Notas de la versión de Zabbix 4.2.0beta2

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 4.2.0beta2.

Zabbix es una solución de monitoreo distribuido de código abierto y de clase empresarial. Zabbix se publica bajo la GPL, por lo que es gratuito para uso comercial y no comercial. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 4.2.0beta2. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-158 Added ability to use discovery returned string as hostname and visible name
ZBXNEXT-5013 Removed adaptive chunking from TimescaleDB script
ZBXNEXT-5016 Extended preprocessing error messages to include intermediate step results
ZBXNEXT-4898 Added support IPv6 for "net.dns" and "net.dns.record"
ZBXNEXT-5037 Added "skip" parameter for vmware.eventlog key
ZBXNEXT-4819 Implemented date and time showing in SVG graph widget
ZBXNEXT-221 Implemented hosts and hostgroups multiselect in items and triggers table filter
ZBXNEXT-4944 Added javascript item preprocessing step
ZBXNEXT-4857 Added animated GIF support for Zabbix Maps
ZBXNEXT-5046 Added non-destructive resizing and reordering of dashboard widgets
ZBXNEXT-4731 Implemented host and template level tags
Added monitoring of internal metrics from an external Zabbix instance
ZBXNEXT-4087 Implemented preprocessing of LLD rules
ZBXNEXT-4868 Added TimescaleDB support
ZBXNEXT-4877 Implemented support for custom JSON path in LLD macros
ZBXNEXT-1190 Implemented item prototype mass update and combined adding, updating and removing of applications in single control in item mass update form
ZBXNEXT-4933 Dropped support of "elementid" in map.create() and map.update() methods
ZBXNEXT-4933 Dropped support of string format for "headers" and "variables" in httptest.create() and httptest.update() methods
ZBXNEXT-4873 Implemented single dot datasets to be drawn as points in line vector graphs
ZBXNEXT-4724 Added validation and throttling preprocessing rules, ability to discard values and set errors
ZBXNEXT-4876 Moved global search page to MVC framework
ZBX-14876 Added a new optional parameter <regex_excl_dir> to items vfs.dir.size[] and vfs.dir.count[]
ZBXNEXT-4792 Added column "Latest values" in Monitoring->Problems and Dashboard
ZBX-15202 Implemented widget pausing methods in dashboard; made graph widget paused when using selection box or opening a tooltip
ZBXNEXT-2315 Implemented content matching in web monitoring headers
Added ability to send email messages in HTML format on demand
Added changes to introduce regex based matching for auto-registration

