5 用户


在 Administration → Users 中,维护系统中的用户。



从 Users 栏中的右侧的下拉列表中,您可以选择是显示所有用户或是只显示属于一个特定组的用户。


Alias 用户的别名,用于登录Zabbix。点击该别名打开用户配置表单.
Name 用户的名字。
Surname 用户的姓氏。
User type 显示用户类型 - Zabbix Super Admin, (Zabbix超级管理员)Zabbix Admin (Zabbix管理员)或者 Zabbix User (Zabbix用户)。
Groups 显示用户类型 - Zabbix Super Admin, (Zabbix超级管理员)Zabbix Admin (Zabbix管理员)或者 Zabbix User (Zabbix用户)。
Is online? 显示用户在线状态- Yes 或 No. 用户最后活动时间显示在括号内。
Login 显示用户的登录状态。 - Ok or Blocked.用户会因连续五次失败登录而被暂时锁定。点击 Blocked 您可以解除该用户的锁定。
Frontend access 显示前端访问级别。 - System default, Internal 或 Disabled, 这取决于整个用户组的设置。
Debug mode 显示Debug模式 - Enabled 或 Disabled, 这取决于整个用户组的设置。
Status 显示用户状态 - Enabled 或 Disabled, 这取决于整个用户组的设置。

配置新的用户,点击顶部右上角的 Create user



  • Unblock - 重新启用被阻止用户对系统的访问
  • Delete - 删除用户




Filter过滤器 链接位于用户列表之上。 如果您点击它,则可以使用过滤器,您可以通过别名,名字,姓氏和用户类型过滤用户。

5 Users


In the Administration → Users section users of the system are maintained.


A listing of existing users with their details is displayed.

From the dropdown to the right in the Users bar you can choose whether to display all users or those belonging to one particular group.

Displayed data:

Column Description
Alias Alias of the user, used for logging into Zabbix. Clicking on the alias opens the user configuration form.
Name First name of the user.
Surname Second name of the user.
User type User type is displayed - Zabbix Super Admin, Zabbix Admin or Zabbix User.
Groups Groups that the user is member of are listed. Clicking on the user group name opens the user group configuration form. Disabled groups are displayed in red.
Is online? The on-line status of the user is displayed - Yes or No. The time of last user activity is displayed in parentheses.
Login The login status of the user is displayed - Ok or Blocked. A user can become temporarily blocked upon more than five unsuccessful login attempts. By clicking on Blocked you can unblock the user.
Frontend access Frontend access level is displayed - System default, Internal or Disabled, depending on the one set for the whole user group.
Debug mode Debug mode status is displayed - Enabled or Disabled, depending on the one set for the whole user group.
Status User status is displayed - Enabled or Disabled, depending on the one set for the whole user group.

To configure a new user, click on the Create user button in the top right-hand corner.

Mass editing options

Buttons below the list offer some mass-editing options:

  • Unblock - re-enable system access to blocked users
  • Delete - delete the users

To use these options, mark the check-boxes before the respective users, then click on the required button.


As the list may contain many users, it may be needed to filter out the ones you really need.

The Filter link is available above the list of users. If you click on it, a filter becomes available where you can filter users by alias, name, surname and user type.

To toggle search highlight, press Ctrl+Alt+H
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