Release Notes for Zabbix 1.6.1

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 1.6.1.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 1.6.1. Download it from here.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

Fixes and minor improvements

ZBX-586 added simple check tcp_perf into help_items
ZBX-585 added support of macros {HOSTNAME},{HOST.CONN},{IPADDRESS},{HOST.DNS} in item keys
DEV-250 added support of under Linux 2.4/2.6
ZBX-576 added IPMI authentication algorithms
ZBX-573 made SQL optimization for PGSQL
ZBX-572 fixed warning messages while updating template linkage
ZBX-570 fixed possible server crash if flexible interval delay is 0 sec.
ZBX-565 fixed filtering of conf->triggers
ZBX-562 fixed improper host group delete action
ZBX-527 fixed possible poller crash
ZBX-533 fixed incorrect SNMP string to float conversion
ZBX-534 fixed problem with email messages for discovery events
ZBX-540 DM: fixed sql error while processing configuration data
ZBX-557 fixed wrong audit action for items enable/disable
ZBX-403 added support of commas in UserParameter's
ZBX-541 fixed overwriting proxies on host import issue
ZBX-542 added processing of nextcheck for active checks
ZBX-504 fixed date selector issue for log items in latest values screen
ZBX-529 removed links from dynamic screen graphs
ZBX-538 fixed wrong theme pick up in login screen issue
ZBX-536 fixed problem with "Unable to add performance counter"
ZBX-535 added support of monitoring files larger than 2GB in windows
ZBX-520 removed action condition "event ack" due to not supported
ZBX-480 fixed patches for sysmaps_links table
ZBX-521 fixed problem in FreeBSD with threads in proc.num and proc.mem items
ZBX-519 removed proxy hosts from applications hosts list
DEV-238 added support of sec|#num for function count()
DEV-238 added support of text items for function count()
ZBX-471 fixed problem with graphs with big values
ZBX-501 fixed undefined values in server info screen
ZBX-469 fixed problem with linking extra graph
ZBX-495 fixed DB upgrade script when doing 1.1->1.4->1.6
ZBX-488 fixed memory leak in ZABBIX server code
ZBX-500 added more debug information for icmpping processing
ZBX-499 fixes problem with IPMI authorization; added field "IPMI IP"
ZBX-484 fixed host-group selection in templates page
ZBX-464 fixed user creation under LDAP
ZBX-468 fixed user online status in administration panel
ZBX-492 fixed wrong url "next 100" in audit actions
ZBX-490 fixed undefined variable in latest data
ZBX-481 fixed permission issue in slideshow
ZBX-474 fixed deleting hosts with postgres-backend
ZBX-475 added message on missed php-ldap module
DEV-168 added support of system.cpu.util[] for OpenBSD agents

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbix指导手册。 for full details.


See 升级指南 for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 1.6.1.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free 升级服务 for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please 联系我们 for pricing and more details.


Zabbix 1.6 Manual


