2 Sound in browsers浏览器中的声音


For the sounds to be played in Zabbix frontend, Frontend messaging must be enabled in the user profile Messaging tab, with all trigger severities checked, and sounds should also be enabled in the global notification pop-up window. 为了在Zabbix前端播放声音,Frontend messaging 必须在用户档案里的 Messaging 选项卡里被启用,并检查所有触发器的严重程度,同时声音也必须在全局通知的弹窗里被启用。

The sounds of Zabbix frontend have been successfully tested in the following web browser versions and no additional configuration was required: Zabbix前端的声音已经在以下Web浏览器版本中成功测试,且不需要其的配置:

  • Firefox 3.5.16 on Linux Linux上的Firefox 3.5.16
  • Opera 11.01 on Linux Linux上的Opera 11.01
  • Google Chrome 9.0 on Windows Windows上的Google Chrome 9.0
  • Firefox 3.5.16 on Windows Windows上的Firefox 3.5.16
  • IE7 browser on Windows Windows上的IE7
  • Opera v11.01 on Windows Windows上的Opera v11.01
  • Chrome v9.0 on Windows Windows山的Chrome v9.0
  • Safari v5.0 on Windows, but this browser requires Quick Time Player to be installed Windows上的Safari v5.0, 但该浏览器需要安装 Quick Time Player

Additional requirements附加要求

Firefox v 3.5.16

For playing wav files in the Firefox browser you can use one of the following applications: 要在Firefox浏览器中播放wav文件,您可以使用以下应用:

  • Windows Media Player
  • Quick Time plug-in. Quick Time 插件

Then, in Tools → Options → Applications, in "Wave sound (audio/wav)" set Windows Media Player to play these files. 然后,在 Tools(工具) → Options(选项) → Applications(应用程序), 中,“Wave sound(audio / wav)”中设置Windows Media Player播放这些文件

Safari 5.0

Quick Time Player is required. 需要Quick Time Player.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

To play sounds in MSIE7 and MSIE8: 在 IE7和IE8中播放声音:

  • In Tools → Internet Options → Advanced enable Play sounds in webpages
  • In Tools → Manage Add-ons... enable Windows Media Player
  • In the Windows Media Player, in Tools→Options→File Types enable Windows audio file (wav)

In the Windows Media Player, in Tools→Options tab, "File Types" is only available if the user is a member of "Power Users" or "Administrators" group, i.e. a regular user does not have access to this tab and does not see it.在Windows Media Player的“Tools”→“Options”选项卡中,“File Types”仅在用户是“高级用户”或“管理员”组的成员时可用,即普通用户无权访问此选项卡而不是"看见"。

An additional thing - if IE does not have some *.wav file in the local cache directory (%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files) the sound will not play the first time. 另外 - 如果IE在本地缓存目录(%userprofile%\ Local Settings \ Temporary Internet Files)中没有一些* .wav文件,则声音将不会在第一次播放。

Known not to work已知无法正常工作的

Browsers where the sound did not work声音不起作用的浏览器:

  • Opera 10.11 on Linux. 在Linux下的Opera 10.11.