Notes de publication pour Zabbix 2.0.0rc1

L’équipe Zabbix a le plaisir d’annoncer la sortie de Zabbix 2.0.0rc1.

Zabbix est une solution open source de supervision distribuée destinée aux entreprises. Zabbix est distribué sous licence publique générale (GPL). Il est donc gratuit pour les usages commerciaux et non commerciaux. Les conditions complètes de cette licence sont disponibles sur

Ce document contient les notes de publication pour Zabbix 2.0.0rc1. Téléchargez-le depuis download.

Les sections ci-dessous décrivent la version en détail et donnent des informations de dernière minute ou d’autres renseignements qui complètent la documentation principale.

New Features and Improvements

ZBX-4751 Removed "WITH OIDS" option from PostgreSQL database scheme
ZBXNEXT-397 Added support of web monitoring by Zabbix proxy
ZBX-3531 Configuration export/import
ZBX-4581 Added time unit symbols support to aggregate items
ZBX-4333 Implemented dependency validation in trigger::adddependencies
ZBX-4333 Implemented dependency inheritance in the trigger.adddependencies and trigger.deletedependencies methods
ZBXNEXT-904 Redesign Configuration->Screens
ZBX-4600 Trigger dependencies will now be deleted when executing a mass update with no dependencies selected
ZBX-4563 Changed the hostmacro related UserMacro method interfaces
ZBX-4563 Improved SQL query debug log design
ZBX-4537 Improved include_once statements to make Zabbix code easier to reuse
ZBXNEXT-1113 Redesign Configuration->Host->Discovery rules
ZBXNEXT-1107 Redesign Configuration->Audit
ZBX-2604 Added processing of not supported items monitored by a proxy
ZBXNEXT-903 Redesign Configuration->Items
ZBXNEXT-909 Redesign Configuration->Discovery

Corrections de bugs

ZBX-3528 Fixed letter numbering of long lists
ZBX-4725 Fixed processing lld rules with macros in a key
ZBX-4730 Removed incorrect JS function call in the event history screen
ZBX-3522 Fixed errors when inserting too long values in the user_history and profiles tables
ZBX-4333 Fixed trigger inheritance when calling trigger.update whithout a trigger expression
ZBX-4333 Fixed host trigger mass update
ZBX-4333 Fixed trigger dependency copying
ZBX-4629 Fixed processing Y axis min/max values for graph prototypes
ZBX-4641 Fixed errors in a "Discovery checks" popup
ZBX-4202 Fixed SQL performance in tr_status.php - combined similar queries, user data SQL access only once, triggerids retrieval optimization
ZBX-4647 Fixed trigger and item prototype inheritance
ZBX-4467 Fixed the ZBX_MAX_PERIOD constant not affecting the timebar control
ZBX-4562 Fixed mediatype.update returning incorrectly formatted result
ZBX-4187 Fixed dashbord fonts on popup. fixed js error on last 20 issues
ZBX-4607 Fixed the script.getscriptbyhosts method returning scripts from nodes defferent from hosts
ZBX-4607 Fixed the script "Host groups" parameter
ZBX-4607 Fixed the script.get methods "selectHosts" and "selectGroups" options
ZBX-4607 Fixed new ID generation in DM setup
ZBX-4253 Fixed menu link inconsistency in tr_status.php
ZBX-4554 Fixed ordering
ZBX-4295 Fixed icons ending outside map. Removed icon resizing responsible for infinite loop
ZBX-4296 Fixed popup menu unavailable for disabled hosts
ZBX-4693 Fixed hosts table foreign key constraint error during database upgrade
ZBX-4563 Fixed host macro IDs being regenerated when updating macros
ZBX-4563 Fixed several macro validation issues
ZBX-4563 Fixed macro sorting
ZBX-3735 Fixed login form to send passwords via POST not GET; thanks to Joseph Bueno
ZBX-954 Increased API version to 1.4, Zabbix 1.8.x is using 1.3
ZBX-4604 Fixed the "change" link not being accessible for graph type screen items in embedded screens
ZBX-4560 Fixed low level discovery error messages to start with uppercase 'Cannot ...'
ZBX-4677 Fixed minor typo in class.cscript.php; thanks to Łukasz Jernaś
ZBX-4261 Fixed disovery rules in the queue calculation
ZBX-4624 Fixed processing of system.cpu.switches metric
ZBX-4623 Fixed host group visibility for non superadmins.
ZBX-4662 Fixed server crash while linking a template with DebugLevel=4
ZBX-1335 Improved Item filter.
ZBX-4630 Fixed "Trigger overview" screen.
ZBX-4628 Fixed an "invalid number of fields" error when syncing configuration on proxy
ZBX-4593 Fixed "trigger info" type screen item resource validation
ZBX-4599 Fixed errors in building select queries in Event.get()
ZBX-1787 Fixed gradient element rendering if the value exceeds the max Y scale value
ZBX-4494 Fixed some types of screen items not being returned by Screen.get()
ZBX-4591 More secure substituting of macros in item keys and dynamic SNMP OIDs
ZBX-4598 Fixed audit error when saving triggers
ZBX-4598 Fixed templated trigger inheritance
ZBX-3373 Fixed host interfaces filtering in items.
ZBX-4110 Fixed "ssh key" field and "password" field names in items.
ZBX-3466 Fixed creating new item without hostname.
ZBX-1601 Fixed clear history and trends of items for templates.
ZBX-3330, ZBX-4280 Fixed remembering of item filter parameters.
ZBX-2662, ZBX-3304 Fixed reset button style in filter.
ZBX-2071 Fixed IPMI sensors with trailing spaces in items.
ZBX-2631 Fixed flexible interval configuration in items.
ZBX-4596 Fixed trigger prototype deletion.
ZBX-2515 Set 15 minutes autologout as default for new users
ZBX-4580 Fixed trigger info pop up in the item configuration list

Notes concernant l’installation et la mise à jour


Consultez le Manuel Zabbix pour plus d’informations.

Mise à jour

Consultez le Procédure de mise à jour for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.0.

Assistance commerciale

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