Click on the respective function group to see more details.
Function group | Functions | |
Aggregate functions | avg, bucket_percentile, count, histogram_quantile, item_count, kurtosis, mad, max, min, skewness, stddevpop, stddevsamp, sum, sumofsquares, varpop, varsamp | |
Foreach functions | avg_foreach, bucket_rate_foreach, count_foreach, exists_foreach, last_foreach, max_foreach, min_foreach, sum_foreach | |
Bitwise functions | bitand, bitlshift, bitnot, bitor, bitrshift, bitxor | |
Date and time functions | date, dayofmonth, dayofweek, now, time | |
History functions | change, changecount, count, countunique, find, first, firstclock, fuzzytime, last, lastclock, logeventid, logseverity, logsource, logtimestamp, monodec, monoinc, nodata, percentile, rate | |
Trend functions | baselinedev, baselinewma, trendavg, trendcount, trendmax, trendmin, trendstl, trendsum | |
Mathematical functions | abs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, avg, cbrt, ceil, cos, cosh, cot, degrees, e, exp, expm1, floor, log, log10, max, min, mod, pi, power, radians, rand, round, signum, sin, sinh, sqrt, sum, tan, truncate | |
Operator functions | between, in | |
Predictive functions | forecast, timeleft | |
String functions | ascii, bitlength, bytelength, char, concat, insert, jsonpath, left, length, ltrim, mid, repeat, replace, right, rtrim, trim, xmlxpath |
These functions are supported in trigger expressions and calculated items.
Foreach functions are supported only for aggregate calculations.