

integer/array user.get(object parameters) 此方法允许根据给定的参数检索用户。


integer/array user.get(object parameters)

The method allows to retrieve users according to the given parameters.


(object) 定义所需输出的参数。


属性 类 说明
mediaids string/array 只返回用户给定媒体。
mediatypeids string/array 只返回用户给定媒体类型。
userids string/array 只返回用户给定ID。
usrgrpids string/array 只返回用户给定用户组ID。
getAccess flag 添加关于用户权限附加信息。

gui_access - (integer) 用户的前端认证方法。 参考 gui_access 的属性 关于用户组对象 列出可能的值。
debug_mode - (integer) 表明是否为用户启用了调试功能。 可能的值: 0 - 禁用调试, 1 - 开启调试。
users_status - (integer) 表示用户是否禁用。 可能的值: 0 - 用户可用, 1 - 用户禁用。
selectMedias query medias 属性返回用户使用的媒体。
selectMediatypes query mediatypes 属性返回用户使用的媒体类型。
selectUsrgrps query usrgrps 属性返回用户所属的组
sortfield string/array 根据给定的属性对结果进行排序。

可能的值 : userid and alias.
countOutput boolean 这些参数对于所有的get方法是常见的,在 reference commentary中有详细描述.
editable boolean
excludeSearch boolean
filter object
limit integer
output query
preservekeys boolean
search object
searchByAny boolean
searchWildcardsEnabled boolean
sortorder string/array
startSearch boolean



  • 一个对象数组;
  • 检索对象的计数, 如果 countOutput 参数被使用。


(object) Parameters defining the desired output.

The method supports the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
mediaids string/array Return only users that use the given media.
mediatypeids string/array Return only users that use the given media types.
userids string/array Return only users with the given IDs.
usrgrpids string/array Return only users that belong to the given user groups.
getAccess flag Adds additional information about user permissions.

Adds the following properties for each user:
gui_access - (integer) user's frontend authentication method. Refer to the gui_access property of the user group object for a list of possible values.
debug_mode - (integer) indicates whether debug is enabled for the user. Possible values: 0 - debug disabled, 1 - debug enabled.
users_status - (integer) indicates whether the user is disabled. Possible values: 0 - user enabled, 1 - user disabled.
selectMedias query Return media used by the user in the medias property.
selectMediatypes query Return media types used by the user in the mediatypes property.
selectUsrgrps query Return user groups that the user belongs to in the usrgrps property.
sortfield string/array Sort the result by the given properties.

Possible values are: userid and alias.
countOutput boolean These parameters being common for all get methods are described in detail in the reference commentary.
editable boolean
excludeSearch boolean
filter object
limit integer
output query
preservekeys boolean
search object
searchByAny boolean
searchWildcardsEnabled boolean
sortorder string/array
startSearch boolean

Return values

(integer/array) Returns either:

  • an array of objects;
  • the count of retrieved objects, if the countOutput parameter has been used.




Retrieving users



           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "user.get",
           "params": {
               "output": "extend"
           "auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": [
                   "userid": "1",
                   "alias": "Admin",
                   "name": "Zabbix",
                   "surname": "Administrator",
                   "url": "",
                   "autologin": "1",
                   "autologout": "0s",
                   "lang": "ru_RU",
                   "refresh": "0s",
                   "type": "3",
                   "theme": "default",
                   "attempt_failed": "0",
                   "attempt_ip": "",
                   "attempt_clock": "0",
                   "rows_per_page": "50"
                   "userid": "2",
                   "alias": "guest",
                   "name": "Default2",
                   "surname": "User",
                   "url": "",
                   "autologin": "0",
                   "autologout": "15m",
                   "lang": "en_GB",
                   "refresh": "30s",
                   "type": "1",
                   "theme": "default",
                   "attempt_failed": "0",
                   "attempt_ip": "",
                   "attempt_clock": "0",
                   "rows_per_page": "50"
           "id": 1



CUser::get() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CUser.php.