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16 Hôtes problématiques


Ces paramètres et les valeurs de propriété possibles pour les objets de champ du widget de tableau de bord respectifs permettent de configurer le widget Hôtes problématiques dans les méthodes dashboard.create et dashboard.update.


The following parameters are supported for the Problem hosts widget.

Parameter type name value
Refresh interval 0 rf_rate 0 - No refresh;
10 - 10 seconds;
30 - 30 seconds;
60 - (default) 1 minute;
120 - 2 minutes;
600 - 10 minutes;
900 - 15 minutes.
Host groups 2 groupids Host group ID.

Note: To configure multiple host groups, create a dashboard widget field object for each host group.
Exclude host groups 2 exclude_groupids Host group ID.

Note: To exclude multiple host groups, create a dashboard widget field object for each host group.
Hosts 3 hostids Host ID.

Note: To configure multiple hosts, create a dashboard widget field object for each host. For multiple hosts, the parameter Host groups must either be not configured at all or configured with at least one host group that the configured hosts belong to.
Problem 1 problem Problem event name (case insensitive, full name or part of it).
Severity 0 severities 0 - Not classified;
1 - Information;
2 - Warning;
3 - Average;
4 - High;
5 - Disaster.

Default: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (all enabled).

Note: To configure multiple values, create a dashboard widget field object for each value.
Tags (the number in the property name (e.g. tags.tag.0) references tag order in the tag evaluation list)
Evaluation type 0 evaltype 0 - (default) And/Or;
2 - Or.
Tag name 1 tags.tag.0 Any string value.

Parameter Tag name required if configuring Tags.
Operator 0 tags.operator.0 0 - Contains;
1 - Equals;
2 - Does not contain;
3 - Does not equal;
4 - Exists;
5 - Does not exist.

Parameter Operator required if configuring Tags.
Tag value 1 tags.value.0 Any string value.

Parameter Tag value required if configuring Tags.
Show suppressed problems 0 show_suppressed 0 - (default) Disabled;
1 - Enabled.
Hide groups without problems 0 hide_empty_groups 0 - (default) Disabled;
1 - Enabled.
Problem display 0 ext_ack 0 - (default) All;
1 - Unacknowledged only;
2 - Separated.


Les exemples suivants visent à décrire uniquement la configuration des objets de champ du widget de tableau de bord pour le widget Hôtes à problèmes. Pour plus d'informations sur la configuration d'un tableau de bord, consultez dashboard.create.

Configuring a Problem hosts widget

Configure a Problem hosts widget that displays hosts from host groups "2" and "4" that have problems with a name that includes the string "CPU" and that have the following severities: "Warning", "Average", "High", "Disaster".


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "dashboard.create",
           "params": {
               "name": "My dashboard",
               "display_period": 30,
               "auto_start": 1,
               "pages": [
                       "widgets": [
                               "type": "problemhosts",
                               "name": "Problem hosts",
                               "x": 0,
                               "y": 0,
                               "width": 12,
                               "height": 5,
                               "view_mode": 0,
                               "fields": [
                                       "type": 2,
                                       "name": "groupids",
                                       "value": 2
                                       "type": 2,
                                       "name": "groupids",
                                       "value": 4
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "problem",
                                       "value": "cpu"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "severities",
                                       "value": 2
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "severities",
                                       "value": 3
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "severities",
                                       "value": 4
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "severities",
                                       "value": 5
               "userGroups": [
                       "usrgrpid": 7,
                       "permission": 2
               "users": [
                       "userid": 1,
                       "permission": 3
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "dashboardids": [
           "id": 1

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