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2 Actions


If you want some operations taking place as a result of events (for example, notifications sent), you need to configure actions.

Actions can be defined in response to events of all supported types:

  • Trigger actions - for events when trigger status changes from OK to PROBLEM and back
  • Discovery actions - for events when network discovery takes place
  • Autoregistration actions - for events when new active agents auto-register (or host metadata changes for registered ones)
  • Internal actions - for events when items become unsupported or triggers go into an unknown state

Configuring an action

To configure an action, do the following:

  • Go to Configuration → Actions
  • Select action type (Trigger, Discovery, Autoregistration, Internal) from the title dropdown
  • Click on Create action
  • Name the action
  • Choose conditions upon which operations are carried out
  • Choose the operations to carry out

General action attributes:

All mandatory input fields are marked with a red asterisk.

Parameter Description
Name Unique action name.
Type of calculation Select the evaluation option for action conditions (with more than one condition):
And - all conditions must be met
Or - enough if one condition is met
And/Or - combination of the two: AND with different condition types and OR with the same condition type
Custom expression - a user-defined calculation formula for evaluating action conditions.
Conditions List of action conditions.
Click on Add to add a new condition.
Enabled Mark the checkbox to enable the action. Otherwise it will be disabled.
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