8 Unit symbols


Working with large values such as "86400", "104857600", or "1000000" can be challenging and can lead to errors. Therefore, Zabbix supports unit symbols (suffixes) that function as value multipliers.

The use of suffixes can simplify, for example, the configuration of trigger expressions, making them easier to understand and maintain.

Trigger expressions without suffixes:


Trigger expressions with suffixes:


Suffixes can also simplify the configuration of other entities - item keys, widgets, etc. To see if a configuration field supports suffixes, always see the relevant page for the entity being configured.

Time suffixes

Zabbix supports the following time suffixes:

  • s - seconds (when used, works the same as the raw value)
  • m - minutes
  • h - hours
  • d - days
  • w - weeks
  • M - months (trend functions only)
  • y - years (trend functions only)

Time suffixes support only integer numbers. For example, "1h" is supported, but "1,5h" or "1.5h" is not; use "90m" instead.

Memory size suffixes

Zabbix supports the following memory size suffixes:

  • K - kilobyte
  • M - megabyte
  • G - gigabyte
  • T - terabyte

Other uses

Unit symbols are also used for a human-readable representation of data in Zabbix frontend.

Zabbix server and frontend support the following unit symbols (suffixes):

  • K - kilo
  • M - mega
  • G - giga
  • T - tera
  • P - peta (frontend only)
  • E - exa (frontend only)
  • Z - zetta (frontend only)
  • Y - yotta (frontend only)

When displaying item values in bytes (B) or bytes per second (Bps), a base 2 conversion is applied (1K = 1024B); otherwise, a base 10 conversion is applied (1K = 1000).