Macro functions offer the ability to customize macro values (for example, shorten or extract specific substrings), making them easier to work with.
The syntax of a macro function is:
For example:
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(pattern, output)}
{{$USERMACRO}.regsub(pattern, output)}
{{#LLDMACRO}.regsub(pattern, output)}
Macro functions are supported for
Macro functions can be used in all locations supporting the listed macros. This applies unless explicitly stated that only a macro is expected (for example, when configuring host macros or low-level discovery rule filters).
A single function per macro is supported; multiple macro functions in chain are not supported.
Please see escaping examples for cases when macro functions are used inside other contexts (function, item key, another macro, etc).
The functions are listed without additional information. Click on the function to see the full details.
Function | Description |
btoa | Encoding macro value into Base64 encoding. |
fmtnum | Number formatting to control the number of digits printed after the decimal point. |
fmttime | Time formatting. |
htmldecode | Decoding macro value from HTML encoding. |
htmlencode | Encoding macro value into HTML encoding. |
iregsub | Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-insensitive). |
lowercase | Transformation of macro value characters into lowercase. |
regrepl | Replacement of character/substring in macro value. |
regsub | Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-sensitive). |
tr | Transliteration of macro value characters. |
uppercase | Transformation of macro value characters into uppercase. |
urldecode | Decoding macro value from URL encoding. |
urlencode | Encoding macro value into URL encoding. |
Optional function parameters are indicated by < >.
Encoding a macro value into Base64 encoding. Base64 encoding is a method for representing binary data as text, useful for storing and secure transmission of binary content over text-based protocols.
Number formatting to control the number of digits printed after the decimal point.
{{ITEM.VALUE}.fmtnum(2)} - will return "24.34" from a received value of "24.3413523"
{{ITEM.VALUE}.fmtnum(0)} - will return "24" from a received value of "24.3413523"
Time formatting.
Note that this function can be used with macros that resolve to a value in one of the following time formats:
(ISO8601 standard)Parameters:
function formatting;-<N><time_unit>
or +<N><time_unit>
, where:
- the number of time units to add or subtract;time_unit
- h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (month) or y (year).Comments:
parameter supports multistep time operations and may include /<time_unit>
for shifting to the beginning of the time unit (/d
- midnight, /w
- 1st day of the week (Monday), /M
- 1st day of the month, etc.). Examples: -1w
- exactly 7 days back; -1w/w
- Monday of the previous week; -1w/w+1d
- Tuesday of the previous week.-1M/d+1h/w
will be parsed as ((-1M/d)+1h)/w
{{TIME}.fmttime(%B)} - will return "October" from a received value of "12:36:01"
{{TIME}.fmttime(%d %B,-1M/M)} - will return "1 September" from a received value of "12:36:01"
Decoding a macro value from HTML encoding.
The following characters are supported:
Value | Decoded value |
& |
& |
< |
< |
> |
> |
" |
" |
' |
' |
' |
' |
Encoding a macro value into HTML encoding.
The following characters are supported:
Value | Encoded value |
& |
& |
< |
< |
> |
> |
" |
" |
' |
' |
Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-insensitive).
{{ITEM.VALUE}.iregsub("fail|error|fault|problem","ERROR")} - will resolve to "ERROR" if "fail", "error", "fault", or "problem" substrings are received (case-insensitive); nothing if there is no match
Transformation of all macro value characters into lowercase. Works with single-byte character sets (such as ASCII) and does not support UTF-8.
{{ITEM.VALUE}.lowercase()} - will transform a value like "Zabbix SERVER" into "zabbix server" (lowercase)
Replacement of character/substring in macro value.
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regrepl("oldParam", "newParam")} - will replace "oldParam" with "newParam"
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regrepl("([^a-z])","\\\1")} - all non-letter characters will be escaped with a backslash
{$THRESHOLD:"{{#FSNAME}.regrepl(\"\\$\",\"\")}"} - will remove a trailing backslash (for example, to replace "C:\" with "C:")
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regrepl("_v1\.0", "_v2.0", "\(final\)", "")} - will replace multiple parts in item value
Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-sensitive).
