Zabbix LLC是开源活动的积极参与者。作为一家开源公司,不仅将我们的产品免费提供给公众使用和分享,还可以让公司内部使用的计划、新的发展、技术和最佳实践的信息自由地传递给Zabbix社区和用户。
Zabbix LLC是开源活动的积极参与者。作为一家开源公司,不仅将我们的产品免费提供给公众使用和分享,还可以让公司内部使用的计划、新的发展、技术和最佳实践的信息自由地传递给Zabbix社区和用户。
KochaSoft becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in USA
LightSpeed Hosting becomes Zabbix Reseller in USA
ADAPTERA Upgrades to being Zabbix Premium Partner in Greece
Carmine Red IT becomes Zabbix Reseller in Latvia
Xifeo ICT B.V. upgrades to being Zabbix Premium Partner in Netherlands
Connect, Learn, and Explore at Zabbix Conference Benelux
SK C&C USA joins Zabbix Resellers in USA
IOS, who started its journey in the Zabbix Partnership Program in 2021, has reached the necessary parameters and is now a Zabbix Premium Partner
Zabbix 7.2 is available now!
Wittwer IT Services joins Zabbix Certified Partners in Switzerland
Itera is the new Zabbix Certified Partner in the region
The third edition of Zabbix Forum Mexico was an opportunity to share experiences, challenges and trends in the field of IT monitoring and management, featuring leaders and executives in the segment
Solutis is the new Zabbix Certified Partner in the region
MMX Solutions SRL joins Zabbix Reseller in Romania
Um estudo inédito conduzido pela IDC – International Data Corporation Latin America, revelou uma preocupante lacuna no monitoramento de processos críticos em empresas da América Latina.
Piros Upgrades to being Zabbix Premium Partner in Belgium
Nixe is the new Reseller in Argentina and Chile
Axone Systems joins Zabbix Resellers in Morocco
Mageo Services Sàrl joins Zabbix Resellers in Switzerland
Dicnova Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in Latin America
Scentec Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in Latin America
The company is now an official Zabbix Certified Partner
MASM is the new Reseller company in the Brazil region
Duosis Bilgi Sistemleri SAN. VE TIC. A.S. joins being Zabbix Reseller in Turkey
Mindtek is the new Reseller company in the Brazil region
IZI-IT upgrades to Zabbix Premium Partnership in France
Company has upgraded and is now an official Zabbix Certified Partner
Galaxy Office Automation Pvt Ltd. joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in India
Mobius Partners, Inc. joins being Zabbix Reseller in USA
Lunio, who started its journey in the Zabbix Partnership Program in 2020, has reached the necessary parameters and is now a Zabbix Premium Partner
GWS Bitwise System Limited joins being Zabbix Reseller in Canada
Arka Systems joins being Zabbix Reseller Partner in Iran
Grupo Voalle is the new Reseller company in the Brazil region
Transition Technologies PSC joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Poland
Indra Soluciones Tecnologías de la Informacion S.L.U. joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Spain
InTTrust S.A. joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Greece
Cubuss Co., Ltd. joins being Zabbix Reseller Partner in Republic of Korea
Anthosa Consulting joins being Zabbix Reseller Partner in Australia
Officience joins being Zabbix Reseller Partner in Vietnam
Zabbix 7.0 LTS is now released and available for download!
BlueSharp joins being Zabbix Reseller Partner in Thailand
Shabaka Tick joins the network of Zabbix Reseller Partner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Secure Maximum Company joins the network of Zabbix Reseller Partner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
CONSULTORÍA INTEGRACIÓN Y VIRTUALIZACIÓN, S.L. joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Spain
UNICORN Systems a.s. becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Czech Republic
Ingrifo IT Sp. Z o.o. joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Poland.
Kontron Hungary Kft. joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Turkey.
Skillnet is the new Reseller company in the Colombia region
TSSX BILISIM VE DANISMANLIK joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Turkey.
VS Qloud Solution GmbH joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Germany
El evento promueve el uso de herramientas de programación sin costo para resolver problemas industriales, tecnológicos y sociales
Inqbeo GmbH joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Germany
La creciente demanda de tecnologías de monitoreo innovadoras, como parte de la transformación digital en América Latina, consolida la presencia de Zabbix en la región con un crecimiento del 40% en sus Ingresos Brutos durante el 2023, respecto al año anterior.
Bluewave co., Ltd becomes a Zabbix Reseller in Republic of Korea.
Minutus Computing joins being Zabbix Reseller in India.
Companhia acaba de divulgar balanço anual que registra 40% a mais de receita bruta e 63% mais lucro, na comparação com 2023. Via Gazeta da Semana
Aurionpro Solutions upgrades to Zabbix Certified Partnership in India.
Converged Networks for Tele and IT ( C-Nets ) joins being Zabbix Reseller in Saudi Arabia
Dynamic Data for Solutions Systems joins the network of Zabbix Reseller in Jordan
Murc joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Argentina
SCZARMAR joins the network of Zabbix Reseller in Mexico
BlinQ becomes a Zabbix reseller in Norway
Artículo sobre el Zabbix Forum Mexico 2023 para el periódico El Economista
Entrevista completa a Luciano Alves, CEO de Zabbix Latam, para el periódico EmpreFinanzas (México)
Artículo publicado sobre el Zabbix Forum Mexico 2023 para el periódico De Reporteros
Luciano Alves (CEO, Zabbix Latam), para el periódico Encuentro Vital
Entrevista realizada en el Zabbix Forum Mexico 2023 a Luciano Alves para el periódico Últimas Notícias
initMAX joins being Zabbix Certifed partner in Slovakia
Safezone-IT becomes Zabbix Reseller in Ivory Coast
Bigg Practices joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Mexico
Sistemi Band doo becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Serbia.
Securebyte Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Teuno joins the network of Zabbix Partners in Latin America
Gals Software becomes Zabbix Reseller in Kazahstan
Harpo joins network of Zabbix Reseller in Brazil
Aurionpro Solutions becomes Zabbix Reseller Partner in India.
Zabbix participó por segundo año como patrocinador y expositor, con un stand en el espacio de exposición empresarial junto a su Premium Partner Imagunet.
Saga doo Beograd becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Serbia.
Con el tema “Get into the Digital World”, el Congreso Internacional de TIC 2023 – ANDICOM tuvo su inauguración oficial la mañana de este miércoles (6/9).
NTechnology joins the network of Zabbix Resellers in Mexico
Con una asociación ya establecida en Argentina, la empresa amplía su colaboración a la región de México.
Los profesionales interesados en participar en el escenario principal del evento pueden presentar propuestas hasta el 13 de octubre de 2023.
La 38ª edición del Congreso Internacional TIC se llevará a cabo entre el 6 y el 8 de septiembre, en Cartagena de Indias – Colombia.
Montechco joins the network of Zabbix Partners in Latin America
Wakke IT Proyects joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Spain
Quality Digital joins network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Brazil
Os dados são de pesquisa realizada pela Inmetrics, disponibilizada em julho de 2023.
