
Opsgenie is a modern incident management platform that ensures critical incidents are never missed, and actions are taken by the right people in the shortest possible time. Opsgenie receives alerts from your monitoring systems and custom applications and categorizes each alert based on importance and timing.

Available solutions

This template is for Zabbix version: 7.0

Source: https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/templates/media/opsgenie?at=release/7.0

Opsgenie webhook

This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix installation with Opsgenie using Zabbix webhook feature. This guide provides instructions on setting up a media type, a user and an action in Zabbix.

In Opsgenie

  1. Create an API Key following original instructions on how to integrate API.

  2. Copy the API Key of your new integration to use it in Zabbix.

In Zabbix

The configuration consists of a media type in Zabbix, which will invoke the webhook to send alerts to Opsgenie through the Opsgenie Rest API.

  1. Create a global macro {$ZABBIX.URL} following instructions in Zabbix documentation with Zabbix frontend URL - for example,

  1. Import Opsgenie media type from this file media_opsgenie.yaml following instructions in Zabbix documentation.

  1. Change the values of variables:

You can also set your own tags into opsgenie_tags as <comma_separated_list_of_tags> and team names into opsgenie_teams as <comma_separated_list_of_responders>.
The priority level in severity_default will be used for non-triggered actions.

For more information on Zabbix webhook configuration, see Zabbix documentation.

To utilize the media type, it is recommended to create a dedicated Zabbix user to represent Opsgenie. See more details on creating Zabbix user. Opsgenie user should suffice the default settings as this user will not be logging into Zabbix. Note that in order to be notified about problems on a host, this user must have at least read permissions for this host.
When configuring alert action, add this user in the Send to users field (in Operation details) - this will tell Zabbix to use Opsgenie webhook when sending notifications from this action. Use the Opsgenie user in any actions of your choice. A text from "Action Operations" will be sent to "Opsgenie Alert" when the problem occurs. The text from "Action Recovery Operations" and "Action Update Operations" will be sent to "Opsgenie Alert Notes" when the problem is resolved or updated.


Media testing can be done manually, from Media types page. Press Test button opposite to previously defined media type.

  1. To create a problem following fields should be set:

    • event.subject = MEDIA TYPE TEST
    • event.id = 12345
    • event.source = 0 (it simulates trigger based event)
    • event.update.status = 0 (not an update operation)
    • event.value = 1 (this is a problem event)

  2. Having successfully sent a request from Zabbix, check if it is received in Opsgenie alert panel (it may require refreshing).

  3. To close this problem from Zabbix, change event.value to 0 (it indicates a recovery event) on the test page and press Test button again to send the problem close request.

  4. Confirm that problem is closed in Opsgenie panel.

Internal alerts

To receive notifications about an internal problem and recovery events in Opsgenie, mark the Custom message checkbox in the internal action configuration and specify custom message templates for problem and recovery operations. If an internal action operation is configured without a custom message, the notification will not be sent. Note that this step is required only for notifications about internal events; for other event types specifying a custom message is optional.

See more details on Notifications upon events in Zabbix documentation and on Alert API in Opsgenie documentation.

Known issues

If both recovery and update operations are defined for an action and the problem is closed manually in the frontend, closing operation will be executed first. Update operations for the resolved event will not be executed but the status of these operations will be changed to "Sent" in order to stop failed request attempts.

Supported Versions

Zabbix 7.0, Opsgenie Alert API.


Please report any issues with this media type at https://support.zabbix.com. You can also provide feedback, discuss the template, or ask for help at ZABBIX forums.

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