Notas de la versión de Zabbix 2.0.4rc1

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 2.0.4rc1.

Zabbix es una solución de monitoreo distribuido de código abierto y de clase empresarial. Zabbix se publica bajo la GPL, por lo que es gratuito para uso comercial y no comercial. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 2.0.4rc1. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBX-1357 Added initial Portuguese (Portugal) translation
ZBXNEXT-1398 Changed vertical labels in Monitoring -> Overview from PNG images to text
ZBXNEXT-1398 Implemented flickerfree screen shadowing for old screen data
ZBX-1357 Added initial Indonesian translation
ZBXNEXT-1393 Fixed global scripts font
ZBX-4638 Added support of {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME}, {HOST.IP}, {HOST.DNS} and {HOST.CONN} macros in "params" field for SSH, Telnet and DB monitor items
ZBX-4663 Added possibility to use dots in JMX attribute names
ZBX-5556 Action recovery message body can now be empty
ZBX-1357 Updated American English, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Polish, Slovak, Russian and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBXNEXT-1426 Added initial Persian translation
ZBXNEXT-1447 Added initial Finnish translation

Corrección de errores

ZBX-5648 Changes don't allow update "templateid" in items, or create new item with predefined "templateid"
ZBX-5684 Fixed inconsistency that CItem get() returned discovery rules and item prototypes by default
ZBX-5684 Fixed problem when updating non normal items status, it's flag is changed to normal
ZBX-5882 Fixed "Illegal string offset" errors and allowed templated trigger prototypes in trigger expressions test
ZBX-5848 Removed flexible intervals from items in the default templates
ZBX-5877 Fixed tree position saving in IT services
ZBX-5878 Fixed misaligned leading lines in IT services
ZBX-5875 Fixed items configuration in French language
ZBX-5860 Fixed hostgroup massupdate
ZBX-5814 Fixed an incorrect error message when saving an illegal trigger expression
ZBX-4247 Fixed processing of trigger expression if item key contains another trigger expression string
ZBX-2640 Fixed some issues when creating and editing log triggers
ZBX-5855 Fixed "Array to string conversion" errors in 1.8 XML import
ZBX-3684 Fixed "Undefined index" error in 1.8 XML import
ZBX-5732 Fixed sending data from a file in Zabbix sender
ZBX-5741 Fixed Zabbix sender crash if a corrupted server response is received
ZBX-5722 Fixed calculation of "vm.memory.size[available]" in Zabbix agent on Solaris
ZBX-5149 Fixed refreshing of unsupported "Zabbix agent (active)" items by a proxy
ZBX-5759 Fixed Oracle ORA-01002 SQL error on items bulk actions
ZBX-5639 Fixed global options "dropdown first entry" and "remember selected" in availability reports
ZBX-5639 Improved sdii() debugging function
ZBX-5816 Fixed undefined index in Monitoring > Events, when favorite trigger has been deleted
ZBX-5771 Fixed acknowledge tick mark lost on "overview" page
ZBX-5821 Fixed 2.0 xml format template import
ZBX-5791 Fixed possible SQL errors when linking groups to a host
ZBX-5786 Fixed screens import, that contain simple graphs or plain texts
ZBX-5753 Fixed server crash when using an icmpping* check as a discovery rule
ZBX-5382 Fixed agent crash on HP-UX Itanium; thanks to Alice Ferrazzi
ZBX-5289 Fixed agent crash on Solaris; thanks to Jairo Eduardo Lopez Fuentes Nacarino, Takanori Suzuki
ZBX-5744 Removed redundant HTML from the map monitoring page
ZBX-5744 Fixed script.getscriptsbyhost returning an unnecessary array of hosts for each script
ZBX-5811 Fixed no permissions error when change user group "status", "frontend access" and "debug mode" using link in user groups list
ZBX-5751 Fixed CDiscoveryRule get() and CItemPrototype get() "selectGraphs" parameter
ZBX-5667 Fixed host screen defined in template does not show item data for "Plain text" elements
ZBX-5762 Fixed undefined indexes in graph prototype form
ZBX-5125 Fixed possible SQL errors while upgrading DB
ZBX-5415 Fixed check for PostgreSQL dev libraries
ZBX-5740 Removed "discoveryids" parameter from CItem, CTrigger and CGraph get() methods
ZBX-5740 Fixed CItemPrototype parameter "selectTriggers" not working
ZBX-5111 Fixed child trigger data reset after changes in parent trigger
ZBX-5742 Fixed trigger order_result in item and item prototype
ZBX-5754 Fixed English strings in trigger expression helper
ZBX-5700 Added permission checks in frontend
ZBX-5700 Fixed error after image deleting
ZBX-5700 Fixed duplicates in audit log after deleting
ZBX-5700 Fixed spaces in audit log
ZBX-4186 Added permission checks in media types
ZBX-4185 Added permission checks in user groups
ZBX-5637 Changed form, functions description and parameters in trigger expression helper (popup_trexpr.php) and changed popup size
ZBX-5603 Fixed already defined constant error when db is unavailable