ALEF NULA joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Czech Republic
Silvery LLC becomes Zabbix Reseller in Ukraine
Ferrum Networks Sdn. Bhd. joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Malaysia
Piros Upgrades to being Zabbix Certified Partner in Belgium
Know How joins the network of Zabbix Partners in Latin America
CapMon A/S joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Denmark
Orange Elephant oins network of Zabbix Certified Partner in Brazil
Zabbix expands its operations in Latin America with Mexico office opening
Open-Future upgrades to Zabbix Premium Partnership in Belgium
Zabbix LLC announces the release of the latest Zabbix major version - Zabbix 6.4. The release introduces a variety of benefits for enterprise grade organizations with dynamic distributed environments, where scalability, performance and security are of paramount importance.
SCAI TECNO becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Italia
Technovage Solution Co., Ltd. becomes Zabbix Reseller in Cambodia
Zabbix launches a public bug bounty program in partnership with HackerOne to discover potential security issues
Prologic Tunisie becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Tunisa
MDS Informatički inženjering becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Serbia
Hawatel sp. z o.o. upgrades to Certified Partnership in Poland
Vecto joins being Zabbix Certified partner in Poland
PAD Systems is the new Zabbix Certified Partner in Latin America
WeCould Technology joins being Zabbix Reseller in Vietnam
Zabbix receives ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate for information security
Zabbix recebe certificação ISO/IEC 27001:2013 referente à segurança da informação.
Zabbix recibe el certificado ISO/IEC 27001:2013 para seguridad de la información
SOMONE joins being Zabbix Certified partner in France
initMAX upgrades to being Zabbix Premium partner in Czech Republic
HARD2BIT S.L. becomes Zabbix Reseller in Spain
P.S. Solutions and Consulting Co., Ltd. becomes Zabbix Certified Partners in Thailand
Linux Solutions becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Brazil
WSA Consulting joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Brazil
Zabbix SIA is declared the Best Employer in the Information and Communication Technology services field in Latvia
Lugos joins the network of Zabbix partners in France
Microsoft Azure customers worldwide now gain access to Zabbix Monitoring Solution
Converge Technology Solutions Corp joins being Zabbix Reseller partner in USA
Asyncdata do Dominicana is the new Zabbix Reseller in Latin America
Datadope joins the network of Zabbix partners in Spain
JLCP is the new Zabbix Premium Partner in Latin America
Gmatesystems Corp joins being Zabbix Reseller partner in Republic of Korea
Clube da TI becomes Zabbix Reseller in Brazil
Orsenna joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in France
Digital Business Group is the new Zabbix Certified Partner in Latin America
Firestar Technology becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Panama
Zabbix于2022年7月5日发布其最新的主要版本–Zabbix 6.2。它具有许多新功能,如手动抑制问题的能力、AWS EC2官方模板、扩展的VMware监控、增强的主机发现,以及其他重大优化。
ICI System Mongolia joins being Zabbix Reseller partner in Mongolia
Zatagonet joins the network of Zabbix Partners in Latin America
Alpha Technologies joins the network of Zabbix Partners in Latin America
Sintecn joins the network of Zabbix Partners in Latin America
XByte SRL is the first Zabbix Reseller in Dominican Republic
Opensource ICT Solutions LLC upgrades to Certified Partnership in the United States
Belocal joins being Zabbix Reseller in Israel
FireStar Technology joins the network of Zabbix Partners in Latin America
Prosystem becomes the first Zabbix Reseller in Ecuador
Zabbix has decided to stop commercial operations in Russia.
Zabbix LLC today announced the release of their latest Zabbix Long Term Support (LTS) version.
Unitech joins being Zabbix Reseller partner in Russia
Sapphire Consulting Services joins being Zabbix Reseller partner in Pakistan
initMAX joins being Zabbix Certifed partner in Czech Republic
INLINE Technologies becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Russia
Made4It becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Brazil
OAT Solutions becomes Zabbix Reseller in Brazil
LinearIT joins being Zabbix Certifed partner in Italy
CTL Information Technology becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Argentina
ANCO Sistemas de Gestión joins being Zabbix Reseller in Spain
Econocom becomes Zabbix Reseller in Brazil
Pro4Tuning joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Konsalt Bilgi Teknolojileri joins being Zabbix Reseller in Turkey
Aldaris joins being Zabbix Reseller in Chile
Nubiral becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Argentina
Target Solutions joins the network of Zabbix Certified Partners in Brazil
Nobius Ltd. Becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in UK
Nimbus Services Pte Ltd joins being Zabbix Reseller in Singapore
Smart Layer joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Provtel Cloud Solutions upgrades to Zabbix Certified Partner in Brazil
Naseej Business joins being Zabbix Reseller in Saudi Arabia
BPS Consultores is the new Zabbix Certified Partner in Latin America
Remotus IT joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Opensource ICT Solutions Limited becomes Zabbix Reseller in UK
IOS Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
CoreNetworks becomes Zabbix Certified Partnership in Greece
IBS Platformix joins being Zabbix Reseller in Russia
Quadrata FZCO joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in United Arab Emirates
LGTi Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
TDI LATAM is the first Zabbix LATAM Reseller in Peru
Flowbix Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Inovática Serviços, Lda joins being Zabbix Reseller in Mozambique
Norsec Delta Projects joins being Zabbix Reseller in Russia
ToBeIT joins being Zabbix Reseller in Spain
CATTA Consulting joins being Zabbix Reseller in Czech Republic
LINS-M joins being Zabbix Reseller in Russia
Add Solution upgrades to Zabbix Certified Partner in Latin America
LANIT-Integration joins being Zabbix Reseller in Russia
TSP DATA, a.s joins being Zabbix SIA Certifed Partner in Czech Republic
Keeggo Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in Latin America
Zabbix 5.4 released with scheduled report generation and robust problem detection
Ziva Tecnologia e Soluções Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
BeOnUp Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Z Adviser SIA joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in Latvia
Syone SBS Software – Tecnologia e Serviços de Informática, S.A. joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in Portugal
Netjer Networks Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in Latin America
Verdanatech Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Abalia Solutions S.L. joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in Spain
Hi-TECH ACADEMY joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in Russia
M2SP Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
T-Systems Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in Latin America
AKA Sistemas Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Explorer joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in Belarus
ADAPTERA joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in Greece
BGmot Inc. joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in Canada
Zabbix Wins IT Central Station's Peer Award for 2021
Dmove Co., Ltd. joins being Zabbix SIA Reseller in South Korea
iDev Soluções Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Zabbix is now available in Linode Marketplace
BNC Business Network Communications AG Upgrades to Zabbix Certified Partnership in Switzerland
Scentec Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in Latin America
Stratesfy, Inc. becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in USA
O3S Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Latvian Open Technologies Association named Zabbix the winner in the category "The most open solution"
Artic Digital Ltd. Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Canada
Truly Systems Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
Allenta S.L. Upgrades to Zabbix Premium Partnership in Spain
Winnovative Solutions Private Limited joins Zabbix partnership network in India
Paramaah IT Services LLP joins Zabbix partnership in India
Egrowth (Pty) Ltd. joins Zabbix partnership in South Africa
Zabbix announced today it was named a Category Leader for Network Monitoring software by GetApp
KEY Trainings s.r.o. joins Zabbix partnership network in Czech Repubilc
Zabbix has been featured as one of the Best Network Monitoring Software Companies of 2021 by
ASPL INFO SERVICES FZE becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in United Arab Emirates
Ciberescudo Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Latin America
At Work Srl Becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in Italy
Colombian Imagunet Becomes Zabbix Premium Partner
Chilean Netmetrix joins the partnership network of Zabbix in Latin America
ZOOStock S.L. Becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in Spain
Metricio AB Becomes Zabbix SIA Certified Partner in Sweden
The new Zabbix monitoring software release includes complex synthetic monitoring, significant security-related improvements and monitoring of IoT and industrial devices among other improvements.
