error field can be empty. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{MAP.ID} | → Map element labels, map URL names and values | Network map ID. |
{MAP.NAME} | → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Text field in map shapes |
Network map name. Supported since 3.4.0. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{PROXY.DESCRIPTION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Description of the proxy. Resolves to either: 1) proxy of the Nth item in the trigger expression (in trigger-based notifications). You may use indexed macros here. 2) proxy, which executed discovery (in discovery notifications). Use {PROXY.DESCRIPTION} here, without indexing. 3) proxy to which an active agent registered (in autoregistration notifications). Use {PROXY.DESCRIPTION} here, without indexing. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {PROXY.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
{PROXY.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Discovery notifications and commands → Autoregistration notifications and commands → Internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Name of the proxy. Resolves to either: 1) proxy of the Nth item in the trigger expression (in trigger-based notifications). You may use indexed macros here. 2) proxy, which executed discovery (in discovery notifications). Use {PROXY.NAME} here, without indexing. 3) proxy to which an active agent registered (in autoregistration notifications). Use {PROXY.NAME} here, without indexing. This macro may be used with a numeric index e.g. {PROXY.NAME<1-9>} to point to the first, second, third, etc. host in a trigger expression. See indexed macros. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{SERVICE.DESCRIPTION} | → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
Description of the service (with macros resolved). |
{SERVICE.NAME} | → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
Name of the service (with macros resolved). |
{SERVICE.ROOTCAUSE} | → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
List of trigger problem events that caused a service to fail, sorted by severity and host name. Includes the following details: host name, event name, severity, age, service tags and values. |
{SERVICE.TAGS} | → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
A comma separated list of service event tags. Service event tags can be defined in the service configuration section Tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist. |
{SERVICE.TAGSJSON} | → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
A JSON array containing service event tag objects. Service event tags can be defined in the service configuration section Tags. Expanded to an empty array if no tags exist. |
{SERVICE.TAGS.<tag name>} | → Service-based notifications and commands → Service update notifications and commands |
Service event tag value referenced by the tag name. Service event tags can be defined in the service configuration section Tags. A tag name containing non-alphanumeric characters (including non-English multibyte-UTF characters) should be double quoted. Quotes and backslashes inside a quoted tag name must be escaped with a backslash. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{TRIGGER.DESCRIPTION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Trigger description. All macros supported in a trigger description will be expanded if {TRIGGER.DESCRIPTION} is used in notification text.{TRIGGER.COMMENT} is deprecated. |
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION.EXPLAIN} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts → Event names |
Partially evaluated trigger expression. Item-based functions are evaluated and replaced by the results at the time of event generation whereas all other functions are displayed as written in the expression. Can be used for debugging trigger expressions. |
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION.RECOVERY.EXPLAIN} | → Problem recovery notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Partially evaluated trigger recovery expression. Item-based functions are evaluated and replaced by the results at the time of event generation whereas all other functions are displayed as written in the expression. Can be used for debugging trigger recovery expressions. |
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.ACK} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Map element labels → Manual event action scripts |
Number of acknowledged events for a map element in maps, or for the trigger which generated current event in notifications. |
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Map element labels → Manual event action scripts |
Number of acknowledged PROBLEM events for all triggers disregarding their state. |
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Map element labels → Manual event action scripts |
Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM events for all triggers disregarding their state. |
{TRIGGER.EVENTS.UNACK} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Map element labels → Manual event action scripts |
Number of unacknowledged events for a map element in maps, or for the trigger which generated current event in notifications. |
{TRIGGER.HOSTGROUP.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
A sorted (by SQL query), comma-space separated list of host groups in which the trigger is defined. |
{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK} | → Map element labels | Number of acknowledged PROBLEM events for triggers in PROBLEM state. |
{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK} | → Map element labels | Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM events for triggers in PROBLEM state. |
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Trigger expression. |
{TRIGGER.EXPRESSION.RECOVERY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Trigger recovery expression if OK event generation in trigger configuration is set to 'Recovery expression'; otherwise an empty string is returned. Supported since 3.2.0. |
{TRIGGER.ID} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Map element labels, map URL names and values → Trigger URLs → Trigger tag value → Manual event action scripts |
Numeric trigger ID which triggered this action. Supported in trigger tag values since 4.4.1. |
{TRIGGER.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Name of the trigger (with macros resolved). Note that since 4.0.0 {EVENT.NAME} can be used in actions to display the triggered event/problem name with macros resolved. |
{TRIGGER.NAME.ORIG} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Original name of the trigger (i.e. without macros resolved). |
{TRIGGER.NSEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Numerical trigger severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster. |