Corrección de errores

ZBX-15622 Fixed trigger expression test dialog not being usable with long trigger expressions
ZBX-13332 Fixed Request-URI Too Long errors in PopUps; fixed lost focus, when closing error popup
ZBX-15607 Fixed possibility of zombie processes occurring when signaling agent during metric execution
ZBX-10496 Fixed links to installation instructions in README file
ZBX-15625 Removed links leading to media type edit form for non-superadmins in Reports->Notifications page
ZBX-8344 Remove trimming of leading and trailing whitespaces for data received from agent
ZBX-15703 Fixed use of uninitialized variable when receiving 0 bytes on listening socket
ZBX-15537 Fixed visual bug when filter tab was overlapped by sub navigation
ZBX-15539 Fixed validation of master item in item update form
ZBX-15532 Fixed undefined index error on problems page when trigger expression contains web items
ZBX-15488 Fixed permission check for inherited triggers
ZBX-15646 Fixed web-server 'Request-URI Too Long' error in trigger description dialog
ZBX-15688 Fixed wrong host group and host selection in trigger dependencies window
ZBX-15686 Fixed wrong number of selected triggers when navigate to inherited template
ZBXNEXT-4941 Changed overflow statements to execute one by one for Oracle for better performance
ZBX-15664 Fixed "Undefined index" errors on maps with enabled automatic icon mapping
ZBX-15667 Fixed wrong default Zabbix server status for new installation
ZBX-15512 Fixed performance issues and significant memory consumption on several pages which contains host popup menus
ZBX-15512 Fixed performance issues in "Problems by severity" widget
ZBX-15593 Fixed database upgrade patch to stop upgrade on commit failure
ZBX-15611 Fixed crash in configuration syncer when there are groups with same name and when removing preprocessing steps from item
ZBX-15242 Fixed value trimming and duplicate catching in SVG graph pattern fields
ZBX-15250 Fixed selection box height calculation in classic graph
ZBX-15379 Fixed -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings when compiling with GCC 7 and -Wextra
ZBX-15179 Fixed when message about blocking user login is displayed only on next login attempt
ZBX-15494 Fixed handling numbers that written in scientific notation
ZBX-15533 Fixed cutting and trimming event tags and values
ZBX-15442 Fixed reporting idle time in datasender's process state information
ZBX-15424 Fixed when multiselect doesn't trim values and recognizes untrimmed values as new ones
ZBX-14644 Fixed maintenance time periods "start_date" field being reset to "1920" instead of DB default value when updating via edit form
ZBX-15422 Fixed SQL errors when linked template have item prototype with equal key as host item
ZBX-15456 Fixed incorrect style property in Monitoring->Problems; removed unused id from filter form
ZBX-15412 Fixed Name column overlaps the Application column in the Template view
ZBX-15316 Fixed problem with socket inheritance preventing Windows agent from restarting under certain circumstances
ZBX-15271 Added link to documentation in all man pages
ZBX-15577 Fixed restricted user access to the host name when calling host_screen
ZBX-13335 Fixed low performance with linkage of items and item prototypes to a lot of hosts
ZBX-15435 Fixed "Undefined index" errors in the "Problems" widget with multiple active maintenances which part of these are inaccessible
ZBX-15417 Changed vmware collector to perform datastore configuration refresh only when directly monitoring ESXi version lower than v6.0
ZBX-14896 Fixed low performance of the SQL statement when link template to many hosts
ZBX-15220 Fixed displaying of last value for values received in the same second
ZBX-15451 Fixed event correlation when "Event tag pair" condition is used and tag contains special characters
ZBX-15460 Reset agent availability when host status changes, e.g., when host gets disabled
ZBX-15331 Updated LLD item creation/updating error messages
ZBX-15465 Removed html non-breaking space from visiblity checkbox labels
ZBX-15307 Fixed upper level maps positioning in Monitoring Map screen
ZBX-15428 Improved regular expression performance by studying compiled pattern
ZBX-11761 Added warnings in case of TLS identity mismatch
ZBX-15373 Fixed removal of trigger when deleting discovered item; fixed removal of dependent child items when removing master item
ZBX-14613 Fixed hostgroup.delete and host.delete API methods to validate maintenance constraint
ZBX-14863 Fixed authentication settings form of LDAP anonymous binding
ZBX-15374 Fixed SQL and PHP errors on chart3.php page
ZBX-15301 Fixed monotonous lag behind in Windows "system.localtime"
ZBX-15377 Fixed error messages for arrays in GET parameters
ZBX-15369 Fixed "Undefined index: label" in map.update() method
ZBX-15376 Fixed "Undefined index: refresh" on several pages with disabled guest user
ZBX-15375 Fixed web scenario step name can consist only of whitespaces