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^([0-9]+)", Problem ID: \1)} - will resolve to "Problem ID: 123" if a value like "123 Log line" is received
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("fail|error|fault|problem","ERROR")} - will resolve to "ERROR" if "fail", "error", "fault", or "problem" substrings are received (case-sensitive); nothing if there is no match
See more examples.
Transliteration of macro value characters.
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr(abc, xyz)} - will replace all occurrences of "a" with "x", "b" with "y", "c" with "z"
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr(abc, xyzq)} - will replace all occurrences of "a" with "x", "b" with "y", "c" with "z" ("q" is ignored)
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr(abcde, xyz)} - will replace all occurrences of "a" with "x", "b" with "y", "c" with "z", "d" with "z", "e" with "z" (i.e. xyzzz)
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr("\\\'", "\/\"")} - will replace all occurrences of backslash with forward slash, single quotes with double quotes
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr(A-Z,a-z)} - will convert all letters to lowercase
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr(0-9a-z,*)} - will replace all numbers and lowercase letters with "*"
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr(0-9,ab)} - will replace all occurrences of 0 with "a", and replace all occurrences of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 with "b"
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr(0-9abcA-L,*)} - will replace all numbers, "abc" characters, and A-L range with "*"
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr("\n","*")} - will replace end-of-line occurrences with *
{{ITEM.VALUE}.tr("e", "\n")} - will replace all "e" with end-of-line
To include literal characters:
backslash - must be escaped as \\
single quote - must be escaped as \'
double quote - must be escaped as \"
Supported escape sequences with backslash:
\\\\ => \\ - double backslash to single backslash
\\a => \a - alert
\\b => \b - backspace
\\f => \f - form feed
\\n => \n - newline
\\r => \r - return
\\t => \t - horizontal tab
\\v => \v - vertical tab
Transformation of all macro value characters into uppercase. Works with single-byte character sets (such as ASCII) and does not support UTF-8.
{{ITEM.VALUE}.uppercase()} - will transform a value like "Zabbix Server" into "ZABBIX SERVER" (uppercase)
Decoding a macro value from URL encoding.
Encoding a macro value into URL encoding.
The table below shows more examples of using macro functions.
Macro function | Received value | Output |
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(^[0-9]+, Problem)} |
123Log line |
Problem |
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^([0-9]+)", "Problem")} |
123 Log line |
Problem |
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(".*", "Problem ID: \1")} |
Log line |
Problem ID: |
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^(\w+).*?([0-9]+)", " Problem ID: \1_\2 ")} |
MySQL crashed errno 123 |
Problem ID: MySQL\_123 |
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("([1-9]+", "Problem ID: \1")} |
123 Log line |
UNKNOWN (invalid regular expression) |
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+)", \1)} |
customername_1 |
customername |
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+)", \2)} |
customername_1 |
1 |
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+", \1)} |
customername_1 |
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+", \1)} (invalid regular expression) |
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\", \1)}"} |
customername_1 |
{$MACRO:"customername"} |
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\", \2)}"} |
customername_1 |
{$MACRO:"1"} |
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+\", \1)}"} |
customername_1 |
{$MACRO:"{{#M}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+\", \1)}"} (invalid regular expression) |
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\\", \1)}\"}" |
customername_1 |
"{$MACRO:\"customername\"}" |
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\\", \2)}\"}" |
customername_1 |
"{$MACRO:\"1\"}" |
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+\\", \1)}\"}" |
customername_1 |
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+\\", \1)}\"}" (invalid regular expression) |
Long values of resolved {ITEM.VALUE} and {ITEM.LASTVALUE} macros for text/log items are truncated to 20 characters in some frontend locations. To see the full values of these macros you may use macro functions, e.g.:
See also: {ITEM.VALUE} and {ITEM.LASTVALUE} macro details.