1 登陆和配置用户




这是Zabbix的“欢迎”界面。输入用户名 Admin 以及密码 zabbix 以作为 Zabbix超级用户登陆。

登陆后,你将会在页面右下角看到“以管理员连接(Connected as Admin)”。同时会获得访问 配置(Configuration) and 管理(Administration) 菜单的权限。





可以在管理(Administration) → 用户(Users)下查看用户信息。


  • 'Admin' 用户是Zabbix的一个超级管理员,拥有所有权限。
  • 'Guest' 用户是一个特殊的默认用户。如果你没有登陆,你访问Zabbix的时候使用的其实是“guest”权限。默认情况下,"guest"用户对Zabbix中的对象没有任何权限。

点击 创建用户(Create user) 以增加用户。

在添加用户的表单中,确认将新增的用户添加到了一个已有的用户组,比如'Zabbix administrators'。


默认情况下,没有为新增的用户定义媒介(media,即通知发送方式) 。如需要创建,可以到'媒介(Media)'标签下,然后点击增加(Add)




Adding permissions

By default, a new user has no permissions to access hosts. To grant the user rights, click on the group of the user in the Groups column (in this case - 'Zabbix administrators'). In the group properties form, go to the Permissions tab.

This user is to have read-only access to Linux servers group, so click on Select next to the user group selection field.

In this pop-up, mark the checkbox next to 'Linux servers', then click Select. Linux servers should be displayed in the selection field. Click the 'Read' button to set permission level and then Add to add the group to the list of permissions. In the user group properties form, click Update.

In Zabbix, access rights to hosts are assigned to user groups, not individual users.

Done! You may try to log in using the credentials of the new user.

Adding permissions

By default, a new user has no permissions to access hosts. To grant the user rights, click on the group of the user in the Groups column (in this case - 'Zabbix administrators'). In the group properties form, go to the Permissions tab.

This user is to have read-only access to Linux servers group, so click on Select next to the user group selection field.

In this pop-up, mark the checkbox next to 'Linux servers', then click Select. Linux servers should be displayed in the selection field. Click the 'Read' button to set permission level and then Add to add the group to the list of permissions. In the user group properties form, click Update.

In Zabbix, access rights to hosts are assigned to user groups, not individual users.

Done! You may try to log in using the credentials of the new user.