Bangunindo becomes the first Zabbix Certified Partner in Indonesia
INOVTEAM becomes the third official Zabbix SIA Reseller in Morocco
World class point-to-point microwave data transmission equipment manufacturer SAF Tehnika is announcing a collaboration with leading open-source network monitoring software provider Zabbix to offer the best network management experience for their customers
Opensource ICT Solutions B.V. becomes Zabbix Premium Partner in the Netherlands
Red Hat Marketplace provides a one-stop-shop to purchase enterprise applications and deploy across any cloud or on-premise
Solucions Informàtiques Maresme SL Joins Zabbix Partner Network in Spain
The globally renowned IT monitoring software – Zabbix opens a new office in Brazil, Porto Alegre. This will be the company's fourth office worldwide, in addition to the existing offices in Japan, Latvia, and Russia.
Provtel Cloud Solutions Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Brazil
Gridnine Systems Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in Russia
BoardWare Information System Limited Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in China
ChinaEtek Service & Technology Co., Ltd. Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in China
Shanghai Yuanyun Information Technology Co., Ltd. Joins the Network of Zabbix Resellers in China
After completing several stages to strengthen security procedures, Zabbix proudly announces that it has joined the CVE Program to assign CVE IDs to vulnerabilities affecting Zabbix products and projects.
Gantek Teknoloji Bilisim Cozumleri A.S. Joins Zabbix Partner Network in Turkey
NMS Distribution Joins Zabbix Partner Network in France
QNAP has added support for Zabbix, which makes it possible now to transform network-attached storage into a centralized network management platform for multiple devices
The new version comes with advanced security and scalability features and out-of-the-box integrations and monitoring templates
This month Zabbix is celebrating 15 years since the company was established
Zhengzhou Jinguantongli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in China
Sberbank-Servis becomes Zabbix Premium Partner in Russia
Lanzhou Feitian Netscape Information Industry Co., Ltd. Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in China
Lanzhou Feitian Netscape Information Industry Co., Ltd. Joins the Network of Zabbix Certified Partners in China
Opensource ICT Solutions B.V. becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in the Netherlands
Zabbix Partner Network in China Grows by Four Certified and Three Reseller Partners
ZeBrains Joins Zabbix Partner Network in Russia
Kvint LLC Joins as Zabbix Reseller in Kazakhstan
Entisys Solutions, Inc. Becomes Zabbix Reseller in US
ATTO INTERNET Becomes Zabbix Reseller in South Korea
AKON Technologies Becomes Zabbix Reseller in Russia
Infosistem d.d. - Becomes Zabbix Reseller in Croatia
Foresight Cyber Ltd. - Becomes Zabbix Reseller in UK
Jet Infosystems - Joins Zabbix Partnership Network in Russia
UNO INFORMATICA Srl. - Becomes Zabbix Reseller in Italy
CoreNetworks - Becomes Zabbix Reseller in Greece
Shanghai HFTECH Networks Co., Ltd. Becomes Zabbix Reseller in China
DATALAN, a. s. Becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Slovakia
Nobius Ltd. Becomes Zabbix Reseller in UK
OptiCom, SIA Becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Latvia
Infinite Innovations Consultancy Becomes Zabbix Reseller in The United Arab Emirates
EDU Trainings s.r.o. Establishes Partnership with Zabbix in Czech Republic
Zabbix team is pleased to announce the release of Zabbix 4.4
NAG Company Becomes Zabbix Reseller in Russia
CoreIT s.r.o. Becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Czech Republic
COMS Becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Russia
UAB BAIP becomes Zabbix Certified partner in Lithuania
Shanghai Paraview Software Co., Ltd. becomes Zabbix Certified partner in China
Shanghai EOI Tek Co., Ltd. becomes Zabbix Certified partner in China
CTL Information Technology becomes Zabbix Reseller in Argentina
Libre Solutions Pty Ltd becomes Zabbix Reseller in Australia
Kредо-C becomes Zabbix Reseller in Russia
Clonera A.S. becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Turkey
Maxvec Sdn Bhd becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Malaysia
TOTAL SERVICE a.s. becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Czech Republic
Printlink Computer and Communication Pvt. Ltd. becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in India
Vision IT Solutions, a. s. becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in Slovakia
Opensource ICT Solutions LLC becomes Zabbix Reseller in the United States
ASPL INFO SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED becomes Zabbix Certified Partner in India
Manejo de Servicios de Consultoría para Tecnologías de la Información S.A. De C.V. becomes Zabbix Reseller in Mexico
Zabbix team is proud to announce the release of Zabbix 4.2.
Mikrotik Warsaw Training Center becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in Poland
Integrated Global Solutions (Beijing) Co. Ltd. becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in China
Beijing Deliver Service IT Co.,Ltd becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in China
DCPTEKNOLOGY S.A. DE C.V. becomes Zabbix SIA Certified partner in Mexico
ITCONSULTORES SAS becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in Colombia
BlueDot Technology, LLC Becomes Zabbix SIA Reseller in United States
Hawatel sp. z o.o. becomes Zabbix SIA reseller in Poland.
Giz Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Danısmanlık Tic. Ltd. Sti. becomes Zabbix SIA Certified Partner in Turkey.
Ahlane Technologies becomes the second official Zabbix SIA Reseller in Morocco.
Netco Technology B.V. joins being Zabbix SIA Certified Partner in the Netherlands.
GAB6 EURL enters into partnership with Zabbix SIA.
Imagunet S.A.S. Upgrades to Being Zabbix Certified Partner in Colombia
Ide Teknoloji Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti. signs partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
IM Fellows Oy signs partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix Company releases Zabbix 4.0, fusing innovation and reliability to deliver robust, cutting edge monitoring performance coupled with an extended support period of 5 years.
IZI-IT SASU enters into partnership with Zabbix SIA to join the network of French partners.