{TRIGGER.SEVERITY} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Trigger severity name. Can be defined in Administration → General → Trigger displaying options. |
{TRIGGER.STATE} | → Trigger-based internal notifications | The latest state of the trigger. Possible values: Unknown and Normal. |
{TRIGGER.STATE.ERROR} | → Trigger-based internal notifications | Error message with details why a trigger became unsupported. If a trigger goes into the unsupported state and then immediately gets supported again the error field can be empty. |
{TRIGGER.STATUS} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual event action scripts |
Trigger value at the time of operation step execution. Can be either PROBLEM or OK.{STATUS} is deprecated. |
{TRIGGER.TEMPLATE.NAME} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
A sorted (by SQL query), comma-space separated list of templates in which the trigger is defined, or *UNKNOWN* if the trigger is defined in a host. |
{TRIGGER.URL} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger-based internal notifications → Manual event action scripts |
Trigger URL. |
{TRIGGER.VALUE} | → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Trigger expressions → Manual event action scripts |
Current trigger numeric value: 0 - trigger is in OK state, 1 - trigger is in PROBLEM state. |
{TRIGGERS.UNACK} | → Map element labels | Number of unacknowledged triggers for a map element, disregarding trigger state. A trigger is considered to be unacknowledged if at least one of its PROBLEM events is unacknowledged. |
{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.UNACK} | → Map element labels | Number of unacknowledged PROBLEM triggers for a map element. A trigger is considered to be unacknowledged if at least one of its PROBLEM events is unacknowledged. |
{TRIGGERS.ACK} | → Map element labels | Number of acknowledged triggers for a map element, disregarding trigger state. A trigger is considered to be acknowledged if all of it's PROBLEM events are acknowledged. |
{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.ACK} | → Map element labels | Number of acknowledged PROBLEM triggers for a map element. A trigger is considered to be acknowledged if all of it's PROBLEM events are acknowledged. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{USER.FULLNAME} | → Problem update notifications and commands → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) |
Name, surname and username of the user who added event acknowledgment or started the script. Supported for problem updates since 3.4.0, for global scripts since 5.0.2 |
{USER.NAME} | → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) |
Name of the user who started the script. Supported since 5.0.2. |
{USER.SURNAME} | → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) |
Surname of the user who started the script. Supported since 5.0.2. |
{USER.USERNAME} | → Manual host action scripts (including confirmation text) → Manual event action scripts (including confirmation text) |
Username of the user who started the script. Supported since 5.0.2. {USER.ALIAS}, supported before Zabbix 5.4.0, is now deprecated. |
Macro | Supported in | Description |
{$MACRO} | → See: User macros supported by location | User-definable macros. |
{#MACRO} | → See: Low-level discovery macros | Low-level discovery macros. Customizing the macro value is supported for this macro, starting with Zabbix 4.0.0. |
{?EXPRESSION} | → Trigger event names → Trigger-based notifications and commands → Problem update notifications and commands → Map element labels3 → Map shape labels3 → Link labels in maps3 → Graph names5 |
See expression macros. Supported since 5.2.0. |
1 As macros são suportadas em rótulos de mapas desde o Zabbix 1.8.
2 Desde o Zabbix 2.0.3, as macros HOST.* são suportadas em parâmetros de chave de item e só funcionam em tipos de item com interfaces compatíveis, p.e. elas não funcionarão para itens do tipo "Zabbix Agent (ativo)", "Calculado", etc.
3 Dependendo do contexto, a macro será expandida de forma diferente. No Zabbix 2.0.1 ou anterior, no contexto de execução de um comando remoto, scripts da GUI, parâmetros de chave de item, interfaces (campos IP/DNS), apenas a interface principal do agente seria considerada como origem da informação. Desde a versão 2.0.2 (para cenários web desde a 2.2.0) a macro será utilizada na interface principal do agente, entretanto, se ela estiver ausente, a interface principal de SNMP será utilizada. Se a interface SNMP também não estiver presente, a interface JMX principal será utilizada. Se a interface JMX não estiver presente, a interface principal IPMI. Em parâmetros de chave de item a interface que estiver selecionada para o item será utilizada, desde o Zabbix 2.0.3.
4 Apenas as funções avg, last, max e min, com segundos como parâmetros são suportadas nesta macro nos rótulos de mapas.
5 Suportado desde o Zabbix 2.0.3.
6 Suportado desde o Zabbix Zabbix 2.2.0. As macros {HOST.*}
e as macros de usuário {$MACRO}
são suportadas nos campos do cenários web: Nome, Variáveis, Cabeçalhos, Arquivo de certificado SSL, Agente, HTTP proxy, Autenticação (usuário e senha), Senha SSL e Arquivo de chave SSL e nos campos de passos de cenário: Nome, URL, Post, Cabeçalhos, Código de status requerido e Texto requerido.
7 Suportado desde o Zabbix Zabbix 2.2.0. Apenas as funções avg, last, max e min, em seu segundo parâmetro são suportadas com macros nos nomes de gráficos. A macro {HOST.HOST<1-9>} pode ser utilizada em outras macros. Por exemplo:
8 Suportado desde o Zabbix 2.4.0.
9 As macros simples são suportadas para construir expressões de gatilho, mas não podem ser utilizadas umas dentro das outras.
10 Suportado desde o Zabbix 3.0.0.
Em adição às localizações listadas, as macros de usuário, desde o Zabbix 2.0, suportam várias outras localizações:
* SNMPv3 - Nome de contexto
* SNMPv3 - Nome de segurança
* SNMPv3 - Senha de autorização
* SNMPv3 - Senha privada
* SNMPv1/v2 comunidade
Temos aqui mais um tipo de macro utilizada no processo de LLD - {#MACRO}. Este tipo de macro é utilizada nas regras de descoberta e pode retornar, por exemplo, os nomes reais dos sistemas de arquivos, interfaces de rede, árvores SNMP.
Estas macros podem ser utilizadas para criar novas entidades (item, trigger, gráficos, hosts) a partir de protótipos. Ao descobrir um novo elemento (sistema de arquivo, interface de rede, etc) estas macros são substituídas pelos nomes reais dos elementos e podem ser utilizadas na criação das novas entidades.
Na descoberta de máquinas virtuais estas macros podem ainda ser utilizadas para criar hosts e grupos de hosts através de protótipos.
As macros LLD podem ser utilizadas em:
Algumas macros de LLD vêm em conjunto com o processo de LLD do Zabbix - {#FSNAME}, {#FSTYPE}, {#IFNAME}, {#SNMPINDEX}, {#SNMPVALUE}. De qualquer forma o uso destas macros não é obrigatório quando você estiver criando um LLD. Você poderá utilizar qualquer outro nome de macro e referenciá-lo.