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1 Exemples d'scripts de Webhook

Vista general

Tot i que Zabbix ofereix moltes integracions de webhooks e fàbrica, podeu crear els vostres propis webhooks. Aquesta secció ofereix exemples d'scripts de webhook personalitzats (emprats al paràmetre Script). Consulteu la secció webhook per obtindre una descripció d'altres paràmetres de webhook.

Jira webhook (personalitzat)

Aquest script crearà un problema JIRA i retornarà la informació del problema creat.

try {
           Zabbix.log(4, '[ Jira webhook ] Started with params: ' + value);
           var result = {
                   'tags': {
                       'endpoint': 'jira'
               params = JSON.parse(value),
               req = new HttpRequest(),
               fields = {},
           if (params.HTTPProxy) {
           req.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
           req.addHeader('Authorization: Basic ' + params.authentication);
           fields.summary = params.summary;
           fields.description = params.description;
           fields.project = {key: params.project_key};
           fields.issuetype = {id: params.issue_id};
           resp ='',
               JSON.stringify({"fields": fields})
           if (req.getStatus() != 201) {
               throw 'Response code: ' + req.getStatus();
           resp = JSON.parse(resp);
           result.tags.issue_id =;
           result.tags.issue_key = resp.key;
           return JSON.stringify(result);
       catch (error) {
           Zabbix.log(4, '[ Jira webhook ] Issue creation failed json : ' + JSON.stringify({"fields": fields}));
           Zabbix.log(3, '[ Jira webhook ] issue creation failed : ' + error);
           throw 'Failed with error: ' + error;

Slack webhook (personalitzat)

Aquest webhook reenviarà les notificacions de Zabbix cap a canals d'Slack.

try {
           var params = JSON.parse(value),
               req = new HttpRequest(),
           if (params.HTTPProxy) {
           req.addHeader('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
           Zabbix.log(4, '[ Slack webhook ] Webhook request with value=' + value);
           response =, 'payload=' + encodeURIComponent(value));
           Zabbix.log(4, '[ Slack webhook ] Responded with code: ' + req.getStatus() + '. Response: ' + response);
           try {
               response = JSON.parse(response);
           catch (error) {
               if (req.getStatus() < 200 || req.getStatus() >= 300) {
                   throw 'Request failed with status code ' + req.getStatus();
               else {
                   throw 'Request success, but response parsing failed.';
           if (req.getStatus() !== 200 || !response.ok || response.ok === 'false') {
               throw response.error;
           return 'OK';
       catch (error) {
           Zabbix.log(3, '[ Slack webhook ] Sending failed. Error: ' + error);
           throw 'Failed with error: ' + error;