ZBX-5720 Fixed incorrect error when deleting internal host group
ZBX-5643 Fixed SQL error by adding permission check for triggers when adding nonexistent dependencies via API
ZBX-5643 Fixed circularity check for trigger addDependencies() in API
ZBX-5691 Fixed error when creating graph if Oracle configured to use comma as decimal separator
ZBX-5671 Fixed error when saving configuration in Administration -> General with Oracle backend
ZBX-5693 Fixed possibility to create graph with the same name as existing graph prototype within template
ZBX-5698 Fixed API response after "triggerprototype.create", now request returns "triggerids" after INSERT
ZBX-5648 Fixed problems with "templateid" in API; added check for "templateid" in graphs, triggers, items, screens and template screens; fixed full clone; fixed screen forms; fixed messages in API
ZBX-5679 Fixed icon mapping icon preview in configuration form
ZBX-5137 Fixed host/group dropdowns changing selected value on refresh after page actions
ZBX-5688 Fixed trigger expression suffix support for graph triggers, only KMG were supported
ZBX-5665 Fixed LLD created triggers not being deleted when related trigger prototype is deleted
ZBX-5661 Fixed keys "" and "" with "ops" and "sps" parameters on Linux and FreeBSD
ZBX-5614 Fixed agent compiling problem on OpenBSD 5.1
ZBX-5674 Fixed execution of actions with SSH commands with "Public key" autentication
ZBX-5656 Fixed timeperiod validation
ZBX-5660 Fixed expression constructor exp labels style
ZBX-3204 Changed generating and reading algorithm for trigger expression condition functions, and fixed English translation
ZBX-5677 Fixed param field 3 manipulation in trigger popup
ZBX-5648 Disallowed changing "templateid" in items, or creating new item with a predefined "templateid"
ZBX-5644 Fixed triggers with spaces in the expression missing from the graph legend
ZBX-5652 Fixed resolving of a {ITEM.NAME} macro in notification messages
ZBX-5454 Fixed encoding of long email subject line as required by RFC-2047; thanks to Jairo Eduardo Lopez Fuentes Nacarino
ZBX-3920 Added check for duplicate dependencies
ZBX-5636 Fixed empty acknowledge block in event details if event has no acknowledgments
ZBX-5571 Fixed reporting of system.sw.packages for multiple package systems
ZBX-5559 Fixed reporting of system.sw.packages with short package listing
ZBX-5280 Fixed functional macros for newly created items returning 0 instead of 'no data'
ZBX-5280 Fixed HOST.DNS macro priorities when only JMX and IPMI interfaces are used in host
ZBX-5280 Fixed HOST.DNS macro not using default DNS from host interface configuration
ZBX-5280 Added HOST.HOST macro support in map labels for trigger items
ZBX-4097 Changed the "application", "host" and "group" parameters for item.get, trigger.get and triggerprototype.get to be case sensitive
ZBX-1946 Fixed being able to create screen items with spans exceeding the size of the screen
ZBX-5619 Fixed errors when importing a template with an empty screen
ZBX-3803 Added PHP session auto start check in frontend setup
ZBX-5621 Fixed custom trigger severity displaying in user media configuration
ZBX-5617 Fixed class bug in trigger expression condition
ZBX-5046 Fixed an error when deleting a globalmacro when the macro doesn't exist
ZBX-5595 Fixed "housekeeper" table getting entries when deleting a discovery rule or an item prototype
ZBX-5596 Fixed login form input field width
ZBX-5629 Fixed JavaScript error if user media contains doublequote
ZBX-5580 Fixed graph grid for negative values
ZBX-1825 Fixed clickable text in popup menu headers
ZBX-5582 Clarified StartTrappers parameter in the server and proxy configuration files
ZBX-4833 Fixed screens not being cloned upon a full template clone
ZBX-5547 Fixed server name and other parameters in frontend setup not being escaped
ZBX-3347 Fixed error when creating an item with a new application that already exists
ZBX-3907 Fixed API user.logout method
ZBX-4983 Fixed importing of 1.8 templates if they contain already existing host macros
ZBX-5579 Fixed displaying 'Acknowledged' in Monitoring -> Triggers when a trigger has no events by displaying 'No events' instead
ZBX-5606 Removed 'units' and 'store value' fields for character data items
ZBX-5608 Fixed incorrect macro resolving in trigger descriptions if expression has duplicate functions
ZBX-5650 Added more information about ProxyLocalBuffer parameter in the example configuration file
ZBX-5414 Fixed handling of an incorrect username/password in SNMPv3 checks
ZBX-5609 Fixed defaults for parameters of items in "zabbix_agentd -p"
ZBX-5552 Fixed processing of vm.memory.size[total] under FreeBSD
ZBX-5572 Fixed trivial compilation warnings

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.4.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


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