Scott/Tiger A/S from Denmark starts partnership with Zabbix SIA.
Humansoft Elektronika KFT becomes the official Certified Partner Zabbix SIA in Hungary.
Ukrcom LLC becomes the first official Certified Partner of Zabbix SIA in Ukraine.
ITGStore becomes the first official Zabbix SIA Reseller in Cameroon.
Nubiral by SGIT becomes the first official Zabbix SIA Certified partner in Argentina.
GRYTEC Inteligencia en Tecnologia becomes official Zabbix SIA Reseller in Spain.
Zen Networks SARL AU becomes official Zabbix SIA Reseller in Morocco.
Sielte S.p.A. joins being Zabbix SIA Certified partner in Italy.
Aplitt sp. z o.o. becomes Zabbix SIA Certified partner in Poland.
Zabbix SIA has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Shanghai Grandage Data Systems Co., Ltd. (SGDS) in Riga, entitling Grandage as an exclusive Zabbix Distributor in the China market. The current status implies both companies’ joint efforts in further promotion of the Zabbix solution and services to the Chinese users. The agreement was signed in the presence of a Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Latvia – Mr.Shen Xiaokai.
Sberbank-Servis joins being Zabbix Certified Partner in Russia.
OpenSolutions Elite Consulting S.L. has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA
Zabbix SIA signs a Partnership agreement with Imagunet S.A.S.
Zabbix SIA signs a Partnership agreement with Zavatec IT Services and Consulting.
Zabbix SIA signs a Partnership agreement with VitruOps.
Zabbix SIA signs a Partnership agreement with JLCP Treinamentos e Serviços em TI from Brazil.
Zabbix SIA signs a Partnership agreement with a value-added solutions provider and integrator from Hong Kong, DataAssure, having precise knowledge of how to bring the best in class Data Assurance, Data Protection, Cybersecurity products, Office 365 and SharePoint solution offerings to Asia Pacific.
An experienced professional in IT infrastructure management, The ATS Group from the US, has signed a Reseller Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
An ICT provider Sedam IT has become an official Zabbix Reseller in Croatia, having signed a Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix SIA is honored to announce that through remarkable performance results Linux Polska has achieved the highest Zabbix partnership status becoming the first Zabbix Premium Partner in Poland.
Zabbix SIA has added EACOMM Corporation, the first Zabbix Partner in Philippines, to the vast network of official Zabbix Resellers.
LinkedSee, a leader of AIOps market in China, becomes an official Zabbix Reseller after signing a Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA. The cooperation began with participation and contribution of LinkedSee to the first Zabbix Conference for Chinese community, having taken place in Shanghai on November 24.
An information and communications technology company specialized in storage and information security, NEX4 from Myanmar, becomes a Zabbix Reseller by signing a partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Partnership agreement with Piros, an Open Source solutions provider from Belgium and an official Zabbix Reseller.
One Cloud Company Limited, providing feature-rich and widely used services in most of the NOC and ISP in Myanmar, has become an official Reseller of Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with Baltijas Informācijas Tehnoloģijas, Ltd. (BIT), appointing BIT for official Reseller status of Zabbix services in Latvia.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Certified Reseller Partnership agreement with Astana-New Technologies-2008, LLP (ANT Services), appointing ANT Services for official Reseller status of Zabbix services in Kazahstan.
Zabbix Company Announces Release of Zabbix 3.4, Bringing Unprecedented Flexibility and Performance.
SGIT, an agile and innovative company with the focus on customer support in technology solutions, has signed a partnership agreement, becoming a Zabbix Reseller in Argentina.
Zabbix SIA and SplendorNet Technologies Pvt. have signed a partnership agreement, adding SplendorNet Technologies to the vast network of official Zabbix Resellers.
Zabbix LLC has signed a partnership agreement with Universal-PC Technology Development, an IT solution provider based in Shanghai, committed to pursuit of excellence in enterprise IT infrastructure development employing extensive use of advanced IT resources.
Zabbix SIA has signed a partnership agreement with Kirti Telnet Pvt. Limited (KTPL) – the first Zabbix Reseller in India and a leader in data communication solutions in the Indian market.
LogicalTIC, an IT consulting company from Belgium, has become a Zabbix Reseller by signing a partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix SIA has signed a partnership agreement with Servodata a.s., Czech Republic – a Zabbix Reseller, specialized in development and implementation of IT Solutions, installation and support for various IT hardware.
Zabbix SIA has signed a partnership agreement with BSM Consultoria – a Zabbix Reseller from Venezuela.
A system integrator Insitu has signed a Reseller agreement with Zabbix SIA, becoming the first partner of Zabbix in Israel.
Falco Networks, a network integrator from the Netherlands providing innovative networking solutions and services to a wide variety of public and private companies, has become a Zabbix Certified Partner.
One of the leading high-tech companies in IT service management in China, Shanghai Pinyi Information Technology, has signed a Zabbix Reseller Agreement with Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix SIA is honored to announce that ITManaged.Solutions (ITMS) has achieved the highest Zabbix partner status within a short period of time, now becoming the first Zabbix Premium Partner in the USA.
YEC Solutions Inc. from Kanagawa, Japan has signed a Zabbix Certified Partnership Agreement, relying on Zabbix for safety and security of their IT services.
ITManaged.Solutions, an IT services company from the USA delivering innovative technology solutions to businesses worldwide and an authorized Zabbix Reseller, has upgraded its status to a Zabbix Certified Partner.
Hatomi, a professional IT services provider from Poland, focusing on delivery of complex solutions based on Open Source, commercial as well as their own software, has become a Zabbix Certified Partner.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Partnership agreement with Nimium from Croatia – a Zabbix Reseller, specialized in design and implementation of IT solutions.
Zabbix SIA has signed an agreement with secadm GmbH - a new Zabbix Certified Partner, specializing in software development, IT security and systems management. secadm represents an outstanding team of highly experienced IT professionals, meeting customer needs in Europe, Asia and the USA.
Rhein-Main Solutions GmbH, a software development company from Germany, signs a Zabbix Partnership agreement, becoming a Zabbix Certified Partner.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with ITManaged.Solutions (ITMS), an IT services company that delivers innovative technology solutions to businesses worldwide. Based in Sarasota, Florida, ITMS is a rapidly growing company with employees located across the country.
Zabbix SIA and DEFSYS Group, a highly experienced Cloud Computing and Software Development company, have signed a partnership agreement, giving the company an official status of the first Zabbix Certified Partner in Australia.
Beijing Tecverd, a leader in providing customized IT monitoring solutions for their clients in China, becomes a Zabbix Certified Partner.
As a result of a beneficial cooperation and a significant contribution to the Zabbix 3.2 functionality, S&T Slovakia, an IT services and solutions provider, has signed a Premium partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix SIA is honored to sign a Zabbix Premium Partner agreement with Quadrata di Bellini Dimitri from Italy – a Zabbix Certified Trainer and loyal partner for already four years.
Shanghai Grandage Data Systems Limited becomes a Zabbix Certified Partner, enriching their IT solutions portfolio with Zabbix monitoring platform.
A systems integrator from Slovakia, Soitron s.r.o., has become a Zabbix Certified Partner, following Datanet Systems from Romania, both belonging to Soitron Group.
Zabbix Company Announces Release of Zabbix 3.2, Ensuring Flexibility and Stability
We are proud to announce that NEP and Zabbix LLC have signed a Certified Partnership agreement, enabling NEP to employ advantages of Zabbix monitoring solution.
Zabbix LLC has signed a partnership agreement with Datanet Systems Integration - an IT solution provider and the first Zabbix Certified Partner in Romania.
An Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solution provider, Voculus Sdn Bhd, has signed a Zabbix Reseller partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC, becoming the first Zabbix partner in Malaysia.
Zabbix is honored to announce that after two years of being a Zabbix Reseller Partner, Vantage has signed a Premium partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC.
RayanExon has signed a partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC, becoming an official Reseller of Zabbix services in Iran.
Zabbix LLC and S&T Slovakia s.r.o., becoming a Certified Partner of Zabbix, will now cooperate on developing new Zabbix product functionalities.
Onsoma from Brazil has signed Zabbix Certified Partnership Agreement, authorizing Onsoma to deliver Zabbix support, consulting and implementation services backed-up by Zabbix company.
Zero Networks,Inc. from Tokyo, Japan has signed Zabbix Certified Partnership Agreement and started to provide Zabbix related services.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with TCM Technology from Columbia, a company providing professional IT services including consultancy, software management, and excels at training and certification.
Zabbix 3.0, brings unprecedented performance and a wide range of capabilities.
Zabbix Japan LLC has signed a Zabbix Certified Partner agreement with FUJITSU Software Technologies Limited (FUJITSU Ltd.) from Japan.
KING ICT has signed a partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC, becoming the first Zabbix Certified Partner in Croatia.
KT DS from South Korea has become Zabbix Certified Partner by signing a partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC.
Zabbix LLC has signed the Reseller Partnership agreement with Quotec Srl. from Bolivia – a group of international experts providing consulting and methodology services, focusing on enterprise-class systems in highly critical IT infrastructure environments.
Zabbix SIA has signed the Reseller Partnership agreement with Treatface – an infocommunication company from Russia, focused on the development and integration of advanced information systems.
We are proud to announce that Beijing Xiaotong HongZhi Technology Co., Ltd. (Xiaotong HongZhi) in China and Zabbix LLC have signed a Certified Partner agreement.
OneOaaS has signed a partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC, becoming an official Reseller of Zabbix services in China.
After three years of being Zabbix Reseller, Softnix Technology Co., Ltd from Thailand has signed a Certified Partner agreement with Zabbix LLC.
We are happy to announce that Smartvalue Co., Ltd. from Osaka, Japan and Zabbix Japan LLC have signed a Certified Partner agreement, enabling Smartvalue to provide Zabbix official support and expand its operation with monitoring services.
We are proud to announce that Upkeep Technologies and Zabbix LLC have signed a partnership agreement, enabling Upkeep Technologies to resell Zabbix services in United States.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with Quadrata di Bellini Dimitri (Quadrata) from Italy, promoting the official partnership status of from Reseller to Certified Partner.
Panasonic Solution Technologies and Zabbix Japan LLC have signed a partnership agreement, making Panasonic Solution Technologies a Certified Partner of Zabbix, enabling them to now offer ’System Monitoring Service’ employing advantages of Zabbix monitoring solution.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with Softline from Russia, a leading IT service and solution provider offering complex technology solutions, software licensing, hardware products and services, operating in 27 countries, 80 cities around the world.
We are proud to announce that InfoSense and Zabbix Japan LLC have signed an agreement, making InfoSene an official certified partner of Zabbix.
Hawatel and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making Hawatel an official Reseller of Zabbix services in Poland.
Custos and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making Custos an official Reseller of Zabbix services in Uruguay.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with Add Solution, an experienced developer of information technology solutions from Brazil.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with OSCOSM from South Africa, a company specializing in improving the services that service providers offer to their customers, by seamlessly implementing open-source technologies while aligning and implementing the best practice processes, the combination of which ensures operational excellence in the delivery of services.
EasyTone Network Technology Ltd. and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making EasyTone Network Technology as Certified Partner of Zabbix Services in China.
Zabbix Japan LLC has signed a partnership agreement with LINK AT JAPAN Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). For over 10 years LINK AT JAPAN has been providing manned 24/7 monitoring operation services to a multitude of customers. During this time customer needs have only become increasingly more sophisticated and complex. The company chose Zabbix because of its advanced functionality, the possibility to freely customize it to fit any needs and because Zabbix is a true Open Source solution.
ICZ (a member of ICZ Group) and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making ICZ from the Czech Republic an official Reseller of Zabbix Services.
Shanghai Sunshine IT Ltd and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making the company an official Reseller of Zabbix Services in China.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with eGroup Solutions Inc from Slovakia, a company providing professional IT services related to ICT infrastructure, its analysis, maintenance, design and implementation.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with BNC, an experienced provider of infrastructure-oriented solutions complemented by appropriate services, from Switzerland.
Zabbix Japan LLC and K.K. Ashisuto have signed a partnership agreement, making K.K. Ashisuto an official Certified Partner of Zabbix in Japan.
Zabbix SIA and KB Promsvyaz Ltd.(Design Bureau of Industrial Communications) have signed a partnership agreement, making KB Promsvyaz an official Certified Partner of Zabbix SIA.
RusSoftCom and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making RusSoftCom an official Reseller of Zabbix services in Russia.
Zabbix Monitoring Solution is the ultimate enterprise-level open-source monitoring software, designed for monitoring of availability and performance of networks, applications and cloud resources. It supports wide variety of architectures and is capable to monitor hundreds of thousands of devices and make millions of availability and performance checks per minute.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with Teletor, an experienced telecommunication and Digital TV developer from Russia.
TELECOM-GUARD (Russia) and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making Telecom-Guard an official Reseller of Zabbix services in Russia.
Zabbix Conference 2014 will assemble the greatest and ingenious minds of IT from all over the world to discuss and share best practices around scaling, high-performance monitoring, scalability, performance tuning, distributed monitoring and large-scale installations. The 2-day conference
Zabbix Japan LLC has signed Certified Partnership agreement with NIPPON SYSTEMWARE CO., LTD. (NSW), an IT solution provider in Japan. According to this agreement, NSW is able to provide Zabbix official support. NSW starts providing a "Zabbix Introduction Support Service" and expands to its operation automation and monitoring services.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with CROC (Russia), promoting the official partnership status of CROC from Reseller to Certified Partner.
Servionica (Moscow, Russia) and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, giving the company Servionica an official status of the first Zabbix Certified Partner in Russia.
Zabbix is very proud and honored to announce that after being Zabbix Reseller for more than 3 years and Zabbix Certified Partner for 2 years the company from Italy, Systematica s.r.l., has signed a Premium Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
VANTAGE TI (Canoas - RS, Brazil) and Zabbix SIA have signed a partnership agreement, making Vantage an official Reseller of Zabbix services in Brazil.
Zabbix Japan LLC has signed Certified Partnership agreement with Serverworks Co., Ltd.
Xifeo ICT B.V. (Zaandam, Netherlands) has signed Certified Partnership Agreement with Zabbix SIA, under which the company became the first Certified Partner of Zabbix Company in the Netherlands.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Partnership Agreement with CONVX GmbH, a constantly growing Solution Provider and Consulting Company from Germany.
Zabbix SIA has signed the Reseller Partnership agreement with Tecsidel – an independent company from Spain, focused on the development and integration of advanced information systems.
This week Zabbix Company has introduced a new and improved Zabbix Professional Training program, announcing the new course, called “Zabbix Certified Professional”, aimed for advanced IT professionals.
OpenNode LLC (Pärnu, Estonia) and Zabbix LLC have signed a Reseller Partnership agreement, officially making OpenNode the first Zabbix Reseller in Estonia.
Zabbix Japan LLC has signed Certified Partnership agreement with Q-DEN BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Co.,Inc,(QBS) which provides system integration, operation/support services.
Sadid Afarin, SACO (Tehran, Iran) and Zabbix LLC have signed a Reseller Partnership agreement, after which SACO officially became first Zabbix Reseller in Iran.
Zabbix LLC and Nebulas, the UK’s largest independent cyber security specialist, have signed a Reseller Partnership agreement.
Zabbix® today announced the release of Zabbix 2.2, the latest version of a powerful, innovative and popular open-source monitoring software in the world. Zabbix 2.2 introduces more than 100 new features and improvements, featuring a significant increase in performance that allows software users to enhance and enrich their monitoring experience by collecting more data with higher frequency using the same IT resources.
Zabbix Japan LLC (Tokyo, Japan) and TIS Inc. (IT Holdings Group, Tokyo, Japan) have signed Zabbix Certified partnership agreement. By signing this agreement, TIS aims to provide Zabbix official support to its customers.
Zabbix SIA has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with EM&CA (Energy Management and Conservation Agency) S.A., an experienced independent consulting and engineering company from Poland.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Partnership Agreement with FINAXYS, an IT consultancy firm from Paris, France.
East Japan Accounting Center Co., Ltd. (Fukushima, Japan) and Zabbix Japan LLC have signed a Certified Partnership agreement. The company aims to add official Zabbix support to their services.
Last week, Zabbix LLC and TSA Quality have signed a Partnership agreement, after which the TSA Quality officially became Zabbix Reseller in Brazil.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with the IT service and solution provider from Caracas, Venezuela – MSG Solucion Gerencial CA, a well known company in Venezuela for its reputation of „all-in-one solution guys”.
BeGoodTechnology (BGT) and Zabbix Japan LLC have signed a Certified Partnership agreement. The company aims to add official Zabbix support as an addition to its 24x365 monitoring service and, therefore, improve customer experience.
Zabbix LLC is proud to announce the first partner in South Korea – Open Source Consulting Inc. Both companies teamed-up to improve the monitoring of IT infrastructures in South Korea. Open Source Consulting Inc. went on with Reseller partnership as a start-off, but Zabbix LLC is certain that the company will increase the partnership level in the near future.
Zabbix Company, in cooperation with Plat’Home Co. Ltd, has launched a Zabbix 2.0 hardware appliance called “Zabbix Enterprise Appliance” into the Japanese market. It is an easy-to-set-up, maintenance-free, high-confidence and high-performance monitoring solution.
Zabbix Japan LLC have signed a partnership agreement with ForSchooner Inc., a system integration and monitoring service provider in Japan.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with Beijing SolutionWare Info Technologies Inc., one of the leading system integrators for open source in China. The company focuses on delivery of solutions based on Open Source software, where it has a lot of experience in both promoting and delivering support services.
On the 26th of April Zabbix LLC signed a Reseller partnership agreement with Onevisio OY, an IT service provider from Finland. Onevisio OY became the first partner in Finland with a lot of potential to grow to a higher partnership level in the near future.
On the 15th of May OGIS-RI Co., Ltd. (Headoffice: Osaka, Japan, President: Hikaru Hirayama) and Zabbix Japan LLC signed the Certified Partnership agreement. By becoming Zabbix Certified Partner, OGIS-RI aims to provide Zabbix official support and consulting services. In addition, the company will also benefit from reselling official Zabbix Trainings. OGIS-RI will also intend to improve the support quality for ‘ThemiStruct-MONITOR’.
Today, on the 17th of April, one of the industry leading monitoring software development companies, Zabbix LLC, is welcoming the potential and existing customers and partners at the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Brussels, Belgium, at the networking event called Zabbix Belgium Meeting 2013.
Today, on the 16th of April, one of the industry leading monitoring software development companies, Zabbix LLC, is welcoming the potential and existing customers and partners at the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in London, the United Kingdom, at the networking event called Zabbix UK Meeting 2013.
Zabbix LLC has signed an agreement with Libre Solutions Pty Ltd, an IT consulting company based in Sydney, Australia. Both companies are specializing in open-source products, Zabbix LLC being the developer of an open-source monitoring solution and Libre Solutions being a company offering support for various open-source products.
Last week Secure IT, an IT service provider from Belgium, went to the next level of partnership and became Zabbix Certified Partner.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with KVINT LLP, a leading network and telecommunications equipment distributor in Kazakhstan.
On the 26th of February, 2013, the delegation of 14 Toyota Communication Systems Co., Ltd representatives was in Riga, Latvia, paying an official visit to Zabbix HQ. Among the delegates there were sectional leaders, system operation and support staff members.
Zabbix Japan LLC has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with a now current Reseller of Zabbix ARK Systems Co., Ltd. from Japan.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Reseller Partnership agreement with an IT security service provider from Belgium – Secure IT.
Zabbix Japan LLC signed a certified partnership agreement with West Three Corporation from Tokyo, Japan.
Zabbix LLC signed a Reseller partnership agreement with IT Squared, a Ukrainian IT service provider.
Zabbix Japan LLC has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with IIM Human Solution Corporation, a consulting and outsourcing services provider for computer system operation and installation.
Zabbix LLC has signed a Reseller partnership agreement with IXI Information Security Lab, is among the largest IT-security service providers from Russian Federation. On the service list that IXI offers to its clients is IXI Network Security, which is concentrating on threats investigation. Zabbix is one of the tools IXI uses to investigate the threats and prevent the failure.
FocusWEB, a system integrations and cloud service provider located in Saitama, Japan, has signed a Reseller agreement with Zabbix Japan LLC, one of the industry leaders in monitoring software development, with the goal of promoting the implementation of a distributed monitoring solution to its system integration and cloud services.
Johokobo, the Tokyo-based Japanese company, has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC, one of the industry leaders in monitoring software development.
Zabbix LLC has signed the Reseller Partnership agreement with an IT service provider from Argentina – Tecnologias Racionales S.A. The company offers a range of IT services from software development to performance testing to companies in Latin America.
On the 14th of November Zabbix Company has announced that Unirede Soluções Corporativas, a Certified Partner of Zabbix for over 4 years, has been promoted to a Premium Partner. Unirede have done a really good job over these four years.
Zabbix Company has announced a France Meeting 2012 – an upcoming conference-type event taking place on December 6th, 2012 at 10:00 in the conference hall of the Embassy of Latvia (Ambassade de Lettonie) at 6 Villa Saïd, Paris, France.
Today, on the 3rd of October 2012, a press conference was held in Japan’s capital Tokyo that was dedicated to the opening of the first international subsidiary of Zabbix SIA. Zabbix Japan LLC will officially open its doors on the 16th of October.
157 delegates from 27 countries attended Zabbix Conference 2012 last weekend. Professionals from various industries: IT, telecommunications, advertising, finance, as well as healthcare, public and government sectors, gathered to share the knowledge and new ideas about Zabbix Monitoring Solution.
INFOCOM CORPORATION (Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Norihiro Takehara), the IT service provider for enterprise level businesses, and Zabbix LLC (Riga, Latvia, CEO: Alexei Vladishev), one of the industry leading monitoring software development companies have signed a Certified Partnership Agreement.
(TOTAL SERVER SOLUTIONS) Atlanta, GA, USA -- Server management & technical services company, Total Server Solutions today released information regarding changes and improvements to their industry leading monitoring services. As part of their Total Server Management offering, the Total Server Solutions team offers full server monitoring. Monitoring solutions are also offered on an individual, custom basis as needed by customers.
2nd international Zabbix Conference will take place in Riga, Latvia on
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan (Tokyo, Japan, President: Tatsuo Ishii,) signed the Certified Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA (Riga, Latvia, CEO: Alexei Vladishev), one of the industry leading monitoring software development companies.
Zabbix is very proud to announce that Systematica s.r.l., after being a Zabbix Reseller for over 3 years, has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA.
Zabbix is glad to announce a new certified partnership agreement between Zabbix SIA and IntelliTrend GmbH, a newly established IT service provider in Northern Germany.
FitechForce, Inc (Japan, Representative Director: Satoshi Hosogami), which specializes in software for financial industry, is providing Zabbix products and its original support services to companies in Japan by being the Certified Partner of Zabbix SIA (Riga, Latvia, CEO: Alexei Vladishev). Many Japanese companies take advantage of the global human resource market and locate their subsidiaries and establish their outsourcing partners offshore, in South Korea and China. As a result, there is an increased demand for Zabbix support, localized for those countries. To satisfy this demand, starting from June 20, 2012 FitechForce will start providing Zabbix support in Chinese and Korean languages.
Zabbix has signed a reseller partnership agreement with Tecnologia OVMC, C.A., an IT service provider from Venezuela, which operates in Colombia, Panama and Venezuela. For Zabbix it is a great opportunity to extend its presence and to reach new customers in Latin American region. At the same time, Tecnologia OVMC will gain a competitive advantage by delivering one of the leading monitoring solutions and related services to its customers.
BSP Incorporated (Tokyo, Japan; CEO, Hiroki Takefuji), a software development company for IT operations management, signed a Certified Partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA (Riga, Latvia, CEO, Alexei Vladishev), one of the leading companies in the development of monitoring software.
Zabbix SIA and MATRICS Communications (Toulouse, France) have signed a reseller partnership agreement.
Zabbix Company are proud to announce that after being a Zabbix Reseller Partner for over 3 years ALDABA Servicios Profesionales (ALDABA) have decided to become a Certified Partner of Zabbix SIA.
ARK Systems Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Hedehumi Owase), system integrations company that specializes in system management, operation management, and system construction, signed the Reseller Agreement with Zabbix SIA (Riga, Latvia, CEO: Alexei Vladishev), one of the industry leading monitoring software development companies.
The Zabbix Company are proud to announce the release of the latest 2.0 version of software.
Zabbix SIA (Latvia) and Softnix Technology Co., Ltd. (Thailand) have signed a reseller partnership agreement. This settlement is going to create new business opportunities for both companies and increase awareness of Zabbix and Softnix Technology in South-East Asian market.
Zabbix, one of the industry leading monitoring software development companies, will have a booth at Cloud Computing EXPO, a part of Japan IT Week 2012, at Tokyo Big Site from 9th to 11th of May.
CROSS HEAD, represented by CEO Masami Cho, a network integration and engineering service company from Tokyo, Japan, signed the Certified Partnership Agreement with Zabbix SIA, one of industry leading monitoring software development companies.
Zabbix SIA, the developer of one of the leading solutions for network monitoring and Allenta Consulting S.L., a Spanish-based consulting company that specialises in Linux and UNIX system administration, have signed a Certified Partnership agreement.
Zabbix SIA, one of the industry leading monitoring software development companies, and Axel IT s.a.s., an international IT consulting company, signed a Reseller Partnership agreement. Axel IT have many services to offer to their customers, like technical assistance and support, all sorts of training, business solutions integration, but from now on they will widen their service sphere by introducing Zabbix monitoring solution to their clients. With Zabbix on the company’s service list, Axel IT will become more competitive and demanded on the market.
Zabbix SIA (Latvia, CEO: Alexei Vladishev), Zabbix, one of industry leading monitoring software development companies, and Intelligence Business Solutions, Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Toshihiro Ozawa), which provides business consulting and system development, have signed Development sponsorship agreement and announce the development of Zabbix configuration backup tool.
Intelligence Business Solutions, Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Toshihiro Ozawa), which provides business consulting and system development services, signed a partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA (Latvia, CEO: Alexei Vladishev), one of industry leading monitoring software development companies.
Riga- SERVETECH Co.,Ltd(Yokohama, Japan, CEO: Akinari Honda) signed the Reseller partnership agreement with Zabbix SIA(RIga, Latvia, CEO: Alexei Vladishev), Zabbix, one of industry leading monitoring software development companies.
Zabbix has signed a Certified Partner agreement with one of the largest telecommunications companies in Poland – Telekomunikacja Polska. This partnership is promising to bring both companies higher on the market ladder, while customers of the new partner will benefit from using the world`s leading monitoring solution to ensure uninterrupted work of their information systems.
Zabbix SIA has recently expanded its operations within German and Swiss markets by signing a partnership agreement with DV-Loesungen Schreiner GmbH. Both companies have found common synergy in providing IT services for the businesses and enterprises of any sizes within assigned markets. Such alliance of like-minded companies will hopefully lead to increasing success and growing appearance of Zabbix product and services on assigned regions.
Zabbix LLC, the developer of a popular monitoring solution, and Safetech Innovations, an expert in IT security and continuity, have signed a partnership agreement. Safetech became the first partner of Zabbix in Romania.