ZBX-15375 Fixed undefined index on Web scenario configuration page
ZBX-15372 Fixed SQL and PHP errors on "Slide shows" page when enter slides.php witout GET parameters
ZBX-15359 Fixed undefined index in maintenance.create and maintenance.update API calls
ZBX-15358 Fixed undefined index in configuration.import API call without one or several rules
ZBX-15355 Fixed undefined index in configuration.import API call
ZBX-14926 Fixed empty "inventory" property being returned by API if inventory mode is disabled
ZBX-15354 Fixed undefined index in API calls without "auth" parameter
ZBX-15399 Fixed IPv4 connections not being accepted when IPv6 mask is used
ZBX-14331 Fixed error allowing users to change type of a host interface that already has items attached
ZBX-15241 Fixed escaping regexp symbols in preprocessing output parameter when creating item by LLD
ZBX-15254 Fixed incorrect matching string highlight in multiselect autocomplete box
ZBX-15136 Fixed displaying 'Plain text' on the dashboard as html
ZBX-14592 Fixed calculation of SLA and availability report when problem has negative duration
ZBX-15400 Fixed possible crash in preprocessing manager when items with change/throttle preprocessing steps were not being monitored anymore
ZBX-13804 Fixed generic popup form submission
ZBX-15313 Fixed unit suffix support in calculated item expressions
ZBX-15156 Fixed undefined offset error in host screen with web item
ZBX-14980 Fixed problem with filter by itemids and hostids in history.get
ZBX-15224 Fixed failed query errors when receiving non UTF-8 history values
ZBX-14624 Fixed agent collector not releasing connection to missing/removed disk devices
ZBX-15279 Fixed handling of LLD processing errors that should have resulted in not supported LLD rule state
ZBX-14604 Fixed displaying of the graph name on screens
ZBXNEXT-4588 Renamed 'display options' tab to 'displaying options'; fixed multiple layout issues, footnote in hint-box, field value handling, calculation of mouse position, multiple issues related with Y axis and problem styling
ZBX-15159 Fixed existing context menu closing when new one is opened
ZBX-15233 Renamed fuzzytime() function description in dropdown list
ZBX-12801 Excluded zabbix_sender.dll from MS Windows builds with TLS
ZBXNEXT-4883 Fixed when trigger in problem state hides all dependent triggers in history view
ZBX-15260 Improved misleading warning message when agent fails to find log file during processing logrt[] item
ZBX-15258 Fixed update interval of "Zabbix queue" item in server's template to be consistent with proxy template, added missing units in proxy template
ZBX-15225 Improved handling of timeouts in "vfs.dir.size" and "vfs.dir.count" items on Windows agent
ZBX-15206 Fixed deprecated net-snmp attribute
ZBX-15067 Fixed configuration sync of interfaces without hosts
ZBX-15238 Fixed updating nextcheck time in discovery rules to avoid overlaps between discovery executions
ZBX-13673 Fixed regexp validation when pattern contain slash character
ZBX-13773 Fixed naming inconsistencies in agent template, added more trigger descriptions in proxy and server templates
ZBX-14528 Fixed incorrect keycode handling in multiselect input fields
ZBX-15124 Fixed trigger overview behavior when show "any"
ZBX-14648 Fixed performance with deletion of item in template linked to many hosts
ZBX-9011 Added new LLD macros for vmware HV low-level discovery
ZBX-15105 Fixed colorpicker tooltip update
ZBX-14928 Fixed "check now" being executed for active items and templates
ZBX-15153 Fixed custom interval validation; fixed parsing of custom intervals when user macros context contains forward slash
ZBX-9038 Fixed memory of performance counters consumed during vmware update
ZBX-8383 Updated Tomcat template for compatibility with recent Tomcat versions
ZBX-15078 Fixed API authentication for ldap users having gui access disabled
ZBX-14880 Fixed misleading ldap authentication error messages
ZBX-14877 Fixed style of disabled action on high contrast theme
ZBX-14606 Removed strict-transport-security header from frontend
ZBX-15020 Fixed negative time selector offset when selecting time range in graph
ZBX-14977 Fixed creation of unneeded database record if host prototype inventory mode is disabled; fixed validation for host and host prototype inventory mode
ZBX-15146 Fixed SQL error occurred when too long IP address is attempted to be written in database
ZBX-15148 Fixed web scenario item selection in SVG graph widget
ZBX-15107 Fixed error handling in logrt[] items if regular expression for file name is not valid
ZBX-14800 Fixed resolving of functional macros in graph widget name
ZBX-15178 Fixed wrong behaviour when referencing unexisting capture groups in item regexp preprocessing, general pcre code improvements

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 4.2.0.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


Zabbix 4.2 Manual

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