Notes de publication pour Zabbix 3.2.5rc1

L’équipe Zabbix a le plaisir d’annoncer la sortie de Zabbix 3.2.5rc1.

Zabbix est une solution open source de supervision distribuée destinée aux entreprises. Zabbix est distribué sous licence publique générale (GPL). Il est donc gratuit pour les usages commerciaux et non commerciaux. Les conditions complètes de cette licence sont disponibles sur

Ce document contient les notes de publication pour Zabbix 3.2.5rc1. Téléchargez-le depuis download.

Les sections ci-dessous décrivent la version en détail et donnent des informations de dernière minute ou d’autres renseignements qui complètent la documentation principale.

Corrections de bugs

ZBX-12075 Fixed security vulnerability with execution of the remote commands on server; thanks to Lilith Wyatt, Cisco Systems Server
ZBX-12076 Fixed security vulnerability with execution of the remote commands on proxy; thanks to Lilith Wyatt, Cisco Systems Server
ZBX-11024 Fixed popup window size in actions configuration form Frontend
ZBX-10997 Fixed usage of wrong API in screen constructor Frontend
ZBX-11477 Fixed lost user name in profile title Frontend
ZBX-11889 Fixed lastaccess update for passive proxy Server
ZBX-10373 Fixed check for screen items overlap API
ZBX-11960 Fixed interface dragging in host edit page in the Chrome browser Frontend
ZBX-11925 Fixed parsing of nested host groups Frontend
ZBX-11345 Fixed webscenario update error when step does not exist Frontend
ZBX-11975 Fixed undefined index error in web scenario step creation Frontend
ZBX-11980 Fixed incorrect type handling in SSH checks Proxy Server
ZBX-11959 Fixed memory leak in the agent on OpenBSD, FreeBSD and NetBSD Agent
ZBX-11984 Fixed host hyperlink style on event details page Frontend
ZBX-11807 Fixed poller stalling due to incorrect handling of unixODBC library Proxy Server
ZBX-11877 Fixed undefined index error in screens for triggers without events data Frontend
ZBX-9358 Improved randomness in session ID generation API
ZBX-11933 Added fullscreen parameter in link to submap in maps Frontend
ZBX-11893 Fixed permission issue, when importing hosts that are monitored by proxy by Zabbix Admin type user API
ZBX-11905 Fixed redirect to original requested page after login Frontend
ZBX-11907 Fixed undefined index in event details page Frontend
ZBX-11931 Fixed trigger lastchange update Server
ZBX-11864 Fixed formatting of URLs if an IPv6 is used in simple HTTPS checks Proxy Server
ZBX-11738 Fixed performing actions for problems that have started and resolved while another problem escalation is executed Server
ZBX-6851 Fixed zero number display in Event ID column in windows eventlog history Frontend
ZBX-11829 Fixed generation of problems in multiple event mode Server
ZBX-11624 Fixed undefined index error for regular expressions form Frontend
ZBX-11855 Fixed data truncation when escaping strings that contain carriage return Proxy Server
ZBX-11444 Fixed incorrect check for time functions in recovery expressions Server
ZBX-11758 Fixed crash in web monitoring when variable is empty or the first step was called regexp function on Solaris Proxy Server
ZBX-11765 Fixed incorrect rollback in process of escalation for DB2 database Proxy Server

Notes concernant l’installation et la mise à jour


Consultez le Manuel Zabbix pour plus d’informations.

Mise à jour

Consultez le Procédure de mise à jour for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.2.5.

Assistance commerciale

Zabbix propose une large gamme de Services professionnels. Nous proposons également une Services de mise à jour migration facile et sans accroc vers des versions antérieures de Zabbix. Merci de Contactez le service commercial pour connaître les tarifs et pour en savoir plus sur ces services.


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