Zabbix, one of industry leading monitoring software development companies, and FitechForce, Inc. (Japan), an experienced web application development company, have signed a partnership agreement, as a result of which FitechForce became a third Certified Partner of Zabbix in Japan.
Zabbix, development company behind leading monitoring solution, represented by senior staff members will attend FOSDEM that will take place in Brussels, Belgium on February 4-5, 2012.
On March 22, 2012 Riga Technical University (RTU) for the 9th time will host Karjeras Diena 2012 (Career Day 2012). This special event is dedicated to informing university students about best and strongest companies within relevant industries with an aim to bring undergraduates closer to potential employers.
Zabbix LLC in cooperation with Above IT B.V., a Zabbix reseller located in the Netherlands, had signed a contract for providing Zabbix support services to Gemeente Den Haag.
Zabbix LLC, a world famous open-source monitoring application developer from Latvia, will participate in CeBIT 2012 that will take place in Hannover, Germany on March 06-10, 2012.
By signing reseller agreement with company Nord Vendee Informatique, Zabbix further expands its presence on IT monitoring market in France.
Zabbix is proud to announce the start of partnership with Quadrata di Bellini Dimitri, IT solution company from Torino, Italy.
New York, NY (Jan 5, 2012) Ez Texting, an industry leading text messaging platform, and Zabbix LLC, a software developer company, have renewed their successful partnership, which provides easy to implement SMS-based server monitoring alerts.
Zabbix CEO and founder, Alexei Vladishev, is to participate as a speaker in Latinoware 2011, Latin-American Open Source Software Conference that will take place in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
International Zabbix Conference 2011, which will be held at Tallink Hotel Riga (Riga, Latvia) between September 30 and October 1 will gather together above 120 IT industry professionals and decision makers from around the world to celebrate Zabbix monitoring solution software 10th anniversary.
New York, NY (Mar 31, 2011) Ez Texting, an affordable text messaging platform, and Zabbix LLC, a software developer company, have announced a technical partnership. Zabbix, one of the most popular open source distributed monitoring solutions in the world, is already used by a vast number of companies, thanks to its scalability, high and robust performance, ease of use and extremely low costs of ownership.
Zabbix LLC announces that it is deepening its relationship with MIRACLE LINUX CORPORATION from Reseller Partner to Certified Partner. This increased cooperation is based on a shared vision for Zabbix on the part of Mr Alexei Vladishev, CEO of Zabbix LLC, and Mr Takashi Kodama, CEO of MIRACLE LINUX, and will result in dedicated support for critical systems to customers across Japan.
Frequentis and Zabbix have announced a technical partnership for the ATC environment. The two companies are working together on developments relevant to safety-critical issues. The Zabbix monitoring tool is used within the Frequentis smartStrips and smartTools solutions, contributing significantly to the safety and security enhancements achieved by these tower automation products.
Zabbix LLC has released an appliance that can be installed on top of such virtual systems as VMware and VirtualBox. The appliance allow to deploy and configure Zabbix monitoring solution quickly and efficiently.
"Alerta Security Solutions" signs partnership with Zabbix. The partnership was formalized between the Alerta Security Solutions and Zabbix LLC.
Core IT Project has signed a reseller agreement with Zabbix LLC and intend to provide high level support through Zabbix LLC to customers.
DATASYS s.r.o. has signed an agreement on cooperation with ZABBIX LLC, the company that develops the ZABBIX system, a quality open-source solution for network monitoring.
Grupo LLC based in Spain is glad to announce partnership with the company developer of Zabbix software - Zabbix LLC.
KÜRT Information Security and Data Recovery Ltd. has signed a Certified Partnership agreement with Zabbix LLC, the company - creator of the Open Source IT monitoring solution Zabbix.
ALDABA Servicios Profesionales is pleased to announce a partnership with ZABBIX SIA, the developer of ZABBIX, probably the best network monitoring solution in the world.
Pragmatic Source, a French Open Source expertise company, has signed a reseller agreement with Zabbix SIA, the company - creator of the groundbreaking Open Source IT monitoring solution ZABBIX.
Futureservice, a Russian company, and Zabbix SIA, the company-creator of ZABBIX enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution, join forces in order to promote, implement and integrate ZABBIX monitoring solution at the Russian market.
MIRACLE LINUX CORPORATION (Headquarters: Higashishimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Takashi Kodama; hereinafter referred to as MIRACLE LINUX) signed a reseller agreement with ZABBIX SIA, which has introduced ZABBIX, an open-source and integrated software solution to monitor IT environments. MIRACLE LINUX announces to resell consulting and support services for ZABBIX.-2008
The Japanese company NTT ComTechnology Corporation and Zabbix SIA of the Republic of Latvia are pleased to announce that NTT ComTechnology Corporation changes its status from ZABBIX Certified Partner to ZABBIX Premium Partner.-2008
The Japanese company NTTCom Technology Corporation (hereafter NTTCom Techno) and ZABBIX SIA of the Republic of Latvia are pleased to announce that they join forces in order to introduce ZABBIX, an enterprise-class open source distributed network management system (NMS), at Japanese market.
"Partnership with ZABBIX LLC will provide customers with support backed by knowledge and experience of ZABBIX team. Our experience has proven that ZABBIX is an excellent tool that provides all the resources for distributed monitoring of servers and networks. ZABBIX represents a highly important addition to our portfolio.", said Luciano Alves, CEO of Unirede Soluções Corporativas.
"With the combination of our partnership with ZABBIX LLC and our own ZABBIX Certified Specialists, we professionalized our support to our current and new customers, including demo`s, training courses and support contracts," says Leo Dil, managing director of NetCon BV.
"As a Consulting company providing network analysis and monitoring services in virtual infrastructure and physical environments we depend on a flexible, scalable and reliable monitoring solution to meet the expectations of our business customers. ZABBIX LLC provides an excellent combination of an open source solution backed up with commercial support,. said Wolfgang Alper CEO of Altrust Consulting.
"Partnering with ZABBIX is the insurance we want to provide to our customers. With ZABBIX enterprise and open source monitoring solution and our expertise, we will be the doctor you need: we will take care of your infrastructure and trigger the required preventive actions to make sure your applications are always available," says Maxime Chambreuil, Partnership Manager of Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
The partnership with ZABBIX provides Thinking Objects with the access to the open-source technology complemented by our experience as an established retailer,. comments Kai-Thorsten Hambrecht of Thinking Objects.
"We wanted to partner with ZABBIX because we are always on the lookout for up and coming companies that have the potential to make a big splash in the management space. ZABBIX is very different from most of the currently available open source solutions," said Jeff Parker, Managing Partner of OpenWater Solutions.
"This partnership is all about helping organizations meet the challenge of improving their services," said Juris Puce, chief executive officer of check.IT.
ZABBIX Company is pleased to announce the availability of commercial support of its open-source network and application centralized monitoring solution.