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A module is an entity with a unique ID, name, description, author, and other fields defined in it's manifest file, along with PHP, Javascript and other files located under a single subdirectory of /ui/modules.
A module should conform to simple rules to guarantee correct operation.
A module must be installed (unpacked) and enabled in the frontend by the administrator.
What a module can be used for
Adding new functionality via custom frontend sections;
Creating custom dashboard widget types (see widget modules);
Overriding or extending the existing functionality.
What a module cannot be used for
Registering a new API method or modifying an existing one.
How modules work
An enabled module is launched on each HTTP request, before executing the action code.
The module will register new actions or redefine the existing ones.
The module will add new frontend sections and remove or redefine the existing ones.
The module will hook to frontend events like onBeforeAction and onTerminate, if needed.
The requested action is finally executed by running the action code - either the default one, or module-defined.
Where to go next
Whether you prefer to learn by doing or read the guidelines first, these pages contain the information and steps required to build your own modules: