3 触发器


可以从 配置 - >模板中访问模板的触发器列表,然后单击相应模板的触发器。

可以从配置 - >主机访问主机的触发器列表,然后单击相应主机的触发器。


Severity 触发器的严重性由名称和单元格背景颜色显示。
Name 触发器的名称,显示为蓝色链接以触发细节。
单击触发器名称链接将打开触发器配置表.\\如果主机触发器属于模板,则模板名称将在触发器名称之前显示为灰色链接。 单击模板链接将打开模板级别的触发器列表。
如果触发器是从触发器原型创建的,则其名称前面是低级别的发现规则名称,以橙色显示。 单击发现规则名称将打开触发器原型列表。
Expression 显示触发表达式。 表达式的host-item部分显示为链接,链接到项目配置表单。
Status 显示触发状态 - 启用, 禁用 或者未知. 通过点击状态,您可以更改它 - 从启用到禁用(反之亦可); 从未知到已禁用(反之亦可)。
Info 如果一切正常,此列中不会显示图标。 如果有错误,将显示带有十字架的红色方形图标。 将鼠标移动到图标上方,您将看到带有错误描述的工具提示。




  • Enable - 将触发状态更改为 启用
  • Disable - 将触发状态更改为 禁用
  • Copy - 将触发器复制到其他主机或模板
  • Mass update - 一次更新多个触发器的几个属性
  • Delete - 删除触发器


3 Triggers


The trigger list for a template can be accessed from Configuration → Templates and then clicking on Triggers for the respective template.

The trigger list for a host can be accessed from Configuration → Hosts and then clicking on Triggers for the respective host.

Displayed data:

Column Description
Severity Severity of the trigger is displayed by both name and cell background colour.
Name Name of the trigger, displayed as a blue link to trigger details.
Clicking on the trigger name link opens the trigger configuration form.
If the host trigger belongs to a template, the template name is displayed before the trigger name, as a grey link. Clicking on the template link will open the trigger list on the template level.
If the trigger has been created from a trigger prototype, its name is preceded by the low level discovery rule name, in orange. Clicking on the discovery rule name will open the trigger prototype list.
Expression Trigger expression is displayed. The host-item part of the expression is displayed as a link, leading to the item configuration form.
Status Trigger status is displayed - Enabled, Disabled or Unknown. By clicking on the status you can change it - from Enabled to Disabled (and back); from Unknown to Disabled (and back).
Info If everything is fine, no icon is displayed in this column. If there are errors, a red square icon with a cross is displayed. Move the mouse over the icon and you will see a tooltip with the error description.

To configure a new trigger, click on the Create trigger button in the top right-hand corner.

Mass editing options

Buttons below the list offer some mass-editing options:

  • Enable - change trigger status to Enabled
  • Disable - change trigger status to Disabled
  • Copy - copy the triggers to other hosts or templates
  • Mass update - update several properties for a number of triggers at once
  • Delete - delete the triggers

To use these options, mark the checkboxes before the respective triggers, then click on the required button.

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